(2005/09) ROM in Sept 2005


New Member
Rachel: i cannot really understand or see where you are coming from. the justifications doesnt make sense...

eg: '$ is a very useful weapon -able to solve many issues but it also will lead others into wrong path.'

since when we talked about the goods and bads of money???

in future,

1) check before posting your comments;
2) list down your hypothesis in your comments. not after that;
3) if you got nothing constructive to say, then shut up.


New Member
morning peeps!!!! today is the gathering!!!!!

Date: 3rd May Thurs
Time: 7pm
Location: Cuppage: Snack World

1) Dajie
2) Ah Bear
3) WX
4) Aeris
5) Sue
6) tea
7) Dh & maybe wife

the attendance list looks good hehehe looks like we will be able to have a good meal!!!! with lots of updates hee hee hee

wahhh judy, you already kana called up for the 6th interview!!!! hmmmmm did you check properly which position you applied?? not some kind of security manager post isit LOL 6 interviews!!!!!
this reminds me of an incident long time ago when i applied for samsung position i kana 2 and its 2 because one was conducted over the phone as they wanted to know how i sound over the phone LOL!!!!!!!
hope its really a good job after going thru all this interviews....might not be a bad thing about interviews
juz remember "tian wu jue ren zhi lu"!!!!

bear, come and scare me bah LOL wonder wats so scary that will cause judy to be so scared^^
paiseh about the crossing thing ah hehehe i dont know^^

sue, you never know how many candidates there are coz there might be alot but halfway due to the number of interviews they gave up. its like survivor of the interviews....... really curious about that company....did anyone manage to pick up any thing on that comany judy is applying a job at??^^

jannie glad to hear that you are feeling better already hehehehe don worry once we know the whole story will let you know one or if bear permits will post on the forum^^
probably you can use the story to make it into a scary animation^^

See you all tonite!!!!!


New Member
Hey wx,
wah u muz be looking fwd to tnt's dinner for awhile huh?Thinking abt a gd meal...
Hope anise can join us too!

tea ah,
u r a piping hot boiling tea.Hahaha!!!A strong tea,not a weak tea.Gd to drink!Hahahaha!!!!!No wonder they cant get enough of u.


New Member

Hrrmmmm.... Tea, just concentrate on the interviews.. i beg u.. cos my eyes wanna pop liao... >.<

Jannie, hrmmm since i borrowed it from u, i shd deliver it back to ur doorstep.. anyway i m no longer there mah.. u sms ur home add and i pop by during lunch next wk?

Anise, hope u see u later ok?

WX, actually not very scary.. just that Tea, Dajie and I all hate horror stories!


New Member
hi peeps i'm back!!!

dajie, trip changed to 10th May cause SQ took back all seats departing on 15th May wor said there's a big fashion show in Italy... haiz so gotta change earlier to 10th May not flying straight to Zurich but arriving in frankfurt. will u be on duty?

my wedding was quite good except tat there're quite alot of empty seats as hb's relatives and some of my colleagues couldnt make it but didnt inform us. haiz but we managed to break even using our tea $
surprisingly i wasnt nervous or excited on tat day... hb say i'm cold-blooded


New Member
gd to have u back.Can make it tnt or not?
Not cold blooded lah,u r jz cool mah.
I'll be in london at tt time,fra only end of the mth.Fra is way better than zrh to me lah.


New Member
finally got the chance to come online..
so busy.. really missed out a lot..

relax Tea.. I'm sure you can land on that job..
They might want to put you on another post.. better ones..


