hee... might go lah. see how. cos ytd, go shd awhile while waiting for my hb to come meet me, i am so tired after walking and looking at things. KO after making inez sleep, but need to wake up ard 12am to use magic pot to cook for hb for his lunch today. so end up sleeping at ard 1am.
i think how huge and big the mall is unless no wehre to go, can consider gg, otherwise, dun think will purposely go there to just go for window shopping loh. hee...
i think i simply not a shopping person.
we are assigned to bring the food that is indicated in inez communication book.
so i am ask to bring 10pcs of either muffins or cakes.
i think will buy 5 of each bah.
so far, i bot inez with me once when i go for my haircut, surprisingly, she can sit still and play with my iphone till i finished my haircut. hee...