(2005) Brides of year 2005


New Member
hihi caitlyn!! *waves*

I come crash your thread also, heehee.

*waves to caitlyn's friends*
hihi everyone! Sorry, me gatecrash coz easier to find her here than calling her. hahahaha
Can send me the GDL list pretty please?? Thanks!!


New Member
hi pierced,so u settle ur AD PG oredi?
i looking for 1-2inch heel too... i saw many really nice one but all above 3 inch...
i still searching... if i really cannot find off the rack,i will go and tailor made...
hi sherl...welcome..


New Member
berry, most likely, i would be using mi hubby's ex colleague.he's oso a pro PG now so gonna look at his portfolio first.
Mi too, i cant seem to find any, all so high. problem is the EG shoes. no suitable ones that are low.

Any of u tailoring ur jie mei's outfits huh? I was considering whether to do so, but tot juz have same colour combi can liao. aft all, they only wear for the day only.

Hi sherl, welcome here! *waves back*


New Member
berry and pierced, i am having difficulty finding 4" shoes while you both have problems finding low heel shoes.... are we being too fussy? haha...

for my jie meis, i just ask them to wear the same color combi - pink! haha.....

Hi sherl...


New Member
yup berry/pierced, low heels easier to find than high heels leh.. heehee.

berry muz be very tall slim gal.. how tall are u berry?

daphne, me thinking of getting my jiemeis to wear white.. hmm..


New Member
janf, haha the other time i was jie mei, i was asked to wear white too.... but i tot of having a different color so that at least they know who is the bride! haha....


New Member
daphne, really got difficulty lei...i always look ard and see so many high heels. sigh...dun tell mi i got to be bare footed?

hehe, janf, true...dun thk ppl will mistaken the jie mei for the bride anyway. mostly oso wear white combi. i wore it too, only once got to wear pastel colours.


New Member
daphne..u wrong leh...its more easier to find high heels for wedding shoes..mostly wedding shoes with silverish crystals are above 3 inch.. low heel all plain looking...hahaha
ya la...all women are fussy... pierced i let u know once i recce finish...
but i really like OG wedding shoes...
janf i not slim lar... i ard 1.7m tall..thats why hard to find gowns too...some gowns are too short... cannot choose... i think my whole life..having trouble with this n that...pants i can only buy uk brands...so does jeans.. g2000 pants i cannot fit...coz my legs are longer...

not doing bridemaid dresses... will ask them to wear white too... daphne... how can they dunno who is the bride one...hahaha ur friends wearing white wedding gown meh? no right? hee juz a joke only... some wear light pink or light yellow...


New Member
berry, no prob, i will keep a look out too and let u know if i manage to find any. wah...u very tall lei, 1.7m. i no choice coz hubby ard same height as mi. if i wear heels, look like giant.


New Member
berry, ha ha want to pass some of your height to me? i'll gladly take it from you.

hee, i tot i'd add colors to the group of people following me so i request for pink lor.... and my jie meis nearly fainted when they first heard it but now they sort of start to look around for pink dresses liao... ha ha....


New Member
berry, YES YES! I AGREE G2000 PANTS CANNOT WEAR!! try Mango & GG5 pants - CONFIRM can wear! tried & tested liao. haha. berry really tall ya..


New Member
berry, u know there are so many gals out there who will die for your height leh
i think 1-2" and 4" heels are both difficult to find

do we have to pay for bridesmaids' dresses if we specify a certain colour? or design? me thinking of letting them wear whatever they want, as long as it's NOT white
then i'll make wrists corsages for them to wear

hello sherl


New Member
yo josl... sob sob... pratunam also got sell are u gog there.... :p

yo star... yap i told my sis tat too... duno she miss the store or tat day the store not open or wat...


New Member
if really can pass,i wanna pass fats to caitlyn...donate height to daphne..haa..
dream on... guess no perfect in this world...
thanks janf...keep a lookout for us...
daphne take ur time to recce ur shoes...sure can find 1...


New Member
hamster,i really dunno.. but sporean majority avg height for girls is 1.6... so usually clothes are designed based on avg height...i also think i making corsages for them..like what caitlyn did... because if make dresses for them,some dun like this n that.very hard to please ladies one... so let them choose what they wanna wear juz coordinate the colors...


