(2005) Brides of year 2005


New Member
Hi gals at gathering,
had fun today, me still packing my things sigh, got so many big and small bigs to bring tomolo.Gg to sleep soon...nitey nitey


New Member
hi hi sally..
thks for the reply..have u gone for ur PS?i hvnt started sourcing for one yet..but i got one of the list from another thread abt AD photographer..if u want, i can email to u the consolidated list when i m back to my office on mon..


New Member
Hi hi esther..
Very nice to hear from u..heehee..i guess u r right..i m really taking my time to look for a flat..becoz I find that this flat is a place I will be staying in for the rest of my life & also a very big investment for me & FH..so must really see carefully b4 decide to get our lovenest..however, I m also happy for u that u found ur ideal lovenest which I guess is very impt..as for staying with my in-laws, no lah, I just think it's a short term only so I guess things shd still be manageable at this point, also I get to go back to sleep at my parents¡¯ place once in a life so it's still ok for me lah..heehee..i m sure u made a right move in taking this unit instead of 160, like what u said, u can use the extra $30k for reno to ur ideal lovenest rather than paying it for the flat..bcoz ultimately u will want to design ur lovenest to both ur delights..is the unit at 160 a 4 or 5 rm?actually it's not easy to view & select a flat at ur ideal choice bcoz a lot of factors to consider..esp if u dun leave near the area b4 & will be staying there for a very long period..heehee..i cant wait for ur reno to start & finish so that I can cross over to say hi to u..heehee..thks for sharing with me abt this..i really appreciate ur reply..thks~ as for the printer, i m quite pleased that the package includes the printing of the inserts but i think i better start to look for them to tie down the details asap..heehee..cheers~


New Member
Hi gals @ gathering
Wow.. u gals are real fast online..
I am also very glad and enjoy meeting all gals.
Wendy and Starmoon... Nice to meet both of you for the 1st time ..
I really enjoy yakking and gossiping at the gathering..
.. kekeke

Ya lor.. starmoon's complexion super gd... share with us your secret receipe oh.. hee hee..

HI Gillian & other gals.. my hubby almost finish tying all the golden string on the cards while me at gathering.. But we realised, 100metre ( 1 packet) can tie 200 invitations.. we budgeted wrongly.. If you require.. just take 1 packet from us.. No problem..Meaning I have 9 packets extra.. hahaha.....


New Member
hi hi zoe..
indeed it's a very nice session & i m very happy that i choose to turn up to meet up with urself, jtan, seval, jelly, starmoon & josl..thks for the co-ordiantion..hope that we get to meet up more often even aft the wedding..i do agree that starmoon's complexion is very smooth & gd..wonder if there's any special formula or ways to have such a gd skin..very gd hor..cheers~


New Member
harlow gals

wow, u all very fast hor, come back post liao. nice meeting all of u...i had a great time and enjoyed myself thoroughly! josl, congrats to u and enjoy the pampering later today yah...remember to sleep early oso if not later become panda. aiyo, u all dun make me pai seh leh...(starmoon
liao) actually got many flaws but too dark liao so u all never see properly. agree wif wendy we shld haf more gatherings and dun lose touch wif one another after our weddings yah.

zoe, dun 4get to share share wif us on yr buys for GDL yah....me dunno if we shld get it b4 the 7th month anot leh...cos scare later too rush to do all these so might try to settle it earlier.


New Member
daphne - u cham liao!! hehe..

so gals, shall we fix on 6th august???

on a rainy and cold saturday mornng, i'm here in school.. so sad huh.. wanna zzzzz.. hahahah.. off to give remedial!


New Member
Hi L.S,

May I know which floor and the shop name where u get your ang bao box in Parkway Parade? I m alos looking for one? Thanks a lot....


New Member
Hi josl,
many many thanks!!

Hi joline,
can share with me too? my email is [email protected] thanks!

hi gals,
sounds like i missed out alot. glad to know that all of you had fun at the gathering. next one i will try hard to make it.