Argh!!!!!!!!! haiz thousand apology.. i cant join u gals.. as expected the meeting ends late.. i dun even haf the time to come into the forum at work to post =( next time gathering dun put on monday n thurs(my meeting day =p) u all must haf a great time..=)

tea... add oil.. dun worry soon u will get a job.. juz pray hard.. dat rd, i decided to go without a job within a month is my new co, i juz dun wish to suffer in that kind of environment.. with pple so unfriendly, not willingly to teach n worse got to suffer.. so guess now after deciding to move on, i got another QA job.. so guess lady luck will soon be with u.. juz stay patient=) sure can get soon.. my surname "heng", let mi pass some to u =p...

wah anna.. u not nervous.. standard gal =) is the whole process like a dream?? dats how my fren describe to mi.. "everythin pass so fast.. was like in a dream"... BTW wanna chk with u.. how much u spend for the top up?? any additional cost?? mi gonna discuss the photo topping with my coordinator.. need some advice.

nihpcac... u must be preparing exam papers for ur kids huh.. my student all having exam this coming week onwards.. dats y u so busy.. 1st busy setting n now busy marking ya.. hehe

bear... i miss out ur storys.. share with mi online.. something scary n er right.. if i din rem wrongly.. ehehe


New Member
Hihi, sorry for not coming to post for soooo long!! Busy wif work.

Last night was great!! All e laughter made me less angry abt what happened in office earlier on. WX n I got sorethroat this morning. I wonder if it's e food... hmmm... any of u got sorethroat too???

Round table for the next gathering, after Anna comes back
So Anna, u die die hav to cm huh, cos we purposely wait for u to be back in SG wor. kekeke....

Tea, ur interview today rite?? Jia you!!!! n GD luck!!


New Member
hows the gatherin last nite ppl?

anna, welcom back
seems like ur weddin day went smoothly, dats y u look calm n not cold blooded like ur hb said...

bear, haha...no need send to my doorstep lah...me stayin at woodlands leh...far cry from ur place...me will b gg to laguna tmr nite for a wedding dinner...mayb can meet u somewhere nearby to get it from u? so wats the scary thing har? post it leh :p


New Member
Aeris: me too. my throat feels bad this morning. could be the food. yes, having interview later.

WX: why didnt you bring your bro with u when you got off the trains???!!!

Anna: welcome back.

Anise: thanks.


New Member
Hi all, it was kinda funny poking fun at wx n bear hee!

anise> ah bear encounter not interesting one ahahhaha, it was something else that was more interesting.

aeris> i dun have sore throat but my lips very red n i got an ulcer....

anna> congrats! I hope I will be so cool too.

anyone has any soft copy of the AD program guide, I dunno where to begin, need to improvise on someone's....I got no time to do. tdy only 3 little kittens working, rest on mc, on leave or gone ahahah


New Member

wah 3 out of 7 of us got sore throat ah? this morn i thought i felt a twinge of pain but now ok liao... but i developed a cough though... drink lotsa water ok? esp Tea, u need ur voice for ur interview...

Anise, one thousand apologies not enough.. heehee... the next meeting u must come.. WX says he will organise another one next mth...

Tea, wat bro did WX didn't bring off the train??

Last nite was fun.. gonna upload the photos to my frenster so u guys can steal it from there...


New Member
wah seh...so many of u havin sore throat after the gatherin ah? wat did u guys eat dat was so sumptuous??? sigh...too bad i cant join in the fun


New Member
Jannie, heng u nv come.. wait something happen how? U still wanna go for wedding dinner ah? i thought u cannot anyhow move? when will u be seeing the gynae again???

Hahaha we were laughing at WX's weapon!! Aeris is one lucky gal!! that was the most interesting discovery the whole nite!


New Member
judy, hows your interview!!!! probably having it right now since you mention its 3pm. as for my bros, well they signal to me that the rather be in the company of u then me LOL. seriously i thought they will alight and drop off at aljunied instead but seems like they are going to Little india??? LOL

bear, is that the only thing that you can remember LOL probably last nite's food too heaty or we laugh too much hehehehe
the brothers judy was toking about was actually a group of ind i think hehehehe and the odour from them is too strong that judy is like "a snake which suddenly smelled pee" LOL

jannie, don worry we will organise another one so that you will be able to make it hehehehe juz have to know da jie's schedule to make set the date^^
how are you feeling lately?? better don run here and there lah. go for a walk is ok as its good exercise i heard. did you sign up for any of the courses for pregnant ladies?

sheryl, how have you been? miss out alot....don worry you can always read the archives when you have the time hehehehe^^

sue, today so jialat ah. i try to see if i still have my soft copy hehehehe but i think in here should have a list lying around from another thread bah.
got it from femalebridesonline, hope will be of some help to you ^^


New Member
heng you never come ah jannie or else will pollute the little one hehehe last nite was a gathering of polluted-mind ppl LOL and one tired man!!!!!
how come no one talk about danny who was so tired that he forgotten his bag when we left!!!!!^^


New Member

I still the soft copy for Emcee's speech(english &amp; mandarin version) groom's speech and Actual Day schedule. I can email u provided having ur email address .


