(2006) Brides of year 2006


New Member
hi all, me planning to have my AD on 7th Oct 2006, can i join u gals for discussion here? :)
Me ROM already , BS already booked, now sourcing for banquet


New Member
i think it's okie la..give up already..Sheraton is fine too
just hope that everything goes well

proceed to next stage


New Member
hey christine,


may i know y u signed z-wedding ah?

got any shortlisted banquet in mind nw?
wat is ur budget n expectation for a hotel or restaurant?
hw many table?


New Member
congrats ah gal! abit of rain is good luck!

magical, haven't thot of my dream theme...planning for solemnisation and dinner together..so hopefully the solemnisation can be done outdoors...followed by the typical dinner...


New Member
Me me me game!! But...er....Meraj and I met through an online "friend" website. Not a chat thingee. He sent me a rather peculiar email....Intriguing..so emailed him back....more like a e-pal thing going on for months....quite fast our friendship - I feel like I've known him for years! We've been officially going out for 4 years this November. Quite corny our story yeah?*grin*

These days, our pak tor activities includes watching films (I've never watched so many films in my life before him!), go do the historical trips around Singapore and check ourselves into hotels (his work has a lot to do with hotels whilst I love the architectural and interior aspects of a hotel..especially a boutique hotel). So actually, Meraj and I have a pretty boring dating life....how do you girls spend your days with your FHs?

Tanel, your friend's photoshoot sounds rather interesting! Will definitely ask to see bits of their pictures when we go meet him....*kaypo Marnie again*

Meraj finished his proposal. Only slept 4 hours. But he had to go to the police station again this morning to redo his report - this time in English....so cos' of that he cannot have his Aussie passport issued in time to be here for the meeting with Ngiap Heng so I had to cancel it liao..*sigh*

At this point, I am an emotional wreck - angry, sad, frustrated...all cos' of loss of passports...*sigh* Tomorrow have to talk to the insurance people to find out how to claim....

And yeah...I think of the AD photographers I have met, Choon Huat of Fast Soup meets my criteria of good photojournalistic pictures and within my budget. Check his site : http://www.fspphotos.com/ Actually always better to meet him and see his actual photos.


New Member
Thanks for sharing, Marnie. Wah, you two met in a rather unique way huh? I mean how many couples met like this and developed love interest?? Interesting!

Well, my story is kindda straight forward and boring. Met in a church camp, introduced and wham! hah, but the interesting thing was, i was going through a break up and i was feeling depressed and all that jazz. I wasn't allocated to a group initially and by sheer conincidence, i was sloted into his group; and of course the rest is history. But, i always wonder what would happen if i was slotted into another group....hmmm so i always believed something brought us together..some say fate and for the spritual ones, God?

We have been dating for about 3yrs now...our dates are more boring than yours. Its either his house or mine or a hang out at our frens' house where the guys will play xbox and the ladies...sigh just watch and get annoyed.

Yah! my friends knew each other in church but by acquaintance . One day, after church, they bumped into each other at a MRT station and they started chatting ..and u noe wat happened next. cool huh? I hope to take a peek at their photos before their wedding too!! hahahaha.

Oh, now i remember, i visited Fast Soup website before. Yah, his pics are nice!! $550, u say? OKAY, i will shortlist him!


New Member
ha ha lilacblur, no lah me nt teacher, but the lunar date is ba yue chu shi (10th Aug) mah, my mother chose wan....purely coincidence

yvonne, me too, juz ROM on 9th May 2005, BS already booked wif Whitelink and now sourcing for banquet too...


New Member
Tanel: Your story has a purpose driven meaning to it..Meeting your FH that way. Kinda sweet if you ask me...

Since Meraj and I have a pretty boring dating life, I really have no idea how the direction of the outdoor shoot will be. I can't even come up with suggestions. All I know is I like to have texture in the photos. Taht's my pre-requisite.

About Choon Huat, yeah...he gave me three different packages. S$550.00 for 4 hours, S$750.00 for 6 hours and the full package starting from 7am at S$990.00. I've yet to come across one who takes pictures as good as him and come up with packages as tempting as his...*hahhha* I'd say he's definitely a shortlist.