New Member
hi averyl..
still remember me? same WL and RTP as u..hehe..saw ur AD pics on ur websites..very nice and u look gorgeous..may i know which florist u chose? very nice decor..btw, could u share with me ur AD photographer? i am scouting for one now...headache..

hi ladies..
any AD photographers to recommend me please?
it would be great if u could share with me ur package and pic via email at [email protected].

i am looking forward to view ur lovely pics..hehe..


New Member
yo josl... aiya... i was rushing for the train and forget to congrats u and give u a big hugzz hugzzz leh.... *jelly running over to josl and squeeze her in jelly arms... opps... hope didnt hurt josl* oh ya... stay pretty, sleep early and be a pretty bride ya...

yo wendy... hahaha... 1st one to post when i come back fm gathering... yday sleep at 3am leh... was doing my wedding favour and watching TV

ya lor... nxt time our topics is wat... not wedding preparation... maybe is kiddy stuff... *omg jelly gog to faint when hear of kids*

okie ladies enjoy ur weekend.... hope that i can collected my insert today...


Active Member
hi gals,
my PS will be in a week's time. Just went to book my air tickets to New Zealand in Dec... guess what I waitlisted on return flight!! its only july


New Member
Hey hey....glad that u gals enjoy at the gathering!! seems like i miss out the fun!

dun worry abt all these things liao....cos it cant be help also....most impt...stay happy n cheerful n be pretty on ur big day.....Congrats!!!! remember to share with us ur experience for that day.

u have finished written all the cards? i have only just finished packing the cards which i wanna give both parents for their own guest lists. he he

remember to reserve a few hollywood tape for me....i only need a few pcs to take my EG. get from u the next gathering......thanks a lot!!!

hmmm...if i remember clearly starmoon is the one who intro us the homebased facial treatment using yogurt?? n she has nice complex!!!!.....hehe.....Starmoon....am i right??....hehehe...got more tips must share share with us leh.....

yo jelly!! hows ur wedding favors coming along...how many have u done liao??


New Member
Hey all..
Wow..seems like all of u had fun tat nite..
me so sad..cant join..next time ba..

Gong xi gong xi...so happy for u..haha..
me also having problems with my guest list..aiyo..my head also big big..

Went for food tasting..food all quite nice...only the fish my in-laws n my hubby all complaining..my hubby n his dad.."fisher man lah".they fish for their entire life..so they very particular with the "taste" of the fish...say got funny smell..(means the grade of the grouper not as good lah)..to me..im not so particular..i dun feel anything tat bad loh..but they insist wan to change the type of fish..so..will discuss dannis on the change later on..but..the food is nice lah..hehe..no worries lah..hehe...

Haiz..going to my BS now..haiz..



New Member
Welcome back! How's ur trip?

Photos not ready yet. only just receive all photos taken by PG to select, more than 1200 pics taken, thus not so fast.


New Member
Hi CU,
MIL cant even confirm her guest, she says tml during tea ceremony when they come then cfm.Wat the heck.
Now got pple wanna bring extra guest at the last min!!! N its malay!


New Member
Hi Janice
No la.. hubby only finish tying all the gold strings onto the cards. Have not start packing for both side parents. My dad overseas lately, will wait for him to write those chinese characters onto the cards. I envy his supered caligrapgy handwriting...As for english one, I write la

Hi Starmoon
Yeah. i bought 80% of the GDL things today.. include the guy and gal side.. Spend $148 on the gals side and $48 on the guys side, excluding the suckling pig, wine , pig trotters and oranges etc...When i free, i will take some pics of what i bought n share with u.. Eh.. GDL actually quite troublesome.. the lady will keep adding things on which emphasising good luck.. My mum will listen n almost wan everything..
I am the one who kept taking things out from the lots.. hahaha.. Example, I dun wan " Bai Zi Qian Sun" ...I only wan " 1 son, 1 daughter and of course grand children.. no need hundreds n thousand" .. think i m a pig ah.. hahaha... My lady at the shop also cannot tahan me .... kekeke....