New Member
Ok, pls bomb me with watever list u all have okie, me still at work.... My email is [email protected]

wx> come to tink of it, think pee smell more pleasant lor......at least for ppl like me with asthma. Ur bros smell is like 3 person away also can smell the bawoo...


Active Member
Hello everyone... really v v long that I didn read much post and post liao wor...
My company block alot of side that make me so handicap... when reach home alr so tiring... hope everyone is doing well ya...

ya.. I really top up alot wor... haiz.. my total photos are 100+.. I got 1 big album for indoor, 1 big album for outdoor and another small one for casual... we really like those photos.. so we end up top up so much... will let u all see once I got the soft copy of it k...

Tea.. so many interview arh.. must be tiring and stress rite??? relax k... we will support u...

Anna... glad that yr wedding went smoothly... enjoy yr honeymoon arh... take more photos for us... come back give me tips on where to shop arh.. hahahaha...

Dajie.. will u be flying to nearby country like KL??? I'll be going KL this coming monday in the early flight.. I'll be taking SQ there...

oh ya.. I'll be stationed in KL from this coming Monday... Gonna miss my hb liao.. coming back on 24th May...


New Member
Anna: you remember a pretty korean gal at our EE? Saw her on the cover page of Prestige magazine. hee. look so different.


New Member
weixiong, will b waitin for u to organise the next gatherin... :p feelin quite ok liao...went to c gynae yesterday n everything's fine though i had slight bleedin dat day...n nope i didnt sign up for any courses for preggy ladies leh...

bear, no worries lah...gynae said im fine oredi...juz dun carry heavy things or exert myself can liao...gg to wed dinner is no issue since can get to eat mah...hehehe...laughin at WX's weapon??? mmm...wat weapon is dat har? tink i realli missed out alot for this gatherin... :p

tea, so hows ur interview dat day? hope there wont b a 7th one comin up...so tiring...


New Member
yaya i am also very curious abt WX's weapon??

went to bottle tree village at Sembawang for mother's day celebration last nite. Quite a discovery. havent been there before.

hows yr interview??

cheer up! I also had a frenz who failed 4 times in the balloting.This time round her no. is like 900+. Concentrate on yr AD first...


New Member
Hey all!
I'm back fr Phuket!The trip was great!Hotel was great-gd service.Got a tan,not much to buy there though.Food was yummy.
Tell u all more soon.

Read the posts...
No i din hv sore throat leh,though felt it was dry,think we laughed &amp; talked so much din drink enough.

muz take care &amp; rest.I knew a lady who was instructed by doc to hv 6mths bed rest during her pregnancy.U dont want that do u?
It's part of being a responsible mother by looking aft urself i guess.

thx for gvg me a lift in ur NEW car.Though u r tired but still so sweet &amp; thoughtful.Hopefully,jes can join us the nx time at a round table tog with anna,anise,jannie,cherz &amp; sheryl who din make it.

u had early mothers' day dinner?I thot it's this coming sunday?


New Member
Anise: you ballot for queenstown / bukit merah area? nvm lah. try again the next round.

dajie: hehe. seems like you really enjoyed yourself leh....

ya. the gathering was fun.

cherz: as for wx's weapon, you will have to ask him liao. ;)

Jannie: I don think there will be a 7th. I think the HR is crazy. yikes!!!


New Member
Hello! pardon me, but MAN UTD IS THE EPL CHAMPIONS! so happy!!!

ok down to serious business...

Dajie, glad u had a wonderful holiday...