New Member
Marnie, u are perpeptually online are you??!!! Didn't expect a reply so soon.

i understand ya, can't think of a story line myself for the photoshoot! And maybe that's where Ngiap Heng will help u, i guess? How abt shooting at yours and meraj's fav hotels and historical places? that would be cool

ooo $550 for 4hrs is abit too short..hmmm, i wld have to take the 7hrs...


New Member
Hi Ginger,

Have you decided on PS location?
The places i am going to got no CNY decorations.. so okay..

oh well.. headache now with my reno..


New Member
Hi Tanel: Yeah...I go online (ALOT!) and browse through wedding websites get ideas for the deco and table settings. You'd think I'd be trying to find designs for my dresses, which are still giving me a bloody tough time by the way(!). But hor...I'd say, my time online does not even measure up to the time Meraj spends it online...*hehehehehe* (Now can you see the whole tag line for Meraj and I? *heeheheheheh*)

Meraj and I actually thought of the hotel thingee...we will definitely put that up for suggestion.

As for Choon Huat, maybe you can consider the 6 hour package and then add S$35.00 for an additional hour? I think that's how much he charge for additional hours. All I remember is that he charges quite reasonably.


Active Member
hi geberra!
oh so u're looking for outdoor weddings...did u manage to go to the outdoor wedding show some time back?they had quite a number of good stuff for outdoor weddinngss =)

i saw an article about beach weddings...i think was done up by stefii's. very nice!


New Member
Hi Deremi,


I signed up Z Wedding @ their roadshow at Parco. & also i like their gowns. Y leh?

will be looking into hotel , budget range not more than $800. shld be ard 38 tables...
here's my shortlisted hotels
1) Grand Plaza Parkroyal
2) Marriot
3) Hotel Intercontinental
4) Amara
5) Carlton
6) Amara
7) Grand Corpthorne Waterfront - my dad's most preferred.. hehe

Any comments/suggestions for the abv to share with me? tk u...


New Member

Who was your coordinator at Marriott? Its strange for them to treat clients that way... *Tin Tin stratch head*


New Member
hey christine,

ok! coz i feel that their service not gd. just my personal view only.

i like GPPR coz i chosen for my banquet...
their food n service is gd.

marriot also not bad...bt cant gv u any comment...nv go there b4.

Hotel Intercontinental not bad too...bt cant gv u any comment...nv go there b4.

Grand Corpthorne Waterfront just went to their bridal show...tried the food...not bad...bt the sharkfin not nice...
their ballroom is big min 40 tables for wkend.

as for others...nv go b4 so cant comment for u.


New Member

think coffee table album is the same as normal wedding albums, but the only difference is in the size of the album. coffee table album is smaller than normal albums...


New Member
sigh, TinTin, i'm so upset to be treated this way leh..so far none of the hotels i went to treat guests like this
S** din even bother to do her homework before she meet us, and somemore can say she forgot if she has made tentative booking for us..before we discuss, i let her know that marriot's package is more ex than hyatt, she say can discuss, but when i did, all perks are none negotiable unless i hit 40 tables
weekday leh..how to hit 40..

anyway, we've more or less settled for Sheraton..at least treatment there much better..and there's more room for negotiation

although comparing both, i still like Marriot's BR, but i dun think i should b treated in this manner even b4 i sign up with them...hubby even more pist off with them..so unless hubby cool off, i better not mention Marriot to him


New Member
Hi Christine

Welcome! When's yr big day? For yr table size, quite easy to find venues - lots of choices.

Usu if you sign with hotels during wedd fair, U may get more perks such as free table, free wine, FF beer, ano nite stay. Ask for more parking 20%, invite card (80%), helpers room, room for ROM etc.

My views on yr hotel
1) GPPR - not bad. Price within yr budget
2) Marriot - nice. but exceed yr budget
3) Hotel Intercontinental - havent view but exceed yr budget
4) Amara - havent view
5) Carlton - havent view. Can negotiate to use pool side for solemnization? But ballroom older.
6) Amara - see #4
7) Grand Corpthorne Waterfront - nice thou I felt that the garden view is over-hype - quite small. I think beyond yr budget.