Hi meh
I finally confirm my CS cloth with Kim...She is very patience and helpful. I could not make up my mind and she went with me many shops to show me different cloth.. I applause for her service.. Finally I bought the beaded and embriodery sequins.. 2 metre at $100nett.. quite ex..lining at $9... but really i like it alot..Its Jtan and my favourite colour... PINK!!!! very happy... She also design on the spot the design i wanted...Guess in the end, my CS would cost $250 like that... but i think quite worth...

Gillian, you were late today.. not fated to see your " Ru Shan zhen Mien Mu " leh.....


New Member
hi josl,
*pat pat* don't be overly headache over those issues liao. time for you to be radiant and "mei mei" for tmr. CONGRATS!!

hi zoeanne,
which GDL shop did you buy your GDL stuffs from? i still haven't go and buy yet. hehehe. inevitable that the GDL shops want to make every bridal couple buy more and more. once-in-a-lifetime mah. hahaha. you so cute! what is "bai zi qian sun" anyway? i never see before.

me finished preparing invites liao. (thinking to give out end of july) but only for the ivory ones. heehee. red invites i just hand over to parents and leave it up to them to go and settle. hahaha. becos still must write in chinese. then hor my chinese handwriting like kindergarden2 children's.


New Member
u r happening leh.. MJ... monopoly.. cards.. hahah... I can do anythg except mj... =)
but 6th I'm gg to BKK.. guess I have to miss this one... ;) enjoy!!


New Member

my chinese handwriting also like kindergarden children one....hhaha....my mom has already rejected my offer to help her write after seeing my chinese character....kakakaka......

tomor my in laws coming to my house to discuss GDL stuff with my parents....then see what they wan, then me n my hubby will go buy....soemtime when u think of it.....its like my parents or PIL's wedding more than ours.....hahahaha......haiz!

I'm so excited for josl!!!!


New Member
hi josl
better dun worry too much, juz leave it to yr helpers otherwise too stressed b4 yr big day nnot good. juz relax kaez?

hi janice
u remember wrongly liao...the yoghurt thingy not i recommend wan...can't remember who...prob gotta read archive liao to find out.

hi cu2nite
me oso having problems wif guest list
only half way through...still haven settle hubby's side and my mom's side. me oso head big big...

hi zoeanne
i need 1 pack of the gold string...can sell me? today went to printer and she recommended inserts cos of space constraints lor cos RH embossed their logo at the bottom of card so they can't print over it and will need to squeeze everything together. So we went ahead with inserts and now oso gotta get the strings and tie ourselves lor...dunno will be in time anot cos only 2 weeks plus left b4 7th month and we gotta get the invites out by then. shucks! me same same like u, dun need "bai zi qian sun"...1 son and 1 daughter oredi very happy liao. no worries...take yr time to update me wif the GDL stuff cos today i asked my MIL if we shld get the GDL stuff b4 7th month and she said no need, can get it in 8th month.


New Member
hi janice,
heehee. my mum already knows how bad my chinese handwriting is so i automatically not qualified liao. hahaha. actually i havent touched chinese since O levels. hehehe.
yah, agrees with you. sometimes seems more like it's our parents' and iL's weddings, especially when it comes to customs stuff! *headache*


New Member
Hi Mikmik,starmoon and janice,
i redo the guest liat,MIL frens all ard haha.
Now i dun wanna care liao, leave everything to the other pple liao.


New Member

Anyone doing GDL on 2nd of lunar eight mth? If yes, have you bought the stuff? keke.. I just went to meet few videographer just now..I opt for a videographer call Don...like his works best and quite worth it. So I signed up with him just now. Will recommend him to you all..can call him at 98891310.

Now left photographer... will do it tomorrow.. hope can be smooth sailing like today.. keke..


New Member
hey josl,
sorry din manage to stay around too late yesterday. congratulations once again! have a great time tomorrow. hey better sleep now, or else tom panda eyes already!

hey girls @ friday's gathering,
hope i dont owe anybody change hor. i didn't re-calculate the bill leh. i trust jelly's calculations lor.


New Member
Hi J Tan,
its ok,can always have another gathering heehee.Later gotta pray pray ar, now like lotsa mixed feelings abt leaving my parents ,dunno me will cry a not.


