Hi Christine
Welcome! When's yr big day? For yr table size, quite easy to find venues - lots of choices.
Usu if you sign with hotels during wedd fair, U may get more perks such as free table, free wine, FF beer, ano nite stay. Ask for more parking 20%, invite card (80%), helpers room, room for ROM etc.
My views on yr hotel
1) GPPR - not bad. Price within yr budget
2) Marriot - nice. but exceed yr budget
3) Hotel Intercontinental - havent view but exceed yr budget
4) Amara - havent view
5) Carlton - havent view. Can negotiate to use pool side for solemnization? But ballroom older.
6) Amara - see #4
7) Grand Corpthorne Waterfront - nice thou I felt that the garden view is over-hype - quite small. I think beyond yr budget.
Give a call to the hotel, ask them to email U their package. They're usu quite helpful.
For venues less than $800 per table, u can consider
1) furama waterfront - having wedding fair this sun - shld hv good perks. Pillarless and chandelier, only disadv is location & the KTV downstairs.
2) Novotel clark quay (former otani) - pillarless & chandelier. Nice pre-cocktail area with clark quay harbor view
3) Nobel house - good food.
4) Holiday Inn Park View
5) Le Meridien (my hotel)
6) hilton
7) orchard hotel
Phew such a long posting