Give a call to the hotel, ask them to email U their package. They're usu quite helpful.

For venues less than $800 per table, u can consider
1) furama waterfront - having wedding fair this sun - shld hv good perks. Pillarless and chandelier, only disadv is location & the KTV downstairs.
2) Novotel clark quay (former otani) - pillarless & chandelier. Nice pre-cocktail area with clark quay harbor view
3) Nobel house - good food.
4) Holiday Inn Park View
5) Le Meridien (my hotel)
6) hilton
7) orchard hotel

Phew such a long posting


New Member
tintin ah, i think maybe i just meet their minimum tat's y they not very keen loh..
read that quite alot of ppl got along with her.. should not b a prob la


New Member
lilacblur - depends on "luck" one... i gave up sheraton coz during the wedding show, i was attended by a not-so-nice coordinator... although i only found out that she is not a wedding coordinator later, my FH already pissed liao... so forget it lah... if we take with her, it will be like we begging her for business.... ok lah, my two cents worth.. going off liao.. talk to you when i back..


New Member
Ladies, can help me out pls?
Those wedding dinners that you attended, have you ever been in a table that seats 11 instead of usual 10? Is it cramp?



New Member
Hi Deremi & Pebs

Tks for your views!... will look into it..

Have called up GPPR to ask them for quotation. & the ballroom is available on my AD!

U've signed up with GPPR , do u mind to share with me your quotation?

I hv missed quite a nos of wedding fair, cos my date is still not settle till yesterday. Btw, my AD is on 16 Feb.

I find Z Wedding service is quite good. Have gone down to pick my ROM dress, & change appt for a couple of times for my final fittings & yet they're still nice to me... hehehe...& i really love their gowns... seen a few gowns that they showed to the other couples, is really nice..!


New Member
hey christine,
u r welcome!

ur AD quite near to mine...mine is 25 feb.

they got 3 type of packages :

silver - wkday $698 - wkend $728 - 8 course
gold - wkday $768 - wkend $798 - 9 course
diamond - wkday $798 - wkend $828 - 9 course
all nett.

if u wana know more frm GPPR can check out frm GPPR thread, i quite activity on there.

i hv booked BS loh...is frm J&M.
coz i went to z-wedding road show b4...they served me quite badly so nv sign with them.
somemore i got posted my complain on the z-wedding thread.

ur bridal package not bad...hw much the price?


New Member
Hi Deremi,

ya, only 10 days away.

Okie, will go check that out lata.

bad service ah? mmm... okok.. will go read abt it lata..
how much is your bs pkg? can share with me too? mine is $3188/-

GPPR prices quite attractive hor... i think some of them the prices went up...


New Member
Marnie: I agree with EL. Meraj seem to be quite involved. Lucky you. Cos like many couples, I will do all the reserach, then my FH just give his comments and we make decision together. However, he will always say "xin ku ni le, lao po" which means something like "You have work very hard, dear". So at least, I feel that he appreciate what I am doing.

Mmmm... as for our love story... also quite boring and normal. We met in church 9 years ago. Initially, we don't like each other very much. He finds me noisy and loud. I find him not man enough. 2 years after knowing each other, we will serving in the same ministry. From there onwards, he started to know the real me and started to admire me lor... THat's what he says... But he didn't take any action til 4.5 years later... I didn't really notice that he likes me until the last two years before we get together. I was scared and wanted to avoid him. AFter praying, I decided that I would let nature takes it course and give him a chance. We wasn't together yet. But we spend lots of time together (abt 4-5 days per week). He will fetch me to have dinner, we will talk and share about our lives before we go to church. After a year later, he finally pop that question and ask me to be his girl. We are offically together for 1.5 year. Not a very long time. But because of all the talks and serving together, we know each other extremely well. EVen our personality test shows that, so the counsellor said that it's a plus plus point. Our dating lives also quite normal... since we are very much involved in the church, so we spend lots of time in church. We also go each others house very often. We like sea, (or I like sea very much, he just accompany me), so we will try to make time to the seaside. Sometimes, he will bring his guitar and we will just sing and spend time together.


