(2005) Brides of year 2005


New Member
yo zoe... where got so slim... actually heard tat it can be use for back massage mah... which i need... also tonning for thigh and arm mah... kekeke

yo meh... nope nope... i wont be the 1st one to break the news lah... no hurry leh... hb still out of job leh... kekeke... where got $$ to hv bb hur... so how's holiday... share share with us hor... u leh... got go there come back 3 bo

yo josl... hmm... now book u lah... u write on ur diary lor... tat u gog out with us mah...

yo zoe... okie lor... we wait till 1st week of Jan... but hor i cant cfn whether the reservation is full bo lah... anyway... we see how lor... if not we eat other food lor...

yo kero... wow so long bo see u hur... me nbr buy xmas gift for hb leh... :p... usually we buy wat he or i want lor... i bery pratical one...

yo star... *jelly run over and hug hug moon*.... ya lor miss u leh... u MIA so long nbr see u mah... hmm... no good news yet hur.... nbr mind try harder... we wish u will be the 1st to break good news to us...


New Member

me on leave frm 22-28th. bzy bzy these few days.. went hotel on 20th, jam--> i chose classic coz duno how oriental theme looks like and chose bear for favours. my poster not ready & i reminded coord again liao.. faintz. u collected liao me oso hvnt..

juz came back frm xmas party.. ate so full & now catching up on postings.. =)

my GDL on 26th, same date as jenn & cotton big day.. tom got to go thru again the items in case i miss out..


enjoy ur big day!


New Member
Hi Princess Wong,
Really,wow.will try looking for job after AD!
Wow,so lucky! keke....i just bought $40 of toto n 4D no...praying hard!

Strike ! yeap! haha.
Thanks for ur wishes,will share pixs with u soon.


New Member
Hi Watashi,
thanks for the wishes,i am sure Jenn n me will enjoyz...
so excited n nervous....keke....

yeap! ur GDL is Jenn n mine Big Day!All the best to 3 of us..ok,going to sleep now.getting late.. ;)


Active Member
Finally, i am back from my new house, today busy with GDL, moving my stuff to my new house, final testing of all songs and montage in ther rest. Was so busy and i was so tired... HB already asleep and snozing now... hee hee, hence, i can logged on and say Hello to everyone.

Finally, thanks for everyone's blessing, Just 2 more days to go, really feeling very excited and nervous..

Janf, good luck for your GDL. Do update us !
Anyway, i will be back on 29th December and i will definitely be in the thread again..

Meanwhile, wish everyone Merry Xmas !


Active Member
Hmm, i also hv colleauge who gave me AP first..but she also mentioned that she will be coming, think is quite common as ppl are afraid that they might 4got to give to you on your AD

Guess you will be next bride to marry off after me, cottoncandy's AD on 26th. May you have a blissful marriage .....


New Member
hihi Sierra,

heheh, wah long time never hear fr u leh! Checked out ur AD collages.. heheh, u were still goofy-ing ard! so cute!

U more active in the TWP thread these days yah? I 'spy' on u ah..

Everything ok with staying with ur ILs?

Hi Jelly,

yeah, got come back with 3. Me, HB & a huge luggage! hahah.. No lah, i very young leh, think i wld have BB in 3 years time. Need the er ren shi jie 1st & our own flat

Oh ur HB still haven't found ah? Heard fr frens tt after Jan & after ppl get their bonus, they will quit, so there wld be more openings & movements. Jia you!

Hi Starmoon,

heehee, has to be anything for u, coz u cannot decide leh.. Xmas bb dun have nvm, got CNY!


New Member
Hi gals
Merry Xmas...

Jan'05 Gathering for Sep'05 thread brides (OLD and Married liao)

Date : 13/01/05 (Friday)
Time : 7pm
Venue : TBC
1) zoeanne
2) Jelly


New Member
hey gals.....

so happy to be back again.....
FINALLY fix my internet connection @ home...haha..
Waited long for Starhub to give free PC before i sign up...hahaha..finally can chat again.....

Also...just complete downloaded ALL my AD pics @ multiply...these days..slowly upload some from my in-law's hse...but as u know..multiply take long time to download..so.....FINALLY complete all liao..hahaha..so happy....

So sad...missed the last gathering...Zoe...no chance to go see your pretty "WHITE HOUSE"...got something on already tat day..so sad...
Next gathering....I KIV first coz alot of changes at work...super busy..cant confirm yet..will definiately attend if i can...



