(2006) Brides of year 2006


New Member
Hi all,

We intend to have he wedding on the 18 March or 19 March 2006. We have booked for the bridal boutique at White Links but not yet to look for any dinner for the wedding. Any good recommendations for the dinner at hotel?


Active Member

so many people waiting for your reply over at AMK balloting thread leh...see how pop u are!

I haven't leh, now my turn to get stressed..argh.... next wed my appointmt.

Your unit mid floor, low floor? When i saw the 5 rooms chinese quota full, I was like, erm..duno blur got get the unit not.


New Member
Hey blurblur,
Congrats!! finally got ur dream house. I truely agree the location is very good. Somemore opp is just bishan park. Everyday after meal can go down walk walk with ur hubby and enjoy the breeze..

For me, I'm still waiting for my chance! =(

Which flr did u book for?


New Member
hi ksbride, did u go to the geomancer recommended by rainne? i still trying to convince FH to go wif me. he says i too ganjiong liao.


New Member
Hi All,

I'm part of the team too - Jan 06 bride. Thinking of solemnisation by pastor and luncheon at birkill hall. Anyone has the same thoughts?


Active Member
Hi zen,

guys are like that one leh, it took me awhile before I managed to convinced my FH that I need the date in order to start booking for the hotel venue, ad etc etc...


Active Member
HI Zen,

hey, now then I saw your pm leh. sorry sorry. Uncle Chong said he conduct solemnisation as well one, but I didn't probe further.


New Member
thanx rainne! I find his name familiar so i check under the JP list & so his name there. Exactly the same name but different hp no. So wondering if it's the same guy.


New Member
Hi StarryNight,
Thanks for your reply. I have more or less decide on Marriot. HI is too expensive and the ballroom is relative smaller compared to Marriot. Now will start my hunt for BS...anyone has any idea how do i start?

Hi May,
I thought of that too...but brush it off as Jan is a raining season...too risky for me.


New Member
Hi Carol..

Manage to get your dream unit? I think there are still quite a lot left. I have gotten mine already tomorrow...let me know which unit u got? maybe we can be neighbours..;)


New Member
Gotten a low flr at 309A...
Not good choices left so have to make do...till 5 years later?!?

Now no excuse not going swimming liao.


New Member
hi KS!

u also got a Q number for the AMK balloting?
gd luck!


New Member
Ksbride, Afcai, thanks.. really happy tt i got my hse!!

nelle, me too, get a low floor at 316A too!! nevetheless, i m still happy wif my unit and already start to think of layout liao.. we are neighbours lioa.. next time can go eat dinner together.. there got many good food there..

Jolene, all the best to u gal...


New Member
oh...typo error in my earlier email...I have gotten my unit on Tuesday 11 Jan actually.

Hi Carol,

I have gotten my dream unit already. wat abt u? which blk u have gotten?

Hi RynRyn,

u balloted for bukit batok ones also? which blk u have gotten?


New Member
hi zen,
me havent went to the geomancer yet. cant find a good time to go..and i'm staying in the west, his place is super far for me..Mayb find a day after chinese new year lor. Or u wan to go together with me??

nope, i didnt manage to get a Q.

and i went to the new BTO (punggol and SK) to take a look. The location is bad. So think I'm going to give it a miss again...

Hopefully hdb will come out with more houses after the chinese new year, if not, after marriage will stay with ILs first liao


New Member
hi carol, me gota e same blk as u ... we are close neighbours ..

hi jolene, congrats to u .. which blk are you in ??

hi blurblur, thks... AMK is a gd location, guess u muz be veri happy nw..


New Member
Hi Jelyn

Well so far which are the one you recee? Actually they are not suppose to ask you to top up. But when you pay the $300, did they specify ROM package included? Aiya that is how they wan to make $$$ lor....

Hi Agnes...
So how you find White Link's service? My sis-in-law also from WL


New Member
Hi Snowangel,

I have confirmed with them from the package but have not tried out the gown.. so far, i quite like the style of photographer took the shot.. that the reason why I took up the package.. So, wonder if you could share with me how u think of White link? By the way, have u take up any package?


New Member
Yo Agnes

Icic...WL's photo not bad, I also quite like it but dunno whether the service is good. My opinion with WL is I will consider this also but have not sign up with them. Right now I still got my package at Focus. Think most likely I will forgo it.


New Member
why ur FH dun wana acommpany u leh?drag him along..since the date u choose will let u be remembered for the rest of ur life! I shld be going with my FH. Mayb after the chinese new year..U wana join us? Then maybe we can get married on the same day!!

Oh, WIS at sembawang ah..hmm..I got friend staying there..going visit her house during chinese new year, at the same time look around the surrounding first...hee..


New Member
hi blur blur
we can meet up even during the renov times..haha..
now wedding prep kiv liao.. maybe move to 2007.

hi Jolene
think it's a good idea too.



New Member
ya loh..me too... now thk abt it... wanna do up lovenest nice nice..so maybe will postpone wed 2 start 07...

Quite hapi to get tis flat...but headache ah...alot of stuff to do...

Any ideas how to relieve stress??


New Member
Summary of dates of AD

Starry Night
Cindy 8/1/2006
Blue Gal 1/1/2006


New Member
Summary of dates of AD

Starry Night
Cindy 8/1/2006
Koi 14/1/06
Blue Gal 1/1/2006


New Member
hi carol & jolene, watz e email address of u gals ?? letz communicate offline of our lovenest...

me wana relieve stress too.. gota prepare wedding & reno at the same time...


New Member
Hi, hi,

Can i join in? We have short-listed Four Seasons and Conrad (depending on the no. of guests) and have paid the deposit for our PS. It's Kelvin from Chris Ling. You should visit their website. If you like what you see, then drop by their studio and have a chat. Kelvin is super nice and both my boyfriend and I lurrrrve his style. It suits our personality to a T.

I'm also planning to get a bridal package without photography. But haven't visited any yet.


New Member
Summary of dates of AD

Starry Night
Eileen 7/1/2006
Cindy 8/1/2006
Koi 14/1/06
Blue Gal 1/1/2006


New Member
Hiyee folks,

Im new to this thread....am oso getting married on 8 Jan'06 but cos cant get the venue so will be holding my banquet on Thurs instead but am worried abt the turnout rate too...hvnt sign any contract with the hotel yet...


New Member
Hi all,
Saw today's straits times lifestlye? Was quite affected by the heading Curse of the rooster. What do you gals think?


New Member
Summary of dates of AD

Starry Night 15/1/2006
Eileen 7/1/2006
Cindy 8/1/2006
Koi 14/1/06
Blue Gal 1/1/2006


New Member
Hi Koi,
Choosing a BS is quite a headache, especially due to the high competition in the market. Different BS will offer different freebies for you, what is impt is that you ask them to pen down in white and black. If you are free, you can go down to Tanjong Pagar and have a look. Alternatively, you can visit some wedding shows held in hotels or at suntec. Remember to keep your doors open to listen what they have to offer and dun rush to sign with them.....BARGAIN first!

Hi dapimon,
I would personally dun like to have a wedding on a weekday (just my preference). Firstly, your helpers need to take off to help/attend your wedding. Secondly, if you are inviting relative from oversea, it might pose inconvenience for them to come over.


New Member
hi snowangel,

im suddenly feelg so relieved oredi!!*phew*oredi confirmed on the venue of mi rom-O Bar..haf oso tuk up a rom pkg fm Jess Haute Coutre whch settles a MTM gown(to keep-stil dcidg btwin 2 designs i like),hair & makeup + hand bouquet..nw i juz needa chk if JP David Loh is available 4 mi solemnisation,wish mi luck!!