New Member
Hi Angela,

I should have learned more of your bargaining skills from you. Too bad, now pics already selected, money already paid, difficult to negotiate.. hee hee.. btw, how many pics did you select?

hi Wendy,

you've got mail!


New Member
Hi Angela,
How did you do it?? They had my prints out but refuse to give them to me, though they have to throw away after that right..


New Member
For the gathering:

1. jelly
2. jtan
3. zoeanne
4. starmoon
5. seval
6. wendy
7. josl

Who wan to meet at Bugis MRT? 6:45pm
1) Zoeanne
2) Jtan
3) Wendy
4) Jelly
5) starmoon
6) Josl

Trying to siam mah heehee...

Hi Jelly,
Yup i shld be gg there on the 2nd day..:p


New Member
Hi Esther and Mrs Wee,
My package has given 26 pics ... i exchanged the canvas and table-top for 6 pics ...
I top up another 18 pics ... thus, in total i have 50 pics
I think it's not so much on the bargaining power ... it's my nagging power ... hehehe
Actually, I tried to "dig" more from them ... but unsuccessful


New Member
berry - hee.. derrick is abit cartoon ah.. u sld've seen the way he tried to make my fh smile on our PS day.. tok to my fh like he's a baby.. hahahahha... u ask him bring the bubbles for ur AD day!!! btw, i WELCOME any donations of fat!! epecially if it's above the stomach level!!! hehehehehehe

daphne - i also ask my jie meis to wear pink.. hehehee... half of them beri happy, the other half, panic!! =)

sk2 - hee.. u're not alone.. i gone for one afternoon, read until blurz liaoz.. how've u been?? busy with all ur activities? keep us updated ya?!


New Member
Hi escapegal,
hmmm...seems like sentosa is the popular place for PS.

Hi L.S.,
for me, famly member of mine advice not to do ang box, they
said it is quite dangerous, someone might snatch it away while one is not aware of it. the advice given is to carry a handbag to collect ang pow instead. at least, the handbag(those with sling type) can attach to yr body.


New Member
Hi skye,
wow, food tasting has been done, you quite fast. I am planning to do the food tasting in Sept.

what's abt co-ordinating those music etc with the banquet? ordering of wine??

Hi deardear,
same same, I also did not done much, think it is still early. Maybe most of the things are target to be done on Sept better.but at least, you got to prepare what in one mind who to invite for the wedding.


New Member
haha, berry , u very funny. but like u say, no gal will be satified with wad they have. keke...

hamster gal, i thk dun have to pay for their dresses. thk will discuss and see what colours they want. aft all, they still get big ang pow fr mi. hee...but maybe go for pink too...haha


New Member
Hi blursotong,
you mean CD for all pictures will be returned or only those you have selected only? for me, we have taken 100++ shot but the photo 'negative' which are in digital form cannot be given back, only those photos that we have selected are returned upon requested.

didn't u have a small album(duplicates that of big album except lessen photos).

for me, l find that my packages which I have signed 2 year ago is really veri expensive compared to my friend who is the same bridal shop as me. she has 22 small albumn photos while l have only 20. she has requested 60 photos to give away to relatives but my package only given me 24 photos. maybe will ask for more when I wnet to collect my PS album.

as mentioned, my hubby will be borrowed all suit and shirt from the BS so he don't need to buy any shirt. the tudexo styple suit come with a bow tie and a white shirt. another suit is the creamy chinese all button up suit.
as for the shoe, I will use back my ROM silver shoes so don't need to buy.

GSS is gg to end soon (ending 23/7), better hurry and grab the sales items.