Cherz, i heard abt the Bottle Tree before.. was the food nice?

Jannie, do take care of urself... i agree with wat Dajie says... once u are preggie u are supposed to responsible liao.. heehee...

Tea, any news?


New Member
dajie &amp; bear, ya i noe i hav to rest when instructed...sigh...BUT no worries gals
doc said baby is growin well n everything is fine...


New Member

yup. celebrated mother's day 1 wk in advance with mum, grandma. 3 tables in all.


Food was ok, normal zhi cha kind. They're famour for their fish head steamboat but we din ordered that.


New Member
Bear: they offered the job (yes, the one with 6 interviews) verbally today. You can uncross your eye liao. hee. the HR and myself keep missing each other on the phone. so didnt get to talk about the details. Will call her tom to find out more. The rest of the jobs, still no firm offer, so i have to be very careful with this one.. in case the rest don come in, i have to take on this one to tide over for now...

haha, i went to rent shen diao xia nu.. chasing it with hubby. lol. he laughed at me for renting such shows, end up, he is hooked on it as well.


New Member
wat does bleeding indicate?

congrats,u got the offer!So it's only the finer details right?

Yeah enjoyed my trip caz this time we didnt fight like those amazing race couples.My hb was rather patient while i figured out the map.Phuket is way better than bali in terms of roads.Hb especially enjoyed driving the costal winding roads.
We got selected for a time sharing presentation &amp; we went caz we din hv any aftnoon plans.We also got a free boat ride ard the laguna &amp; then we chose 4000bhat(abt S$200) dining vouchers at our htl where we had 2 dinners at a nice thai restaurant then a seafood restaurant.I muz say the htl service was excellent.

my mil will be gg genting on sunday so may hv to celebrate earlier too!

my sil,kids &amp; maid coming on sat for abt 10 days i think.Lucky i can afford the space.Or else,think i'll check into a hotel man.
Saw the osteopath for the last time today.He said i din hv to go back anymore unless i really need to.So total i went 4 times.Not too bad when the 1st time i went i cldnt even wear my panties standing up.Kekeke!!!!!!!


New Member
everyone seems to be interested in ur weapon.Arent u gonna whip it out?

where did u ballot for the flat?Dont worry,something better is coming up.

it's another mth to ur wedding.When will u be on leave?


New Member
I celebrated mothers day like last week on labour day cos its public hols,going to be very busy these few weekends so we celebrated earlier, went jumboat serangoon gardens. Gosh their KTV system is quite gd, better than party world ktv! Found out my bro is a gd singer n better entertainer than my hb ahahhah!

tea, congrats!

dajie, I will be on leave fr 1st june, so I will clear my work b4 mth end...


New Member
anise, for mine i top up my photos after my PS not before

tea, yup e pretty gal ar... e one with e rich guy rite... hmmm where u got e magazine? congrats on getting e job!!!

cherz, i also went bottle tree village to celebrate mothers' day on saturday leh didnt see u?

dajie, glad ur trip was a good one


New Member
Dajie / sue / anna: thank you. if the other offers comes back, most likely i wont take up this job offer. But if the rest die.. then i better not be choosy. just take first...

Anna: yaya. the pretty, tall gal with the rich guy. i happen to see the magazine in MPH. thou the gal look familar. read the article, confirm it is her.. she is a model leh... handpick by aramani for the asia show after graduation....


New Member
Hey anna,
r u all packed for ur HM?How long r u gonna be away.We'll miss u...
Rem nx gathering u most wanted liao!We'll be waiting for all the pics &amp; juicy details.


New Member
tea, wow didnt know e gal was soo famous wor!!! hmmm she married a rich guy still need to work meh?

dajie, errr not all packed yet heehee lazy will finish packing by tmr lar. be away for 12days


New Member
enjoy ur trip!Wow!12 days!Incld travelling then abt 8 days?Nevermind europe is abt 6hrs behind now &amp; sunset is ard 830pm so u can get to see &amp; do lots.


New Member
IF A DOG WERE YOUR TEACHER You would learn stuff like.....

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.

When it's in your best interest -- practice obedience.

