(2005/09) ROM in Sept 2005


New Member
pls u dont hv to be sorry k.U hv done no wrong tt we knw of,kekekeke!!!!!!
Dont worry too much of venue,so long all can sit,eat & chat can liao.It will be diff to satisfy everyone's taste & requirements.Thx for organizing.

nx duty on mon nite!Hehehe!!!


New Member
wx> I eat alot of things one kekek, zi char sounds nice, like family hee! wah I tink I gonna heck care, all give std amt for parents n kids also have another std. Oh yah u all give cousins, sis/bro who are older but nt married one or nt? Me n my hb tot din give, then my fren said as long as nt married need to give......

Jus let me know when is the gathering k, in case I dun login, jus sms me.


New Member
dajie> Will be on business and HM. Will cover both the north and south island.... bungee jump?? lol my heart will jump first

bear> hah no need to avoid the restaurant lah.....the food is in fact quite good....so can still give it a try but try and avoid festive seasons

anise> take it easy... don't quit without a job.. it can be quite complicated... e.g. if there is a time lapse before the next job it can be quite tricky to explain the lapse....re AB gave out abt 1.5k

happy belated tea.... take it easy on your knee...don't do strenous exercise


New Member
bear, dunno y lately me dun hav much appetite...though me hungry but dun feel like eatin...even if i do eat, i onli eat a little den dun eat liao...tink hb will grow fat lor...hahaha...coz he always clear the plate for me :p

dajie, ya my back had some prob some time back...now quite better after changin my pillow...

anise, my ex boss also had the same mentality as ur boss...anyway if u tink u cant get work done no matter how late u work den its no point stayin late...i got few ex-colls who always stay late juz to show boss they r hardworkin BUT they r not workin at all lor...den boss will tink highly of them...always c them surfin internet...sigh...tink most bosses r like dat one lah...

me shld b able to com for the gatherin...juz let me noe when n where lor...


New Member
hey y'all!
Yday & today scattered showers,cant go suntanning,sianz!End up hanging out at vivocity,less crowd so i can see better wat's the whole deal there but really,no big deal.Went marche for lunch,this original restaurant not franchaised is small & some usual fave dishes arent there.

NZ is a land where there r more sheeps than humans but try finding lamb chops.Hardly any.


New Member
Hey all!
Wah nobody since my last post.

Went setosa tanning for a few hrs,dont look so pale now.
Saw 2 thai gals,maybe they r escorts w a fat old ang moh man.The two petit gals got boob jobs,so obvious esp in their bikinis.


New Member
Hello nobody wanna post ah??

Hope u had a gd wkend.. start of another wk.. sian hor...

Jannie, u heng no morning sickness.. try ur best to eat lor...

Our dinner gathering-
Date:14 Mar 07(Wed)(ok?)

1.queenie30 aka dajie
2. Ah bear


New Member
bear> ya man sian sian sian......no mood to work.

my mind is thinkin abt my hb cos he is still sick,
my parents bring him to see dr, he is so weak
till cant drive properly n havnt eat much in 3 days.

dunno wat happen.....kept Ls-ing....the 1st dr say its
virus...tdy went to my family dr for jab, nw resting at
hm watching tv......


New Member
Bear, u allergic to so many food?? then u onli can eat greens if u avoid all...

Maruko, it's like tat one. use Preggie mums will crave for certain food then eat abit then dun eat liao. So ask ur hubby no need to order for himself. otherwise he oso got 'baby' liao... lolz...

Tweety, i noe my mum lah. she very calculative one. senstive issue when it comes to $$$. sigh... she always complain nv give her enuff money... then sometimes forget to pass her e monthly allowance I sure get a earful man. nag till e next time i see her. Last time my bro forget to give her, she cm n nag me. wa lau....

Sue, can take e opportunity to lose wt :D like tat e wt will drop very fast one. kekeke...

I'm fine with e dates
anyway my hubby organising mah...


New Member
Hey,all those u say no prob can make it,pls add ur names down on the list.Thx!

why dont do internet transfer for ur mum?Or gv mum ur acc nos & ask her transfer it herself using ATM?


New Member
Our dinner gathering-
Date:14 Mar 07(Wed)(ok?)

1.queenie30 aka dajie
2. Ah bear
3. Tea
4. Jannie

bear me not dun hav morning sickness...BUT haven yet...now everyday wake up no appetite leh...feel nauseous at times also...sigh...


New Member
Our dinner gathering-
Date:14 Mar 07(Wed)(ok?)