New Member
hey josl,
yup! that's the rite one! so all 7 meetg at bugis mrt guardian pharmacy huh? ok cool. no need to siam lah. we wont do nasty things to you one lah!

eh jelly & starmoon,
how to sabo josl? ;)


New Member
Thanks so much for your help with my candles problems.....josl...thank you...wait for your good news...<<muacks>>

Wendy..U also using stamford ballroom?
Think u better start arrange food tasting...start to call michele..dannis advise me to start confirm printers/florist/food tasting..2mths b4 the wedding...urs 30 sep rite?..its abt time u start looking ard coz believe sep alot ppl wed also..u need to confirm 1 wk b4 with them on food tasting arrangement...so book early for a preferred date first..
fm the menu i see, i just change last 2dishes..noodles to rice, desert change to OR NI..(yam)..coz same value dish so no top up..if u wan to change u got to check the value first..coz may consider as upgrade ur menu.. so..naturally..top up $$ loh...haven taste..so see if necessary dan change loh..
Florist/printers they gave u a booklet rite?u see from the booklet on those appointed florist n printers loh..then if gt time, just make appt with each and everyone to see wat they can provide/their work...
for me..as mentioned..im super duper lazy...so just "ti kum"(pick) one n go see..n confirm with them liao..haha..
Printer/Felice weddings..coz i think invitation cards very standard loh..everywhere the same lah..cards both appt printers use the same RTP cards mah..dun wan to waste extra $ to do fancy inserts, just do simple inserts tat hotel covers..so no top up..but ask them tie gold strings for me so 10cent per card loh.save time..
Florist/Stefiis...no special reasons..first shop i go..so confirm...save trouble...
Tats all I done...any ans ask loh..hehe..

Sorry all...wrote so much..bored u all....


New Member
long time no see liao..
luv to join u all on fri leh....sobsob..but dunno can push away the appt or not...haiz..Zoe, if can i msg u..u all at secret gardens huh...okok..i noe where...


Hi gals!

Saw you gals arranging a gathering this fri! Would like to join in...possible?

I got the "xi" candles from the anthropology at Holland V a few months ago too. They are imported from HK. They were advertised on the home n decor magazie quite a while ago. There's a few types of xi candles...r u looking for the 3D Xi characters or juz cube rectangular ones with the XI printed on it?


New Member
Hi Cu,
haha, dni ask wat kind of 'xi' candles, got diff type ar like kero said..

Hi Kero,
U are welcome to join...
how much u got it for?


New Member
Hi afcai
oh yeah come to think about it, he/she has a gd point abt the ang bao box. tho nice to have one...heh
maybe if it's not too big the person in charge can still bring it around easily, as long as it's under watchful eyes?

Hi deardear &amp; afcai
Dun worry, think no rush for the food tasting, we had to do the food tasting early, during the sch holidays, coz FH's a teacher, also it will not be so rushed during the sch term.
music and stuff the coordinator said we can settle that nearer to the date.


Hi Josl,

THanks! Can't remember the cost but dun remember it cheap either. I think there were 2 sizes...the bigger one is $40 i think. If anyone is going to HK, go get them from the GOD. It's actually imported from there


New Member
morning gals.. =)

pierced - wah.. i also wanna be ur jie mei leh.. then can get big ang bao.. hee..

just realised only abt 4 mths plus to my wedding.. time passes so fast.. wat else sld i do for the preps ah?


New Member
Hi afcai,

No lah only those selected. However i am in discussion to get all the shots back. Nope I do not have a small album. We sourced our own photographer and not from the bridal shop and hence the deal may not be that great. My stuffs are like ala carte and hence it is slightly more expensive than a normal package.

I will be wearing my ROM shoes for the wedding gown, but i still need for my other dresses such as tea, evening gowns. Yep the sales is ending and i think better make a trip down this sunday.

Good that your hubby need not buy any suits. Saves quite abit of money.

I am looking forward to the photoshoot in August.


New Member
Morning gers,

afcai: mi too, was tinkin to food taste in ard sept cos afraid e chef will resigned (hahaa!) cos hotel staff turnover was pretty high... heard fr a few frz dat actually they already prepare some of e food a mth before.

skye: hav u got ur luvnest? i was quite buzi sourcing for ID for my hse. ;) ur FH is a teacher, muz b a veri faithful and honest guy huh??


New Member
hi sk2.. we are crapping here most of the time..complaining la...grumble la...
u join us crap also lar...
wow pierced i wanna be ur jie mei too...anyway ur hse near me...hee can get big ang pow still got nice dress to wear... but i dun like pink...


New Member
ya lor... have u compile the march in songs?
photo montage done? hmm...facial?
i intend to go those spa...to make my back look more clean...hee... whitening effect...