Let others know when they've invaded your territory.

Take naps and stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting, when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lay under a shady tree.

When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout... run right back and make friends.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.
Be loyal.

Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.


New Member
Gd morning! went to the doc just now cos my bites are getting worse... keeps me up all nite scratching!

Tea, phew, i can finally uncross my eyes... feels damn gd... so have u worked out the details with them yet?

Cherz, oh its zhi char ah? hrmmm i dunno where to bring my mum also..

Dajie, just now at the doc i told her abt my hip and back pain.. she checked and said i have scoliosis hence my right side will always be used more.. sigh... at first she said slip disc... but aft making me do some exercises, she ruled it out.. heng ah... but she said for the rest of my life i cannot carry heavy stuff liao...

Anna enjoy ur trip! Happy shopping!! heehee.. don't come back with unexpected luggage!! unless of cos u expected it!

Itchy itchy itchy....


New Member
dajie, glad to noe ur back is much better now n u dun need to go back to c the osteopath liaoz...last nite scolded my hb for "torturin" me while me shld b on mc lor...he made up alot of excuses...anyway cant b bothered wif him in future...

ur phuket trip sounds fun...hav always wanted to go there wif hb but tink its hard to go now...

tea, congrats on the offer...finally sia...so when will u b startin work? u chasin the shen diao xia nu ah? my bro bought the dvds dat time n passed it to me few days ago...hehe...me also chasin now...my hb say how com i wanna watch a show dat i oredi noe the plot??? last time production where got so excitin as nowadays rite? :p

bear, wat happened to u? how com itchy? since doc said u cant carry heavy stuff den u better dun hor...


New Member
bear> i oso got itching problem, my turn to see dr..... I cant wait for the wedding to be over really. Am so frustrated that I am being used as a middle person for everything, even things like envelopes also my problem....I am super pissed with them! I told them upteen times to write the cards early and when we send the cards for printing , kept buggin to ask me when , when I finally got the cards, nw envelopes nt enuff..... They dun communicate and dun count, super pissed......


New Member
bear, you better apply something to prevent the itch from turning into something like what happen to my bro. i did tell you what happen to him and his scars.


New Member
Yes yes, i m trying my best not to scratch but its impossible! i took the doc's medication liao.. but still itchy!! sigh....

Jannie, i got bitten by sandflies during nite sampling.. very itchy... u know today when i was at the doc, she asked if it was chicken pox, i told her no. Then she asked me if it was hand foot and mouth disease, and i said no too.. then she asked why i so sure, and i told her, cos everyone else got bitten...

I think this doc nv seen sandfly bites before... :p

Sue, like i said, be a happy bride.. watever from ur hb's side leave him to settle... cheer up.. once a lifetime and u wanna be pissed with other ppl?


New Member
bear> If u were me am sure u wld be super pissed with my own parents lor really, I reminded them upteen times and they say I am such a nag. End up they made become my problem when they are the ones who din do their part. They usually reach hm very late, so they either tell me in morn or call me during work to bug me abt it..... I ald so busy at work n they cant even help to lessen my burden! I dun care just keep saying I dunno, dun wanna noe n nt my problem. Its their mess, go n clear it up themselves. My mum said its my fault for getting so little cards n envelopes. Buay tahan really! Purposely off my hp so they cant call me. I am still in office now lo, nvr spare some tots for me, tink I very eng, sit there wait for them to screw things up so that I can go n help them untie the knot. Everything say its my fault, I am so angry I just refused to answer anything abt the stupid cards!


New Member
OOh i thought was ur inlaws Sue... sigh.. ur parents ah? this makes things more difficult... u can shout and scream at them, in the end, the prob is still there.. as and when u can, try to give in and help a bit... along the way u can suan them and be sarcastic too, but being mad also won't help cos they will still bug u.. get the cards and envelopes for them with the warning that it is the last time..

Try to cheer up ok? wedding is supposed to be a happy occasion. watever u can give in, give in. watever that u can close ur eyes to, close them... i learnt not to sweat the small stuff cos there they are just plain small... sigh...