New Member
Jan'05 Gathering for Sep'05 thread brides (OLD and Married liao)

Date : 13/01/05 (Friday)
Time : 7pm
Venue : TBC
1) zoeanne
2) Jelly

1) CU2nite


New Member
Hey Mrs....

btw...just checking...r we suppose to give angbao on chinese new year...???abit confused...some ppl say first yr no need..but some say have to...some say gif only to the younger generation....haiz...fan huh...think better go oversea to siam chinese new yr...hahaha...


New Member
hi everyone, Merry xmas!!!! full of feasting and drinking....*burp*
somemore tonite!
congrats to jenn and cottoncandy on their upcoming wedding!


New Member
hi Cu2nite,

my mom say first yr no need to give angbao one....cos we r still consider "bride" for the year.....but u can still choose to give just like what my bro did (he spoilt the market so now i have to give also if not like not very nice loh). i will definitely give my parents, grandparents, niece etc....

it up depends on u n ur hubby one lah.....so dun bother too much on what pple say....


New Member
hi gals
Super tired today.. got house warming.. people just left not long ago n i busy cleaning up the mess lor.. Have a very fun day yet tired

HI Cu2nite
FINALLY you got internet connection up.. my new house also have the internet liao lor.. so i can use it like everyday...

My "white house" ok la.. not pretty.. kekeke...
High maintainence house.. lucky i still quite enjoy doing housework with hubby.. in the later stage maybe i lazy liao lor...I still welcome you to my house.. maybe chinese new year, u drop by lor..

the angbao.. i think u ask your both side parents.. ??i also heard some ppl say 1st yr no need, some say need.. Also depend on yourself la.

Your photos are up! I go n see when i got time
Me very tired liao

Good nite!!


New Member
morning everyone!!!

I am back from my honeymoon!!! Just touched down this morning at 6 plus....

switerland was really nice! but very cold, the tallest mountain is -26 degrees.

Italy is not so nice, managed to catch the impt sight as the weather was very good, rained only on the day when we were leaving for the airport. And extreemely stressed too as the pickpockets are too many!!! our group lost a HP and a camera... the pick pocket trap us on the public bus, there was a big size man who blocked the bus exit... when we try to alight, we have to squeeze past him and during the commotion, the rest of the pickpockets took the chance to trap us sigh... when we alighted, one family lost the camera, and the rest of us have our zips of our jacket and bags opened... but luckily, i did not put anything in my jacket... when they realise they got nothing from me, they literally push me off the bus....

hmm back to the wedding, must really give credits to my MUA... was really satisfied with his make up heheheh and he is pretty fast too... but for the night make up a bit worried as he postponed the appt half an hour later at the last minute, luckily everything is on time.

for the dinner, the food was good, but i realised the print a wrong dish on the menu!!!! so sickening... and yeap the free voucher is not here yet for the anniversary stay, i must go and rush the pan pac liao. The experience with the banquet manager Ms Pauline Ng is real bad, blur and bad attitude, her assistant Iky is also very bad... always ping4 the words like roti prata... the good thing is the event manager, excellent!! thus we have a good experience on our AD!!! but my friedns said i walked too fast for the march in, sigh... hope wont appear too cartoon on the video, and they say my speech is a bit soft...

we managed to break even for the wedding...


New Member
hi RoynSharon
I have been to Holiday Inn Atrium just few weeks back to a fren's wedding. Ambience is alright except for the service. Not sure if you are taking the changi room or the main ballroom .. cos can be abit chaotic for relatives if there's 2 wedddings on the same day. other than that, Holiday Inn Atrium is quite value for money.

Peninsula Excelsior Hotel -- no comment on that as I hv never been there before

Hope it helps


New Member
hi nichole

we spent closed to $10K on our album and actual day photography .. though the heart aches when we make the payment .. but when we view the pics .. it's all worth it ..

my advice is spent within your means. After all, we all want our weddings to be blissful and debt-free


New Member
Merry X'Mas everyone!!!

Yo star, my rash is better after seeing a GP. She said preggie's skin is hypersensitive and the sudden change in weather had worsened it. Glad to say it's much better now, but I can't eat seafood


New Member
mehmeh: hehee...i'm goofy mah...kekeke....yes, more active at TWP, cos there's more action there...our thread's been very quiet!...

yes...ok staying with in-laws...very well taken care of

Jan'05 Gathering for Sep'05 thread brides (OLD and Married liao)

Date : 13/01/05 (Friday)
Time : 7pm
Venue : TBC
1) zoeanne
2) Jelly
3) Sierra

1) CU2nite


New Member
Hi Tougei,
the dates are getting more clear after few mths of ding dong here and there.

me should be flying off after cny. :D

How is your new house?? must check if all the conditions of the flat is okie..