1.queenie30 aka dajie
2. Ah bear
3. Tea
4. Jannie
5. Sue


New Member
Our dinner gathering-
Date:14 Mar 07(Wed)(ok?)

1.queenie30 aka dajie
2. Ah bear
3. Tea
4. Jannie
5. Sue
6. nihpcac

confirmed can coz is holiday.. but still have to go back to school but at least no need to mark books but just to set exam papers..sigh..

as for angbaos.. not too bad.. at least whatever i gave my parents, my mom gave all back and extra a bit though.. my in-laws.. never gave any ang baos to us.. the elders, most of them did gve us, saying first yr give only, no more unless give our kids... so this yr loss not that bad..


New Member
Hi all,

logging in from ofc now. haizz OT again.

i just had my hse warming ytd. Its a in thing to give red wine for hse warming now?? I received 5 bottles ytd!


New Member
at the airport now,waiting to work.

I dont think it's the IN thing to gv red wines.I think ppl these days r uncreative,lazy & cheap.I got afew too for my housewarming.


New Member
Our dinner gathering-
Date:14 Mar 07(Wed)(ok?)

1.queenie30 aka dajie
2. Ah bear
3. Tea
4. Jannie
5. Sue
6. nihpcac
7. WX
8. Aeris

1. Anna
2. Anise
3. Cherz

Did i miss out anybody?

Aeris, hahahaha.. i also allergic to veggies too.. can't take cabbage, soya bean, pineapple, rice and corn flour.. but i still take them cos if i don't i will suffer from malnutrition! my Prof said a balance diet more impt... i just need to ensure that the food are cooked very well.

Sue, ur hb better? rem to ask him to take more isotonic drinks to replenish the salts he lost.

Jannie, u feel nauseated.. isn't that morning sickness liao? some ppl get them very badly, while others don't get them at all!

Cherz, ya i also got wine too.. but i dun drink them hence all of them are piled in my cabinet.. i recycle them when i have to go for parties.. wahahahaha...

Dajie, happy flying and take care of ur back!! wait this time u come back, u can't even wear ur bra! heeheehee...


DH... ya i noe i should not quit without a job.. i m trying to ren... juz hope i can.. meanwhile wanna get a betta job..

thanks queenie for giving me some tips on the interview =) juz putting my finger crossed..

bear.. xie xie.. ya for mi TBC.. i off work at 6 but dun tink i can run off that fast.. I got to see on that veri day.. sianz.. today is another sicko day for mi.. boss din give mi time to figure on one project n yet throw mi another one.. he thot i superwoman... onli trying to force mi go off faster


New Member
Hi Everyone,

Gong Xi Fatt Cai!!!

I have been MIA for more than half a year liao... hehe!

Juz browse through a few posts and everyone is keeping the thread alive.Since i changed my job, hardly have the time to post any msg.

Juz msn wif Bear and got to know Jannie was pregant! Congra jannie. Hope more baby is coming out soon.

Updating myself:
I was promoted last Sat (17/02) as "mother of Caleb Tan Kah Lok". In the end my CNY was in hosiptal and not even able to have reunion dinner wif my family and in-laws.

My delivery:Natural birth w/o epi
Had company lunch @ Carton hotel on 16 Feb and after that went shopping wif some colleague.Reach home abt 6plus then took a nap w/o taking dinner. Slept till 8 plus, realise I'm having some heavy discharge.I found sometime was wrong,impossible having watery discharge which i never came across. Took my hp & start calling my frenz whom experienced waterbag ruptured.As I confirmed is waterbad burst,called my husband back home (he was working at tat time).Meanwhile did use maternity pad to hold the water but failed. In the end sit inside the toilet to wait for my hubby back home.Once he back home,he kept walking here and there,dun know what to do. Then I asked him to get some food for me while waiting time to reach 11.30pm then set off to hospital (if admitted b4 midnite,it consider a extra day).My gynae was doin a c-section for another patient when I reached hospital. As suppose to b on leave on 17 feb morning and he said I should admit early and mayb he's able to induce b4 he left s'pore.He did explain to me & my hubby tat he's leaving S'pore at 10am . If my baby didn't come out b4 tat,his relief doctor will deliver for me instead.In the end he put drip on me to have contraction... at 5.30am the midwife said I'm ready to deliver and quickly called my gynae (luckily he's staying nearby to hospital).My Caleb was delivered at 6 plus...
i find tat the contraction still bearable but not the pushing part, it realli very stressful.End up having my tail bone pain pain. My gynae said it will takes a few weeks to recover,haiz!

