(2005) Brides of year 2005


Active Member
Better test fast to ease ur worries...........
If really kena accident, is god gift


New Member
i cant see the pic. will see later with my iphone.
me this year never buy any traditional clothing for inez. cos she got at least 5 to 8 new dresses which ppl give for either last year Birthday, xmas or this year b'day.
i just need to buy a new pair of shoes for her.

if really kena, then maybe you will need a helper leow.


Active Member
ha ha, me see nice, faster chope chope loh in case the size is oos ...

For myself, me just buy a new top will do lao,just match with jeans and can go liew...... we just need to dress our kiddo up, as long we look presentable ok loh


New Member
jenn/linda- i tink my boss wil kill me lor! hahhah.. n i intend to leave this plc once avril is 18mos... in fact cant wait but bo bian. mgt reali sucky now n my cpf paid til jul only! i cant forsee stayin long in this plc. hanging on cos of my kids


New Member
jenn, tks for the link later i go chk it out!

ting, f mi mayb i am old liow so with 1 already no engery liow...can't imagine i fhv no. 2 on the way....hmm so u intend to stop at how many???


New Member
me also no energy leow.
will stop at 1.
that's y, now on my side is contraceptive pills and hb side is withdrwal method.
but frankly speaking, we seldom bond leow. at the most 2 to 3 times a mth or none! opps!


New Member
Linda, double protection ar hee hee! so safer rite! we seldom bond too is always mi who reject cos i no energy...hmm 2 or 3 x a mth to mi is consider quite often le haha...cos sometime none or 1x a mth!


New Member
morning all..

was on MC on mon n tues and yday was super busy so din log in..

ting - wah, i think u better test.. and next time i think dun calculate bah.. not so zhun unless ur af is the clockwork type!


Active Member
Linda, Jam
Me also same same (shy shy)
Sometime none... and I am always the wan who will go and sleep first.... and "pretend" to be in deep sleep... ha ha ha


New Member
haha.. i think come to bonding, maybe ting is the most happening liao? haha

me n hb can go for months without bonding.. and it's always my fault lah coz i will fall asleep with e kids.. haha


Active Member
Ya loh... mummy will always fall asleep with kids first lei......that is the most common factor for NO BONDING....what to do !


New Member
jenn - haha.. i need a lot of sleep type so really cannot stay awake.. poor hubby.. haha.. i even fall asleep before the kids sometimes lor..


New Member
ting, if dis time realli false alarm beter hv precaution nx round le!

crystal, agreed wif u tink ting most happening for bonding le....even hv 2 kids oso can b active..

gals, sometime feel dat we always escape bonding like abit unhealthy...hahha! but no choice leh...realli tired!!


New Member
jam - keke.. i agree.. think impt to bond also.. esp for e guys.. but i just cannot keep my eyes open! haha.. esp after 2.. then also always tired so tend to quarrel more.. liek not so good..


New Member
hahah... but we reali tone dwn alot now. n i alwz say tired til hb buey tahan me too.

jam- i pray hard its false alarm!! n i feelin bit funny..... n also tinkin if reali, how...


New Member
ting - if really accident, i guess u will definitely find a way to cope with 3.. and it'll still be a blesssing as all kids are..


New Member
crystal, ya lo so sometime still hv to give in alto tired hee! if not outside hv affair blame it on us haha!

ting, if realli kenna oso no choice hv to kip bb lo! like my colik got false alarm once le she still no protection again & dis time zung zung kenna so she say aft dis 1 she wan to put ring or dunno call wat aft birth if not take contraception pills liow!


Active Member
I order size 110 ( 4 years old) wan.
U also want to order for Aldan ? $20.00 quite cheap , right?

Hmm, do the test first bah, maybe u are just scaring urself lei


New Member
jenn- yalor! hehe.. somemore it's whole suit.
maybe mother's instinct bah, plus hvg that queasy feeling... i got the kit but dun dare to test


New Member
no choice, gotta have double protection cos our final discussion and decision is to stop at 1.

you better?

for me usually is hb make inez sleep if he at home.
cos i will be doing my housework.
so usually hb will be the 1st to sleep.
if i dun feel like bonding and knowing that hb is waiting, i will purposely delay gg to bed. hahha... bad hor!

i agree also lah, if we keep avoiding bonding, later hb got affair also our fault.
so sometimes must give in a bit. hee...


New Member
ting - wah.. looks like u are actuallty quite sure u are pregnant? just test then dun hv to have so many "what ifs"? if positive, must start planning, if negative hooray! hee

linda - wahahaha.. well like tt ur hb cannot blame u coz he is FIRST to sleep mah! kekeke


Active Member
ha ha ha, what a sentence... cannot blame on the person who always sleep FIRST? So we mummy also sleep first, hb also cannot blame us, right????? ha ha ha


New Member
actually for hb n i the sleep arrangement also makes it diff to bond spontaneously coz we dun even sleep next to each otgheR?! hahahaha..


New Member
means tt her hubby cannot blame her for not bonding mah..

in our case means WE cannot blame hubby for not bonding but our hubby can blame us! hahahaha


New Member
i like your sentence.
that's y, i think when he cannot "take it", he will try not to sleep when making inez sleep. hahahahaah...


Active Member
Shiok meh, each week only work 4 days...
So u got bring Aston out alone boh?
There are so many meet and greet session in shopping mall.


New Member
cos my af late for 1 mth alrdy... n i kept hvg the bloated feeling. i tink more n less cfm but i jus dun wan to see the actual result!!

jam- i also on leave tmr! hee.. our 5th yr anni! =D


New Member
but got once or twice when i was super sure then we just go all e way lor.. like just 1-2 days before menses or already 2mth no menses yet tt kind.. but i think only once or twice coz hubby cannot take e anxiety or the thought of any accident! haha


New Member
crystal- this kind of thing can ctrl one meh? hahahaha.. actuali i was worried too when did withdrawal but tot aft af, nt fertile mah, who noes. reali ironic lor. rem we tried so long for aldan but subsequent jus hapen!
ur af din come for 2 mth b4?


New Member
Jenn, so far i nv bring aston out alone...but my hb got lo...i can't handle him alone cos he v sai nai to mi...to mi then 1 mi carry give mi problem de...if daddy bring him out he won't leh!

ting/crystal, withrdawal method oso v dangerous leh sekali the guy can't ctrl how?? my bil use dis method end up oso kenna but my sil dun wan to hv no. 2 so they abort it!


Active Member
Serious boh? Really abort huh? most of the ppl if kena accident will still give birth lo....
I also agree withdrawal method is very dangerous, some time just NOT IN TIME...