New Member
winnie,u r back...glad u have broke even for your dinner... your trip sounds fun...ya italy is very famous for pickpockets...so is other europe countries but italy the worst..
my GDL over...had some hiccups but luckily all settled.managed to give out all cakes that day.
guess this forum will become more quieter as days goes...every1 bz..including me...
caitlyn had came back frm her honeymoon too but she no access internet at her hse so din post...
she sending regards to all...
wonder how's jendome's wedding...and highness...


New Member
yo ladies... bet u all hv enjoy ur xmas hur... me also leh... eat and eat... so sinful hor... kekeke

yo meh... hmm... ya lor still looking for job hope he find one soon wor... if not i also duno how man... oh u so noti hor... so upload ur pix liao bo... cant wait to see... hahaha... me still hvn also... kekeke

yo zoe... wow u onzzz leh... hsewarming hur... i nbr do tat... got get great stuff bo... 1 2 sell one...kekeke... wow u enjoy hsework hur... me nbr like hsework leh... so sian.... maybe u and ur hb come n do hsework for me since u all so enjoy...kekeke

yo cu... wow really got time must go and peep ur pix liao.... wow finally got internet at home liao hur... tats good... so we see u more often liao isit...

as for the AP stuff... depend on urself lor... for myside i will give lor... scared wait ppl complain wor... so juz give lor... wat to do... imagine the $$ i can go short trip leh... but bo bian... haizzz


New Member
hi Sierra,

heheh, def well taken care of hor? No need to worry abt meals.. But do u do ur own laundry, ironing & gotta household chores? heehee

Our thread quite quiet indeed.. Hopefully someone will announce of their 1st step twd Proj B

Hi Jelly!

Yest i did a flower ball (pomander) for a fren's wedding! heehee.. I rem how i did urs & urs being my experiment, yest's was so much easier to do.

Here's a pix to it:

Made fr pink & white eustomas

Nvm, if he has found a job at least he must help u with housework lor..
I'm notti? How so? Have uploaded the pix oredi.. Think i did so last week
U go check them out yah? Looking fwd to bio-ing ur Taiwan pix!


New Member
mehmeh: i'm really lucky...even those are taken care of

U are really good with these handicraft! amazing...i'm hopeless at this...


New Member
mehmeh: i'm really lucky...even those are taken care of

U are really good with these handicraft! amazing...i'm hopeless at this...


New Member
hi Sierra,

U're so lucky indeed! But i prefer doing my laundry & ironing on my own, just in case accidents happen, i've only got myself to blame rite? heehee

Me really gd ah? Must grab every opp to experiment if i really want to move into the area of wedding planning or sorts yah? heehee!


New Member
how come yr side no need huh, so good?
yup, toilet tiles esp the lining betw each tiles stain easily. Need to scrub.


New Member
Hi hi ladies..
Sorry I hv been very busy for the past few days..been helping out my operations colleagues on the billing of invoices..wow..really very tired..gg to continue till end of the yr..i cant wait for the new yr to start..hmm..

Hi hi jelly..
Oic..thot it’s quite a gd offer for the slot-in one..quickly go & develop the photos lah..then we can see it..oh, u want to announce of ur made-in-taiwan? Heehee..oh ya, my MIL got uzap as xmas gift from SIL..let me check for u if it’s gd..

Hi hi zoe..
Yeah yeah~ I m on for th gathering..i m ok on 13th jan..i cant wait for the new yr to start...

Hi hi mehmeh..
Long time didn’t hear frm u..wow..i m sure u must have enjoyed ur holidays..how’s everything? Share w/ us..how many photos did u took..i m sure it must be a lot..wow..the flowers are lovely..indeed i must say that u r realy very talented lor..maybe u can consider working sideline leh..hee..

hi hi sierra..
wow..so nice to hear that u r well-taken care of staying w/ ur in-laws..actually i m starting to miss my mum's place..like not that much of privacy lor..hmm...

Hi hi starmoon..
Nice to hear from u..relax..relax..i m sure we will hear the gd news from u soon lah..cheers~

Hi hi cu2nite & Janice..
Some pple was saying 1st yr no need to really give our AP..maybe can give to those that u r close with like ur siblings lor..anyway, me skipping the new yr to a holiday..hehe..actually parents wasn’t happy but dun care lah..hard to go for a holiday lor..hehee..


New Member
Jan'05 Gathering for Sep'05 thread brides (OLD and Married liao)

Date : 13/01/05 (Friday)
Time : 7pm
Venue : TBC
1) zoeanne
2) Jelly
3) Sierra
4) wendy

1) CU2nite