New Member
hey josl,
dont pray lah. you can always see them mah. when i first moved out of my parents' home, i did miss home a bit. yah, so i try to see them at least twice a week lor. so enjoy yourself tomorrow! it's your BIG DAY!


New Member
hallo Dk! I know where to get the sachet bags! I saw it at Arab street. There is this shop that sells ribbon at the end of the street. it is owned by Chinese. Just go Arab street and ask the people, chinese shop that sells ribbon, they will direct you. They have a couple of colours for the sachet
hope it helps!

hallo seetoh, likewise you can try arab street for those crystals. There are about 3-4 shops selling crystals there. They might have what you want. However, I did not see any of those stick on body crystals. but maybe you can try?


New Member
Hi J Tan,
Pray to ancestors lah...took sleeping pill but havent knock me out yet.
Can see my parents everyday actually!!U know why ..


New Member
hey josl,
aiyo poor thing. you must be excited. hmm, count sheep lor...
wish good weather for you tomorrow! ta-ta! come back and tell us how it all went!!!


New Member
hi josl,
yah, better to hand over baton and be radiant bride tmr morning.
quick quick log off and go sleep.
Enjoy your BIG DAY!!


New Member
hi girls

wow, missed out on the outing & the so many posts! just returned fr the anniversary dinner of my school.. so hope I'm in time to congrat & wish well-wishes to our 1st bride, blue\josl}!

hi josl

have loads of fun & dun worry, get ur jie-meis & xiong-dis to do all those stuff u dun like doing. must be mei-mei k? u shd not be online now yah?


New Member
hi JTan,
heehee. yep. doing assignment. so just pop in and out of the net. heehee. yep yep. coming up soon.


New Member
hi .. i have sent u gals some of my PS pics.. i took the pic using handphone so its not very clear... must reduce the size to abt 10-20% when u open then will look abit clearer...

calling Highness.. wats your email add hah? i forgot to save your addy in my add book, and can't find in the posts here.

yesterday spent 3 hrs at my BS selecting the photos... very shak, go thru the photo till cross eye. my photograpger took about 150 shoots, we finally managed to shortlist 62 pics... so got to top up $$ .
quite surprise tat my hubby agreed to the top up. inititally when we sign up the pkg, our agreement was not to tup up any photos coz we already chose the more ex one.. 32pics with artwork. but after the PS , he said ok to top up 10pics .. haha.. who knows yesterday he also can't resist temptation.. ended paying $940 for the extra pics and upgrade to 18R album.

Caitlyn.. enjoy your photo selections session, really very exciting when u go thru the photos first round..

i'm fine with 6Aug... lets have a vote on the dates .
28jul or 6Aug


New Member
Hi Starmoon

Forget to reply u.. Ok. I keep 1 packet of gold string for u. Its 100 metre in each packet. Is it enough? When do u need it??


New Member
hey josl,
wah... you miss us so much. on your big day also come in leh. i think you're addicted to SB... like me!
great weather today. somemore so windy, wont sweat! enjoy enjoy!


New Member
hey zoe,
so how did CS fabric hunting go? tell me tell me! i'm itching to make also. but think better not lah. already have a CS. which reminds me, i better go and try it to make sure it still fits!
great to finally meet you... so did you guys go somewhere else after i left? pai seh, i was quite tired. been a long hard week for me...


New Member
hi josl

u ah, really addicted to SB brides liao lah...still can find time to log in....somemore last nite sleep so late and wake up so early, if me, i think i will try to steal a nap every now and then. remember to take a rest whenever u can if not, tonight dinner will be very tired lor.

hi zoeanne

I think 1 packet more than enuff lor cos u said 1 packet can tie 200 cards rite and i only have 170 cards so should be more than enuff lor. I oso dunno when i can get my cards leh....perhaps within these 2 weeks when u r free. I can pop over somewhere convenient for u to pick up so u let me know when and where. dun wanna inconvenience u too much since u oso got many things to settle
can either email me or post here the timing and all lah. XIE XIE!