New Member
Marilyn: *swoon *swoon* Your story very romantic....*sigh* Your relationship has stood the test of time, I must say.....

I'd say in a relationship, open communication is a priority. That and mutual trust. For me, Meraj and I too open with our communication liao..*hahahahah* Cos' he's brought up in the West, he's open to alot of stuff, whilst I am the kind who die die must put my point across. *hahahahah* As long as I am able to express my opinion, I am okay. The other party don't have to "convert" to my way of thinking. Erm...am I making sense?

So anyway, today, bought meself Martha Stewart 10th anniversary mag and happily paid for it without looking at the price. Then I realise the change from my S$50.00 note very little. Almost died of heart attack when I saw the price! S$20.00!


New Member
hi ling

thxs no not going anyway yet thot of going to bali, more to beach area for relaxation .. maybe in july oh my ROM is on TUe over liao kekeke 17May05

hi selina
wan some self intro ur BS, ROM Date, AD, banquet etc etc ???


New Member
hi deremi,

i also did homework leh....but maybe not "hardworking" enough... hehehe
Just hope everything will turns out to fine... : )


New Member
Hi Gals!!

sorry i mia a while cos had a big project; it's over now, but i hv 2 more this time to settle by jun!! *super stress*

n cos my ad in june 06 mah, so we set the deadline for us to book venue as end may this yr, so while going crazy at work, we oso whizzed all over the place to view hotels n discuss package... it's tough for me cos i hv a super long checklist so i compare every single part of the venue (even the bridal suite!) so we r sure we not smoked (some hotels leave out certain chrges in their mailers mah, so will b hidden cost)... mayb once i hv some time in june i can attach the checklist for the gals who r still sourcing...

Asura> i went to both marina mandarin n marriot; seriously i love marriott, but marina ok only; n marina actually hiked up the price sooo much!! we find it's not worthwhile, so we wun consider that...

i love marriott cos of the ballroom n recep area, of course it's very accessible la!

but the price wise a lot of chaos ah, marina used to be 728n - 8course, 788n - 9C, that day she said 728 no longer selling. then marriott used to be 738n - 8c, 768n - 9c, but that day she said price change to 768n - 8c, 808n - 9c, to match increase by hyatt etc....*sigh*

phy> u'r signing with marriott this week ah?? is ur coor angela? how many tables u hv? u mind sharing wat pkg she gave u? i find their pkg very lousy leh, watever i ask she say cannot give leh, altho she herself is a very nice person... bf u joined this thread i was pouring out my sorrows to the other gals cos i was almost 100% sure i wan to sign with marriott till i met them to discuss the pkg then she told me the price increase plus cant give me the perks i want like 2N stay... even westin gives a lot more extra and a cheaper price than them! i was prepared to give up all the extra perks fr westin until i heard her bad news abt price up...

wat u gals think of meritus mandarin? (at orchard)


New Member
Can i just ask..if wedding in dec 2006 what are the things that u shd start looking out for? Seems like a long way to go..


New Member
hi ah gal

i ROM in 2002 already. not going to have wedding dinner but FIL angry. so give in and dragged until now. banquet is at Ocean City at Apollo Centre. have not decided on BS. went to a few but either too expensive or don't like the sales staff.


New Member
hi Natly,
are you planning for Dec too? you haven't started anything?

well, it may seems still far, but alot of hotel venues are already booked..esp those hotels with only 1 ballroom..i think it's good to aim early, better than your ideal BR being booked
it's not easy to find a place both you and your hubby like also (i've gone to 8 and only 1 both of us like, yet can't book because of bad attitude from their coord

well, most ppl start early also to avoid annual increase of prices from hotels and BS.. like the one i visited..early May was 768..but i meet up with them few days ago, increase to 798
my fren who booked earlier was 738 sigh.. they sure know how to do business

esp next year's 7th mth is extended..so everyone grabbing for good dates


New Member
hi Deremi,

i may not be having any thing for GDL , probably only hong baos...my parents & myself want things to be easy & simple lor... But have not finalised yet...can i ask if you & your hubby's parents get involved with all the preparations ah?

I bought my rings from Lee Hwa, u leh?