First time can't celebrate CNY.In fact a week b4 CNY,did manicure and buy clothes for CNY.When buying some goodies,decor the house,change new note for ang bao. End up ..... unable to use it at all!!!

My new job:

Quite like my colleagues, they are very friendly and helpful.Intially my female boss oso very good, but for the past few months she has been very short temper and quite stressful working under her.There's point of time feel like quitting but after some tots,i find tat i should face the fact,everywhere will have the same problem and it has to depend on myself whether can take it anot.

I have upload my baby caleb photo,looks like a hamburger rite??hehe!
Since I'm grounded at home for a month... I'll contribute my words in this forum....


New Member
rachel...congrats on ur delivery...feel so happy for u...how is ur baby now? u still feelin pain in ur tail bone? wah...dats brave of u to deliver w/o epi...actualli me also tinkin of doing w/o but dunno i can bear wif the pain or not... :p


New Member

Good to see u here Rachel... We were just talking abt u the last couple of wks, wondering if u have delivered. Congrats on the arrival of Caleb! How's motherhood so far? slpless nite? are u having somebody to help u with the confinement?

Anise, think of it this way, ur boss see u up up hence throw u more stuff to do... so don't think negative...

Jannie, u can ask Rachel all the e qns u want!


New Member
Rachel> congrats! Glad both u n ur baby are both doing good! Ur baby cant wait till cny huh, wanna be a Dog year baby hehhehe

Bear> my hb ok ald, lost 4kg in 4 days amazing right? Hw I wish it was me who lost 4kg then I am so near my target ald!


woww... racheal.. gong xi gong xi.. become a mummy like.. Guess if i m u, i wont noe wat to do when the water bag burst.. congrats once again.. haf a good good rest and take care.. esp ur tail bone...

bear... ya i juz hoping every new day will be a better day for mi.. really tough at time but i got to endure for sure... no choice..

sue.. wah ur hubby lost 4 kg in 4 days.. dat's alot.. mi oso got to start slimming down liao.. hehe...

Today got BE exercise.. got the location i wanted.. but the flats will only be ready in 2008, which is next yr.. no choice.. the most i move in to my hubby place 1st liao..


New Member
Hi All,

Thanks for your regards!!! I'm doing very well...

Dun worry so much! Let God make the decision for you!Intially my gynae said i'm having low placenta. If by week 28 still low,i may need to c-section instead of natural birth.Plus I have yeast infection which oso can't have natural birth.I do have faith in my God and he allow me to deliver my baby in natural way,juz like Mother Mary (hehe,i'm a catholic).

Currently I'm breast feeding my baby but I pump the milk out instead of latching.I did it in this way cos I'm able to monitor how much intake oes my baby takes.& oso save time. my baby takes about 10 mins to finish 60ml of milk but if latch will takes more than 30 mins.

Currently I'm still having pain at my tail bone. My gynae said it was cause by my "pushing". So Jannie,rem during pushing dun anyhow move ur bottom,if not like me having pain pain,hehe!

I didn't not get any confinement lady. My mum is doin the cooking for me.I'll take care of my baby during nite and my mum will take care in daytime (where i'm able to rest)I didn't get any confinement lady cos wanna save $$ ,after tat i find that taking care of ur own baby allow u to understand his/her character or behaviour.My baby has been wif me for 11 days and I know at every 2 hrs, he'll cry for milk. So b4 the alarm,I need to start prepare the milk. When he shit, he won't cry.If urine,will pull a long face.I find it quite fun taking care of baby but of cos sometime he'll turns into a monster where he dun wanna sleep and wan u o carry.


rachel... look fun looking after a baby =) Taking care fully by urself will strengthen the relation between u n baby.. But bad thing is dat he will stick to u veri veri often.. wah ur baby oso veri cute. shit or urine wont cry.. still can make face to signal u.. hehe

Where haf everyone gone to??? no one post today.. Today my mentor giving mi attitude again.. so stupid.. hate it..


New Member
Sorry guys, only just had time to log in.. was sampling the whole day, under the heavy rain... i think i m gonna fall sick cos it was soooo cold on the boat..

Why so quiet ah???? WX leh? Aeris leh?? Anna also MIA.. come back leh....

Rachel, that's motherhood mah.. learning to know ur child.. its a 21 yrs commitment at least and its only the start of the long journey.. gd luck!!

Sue, ur hb better or not??? i think when u are the one vomitting and lao sai-ing, it isn't fun, even though u know u are gonna lose weight...

Anise, wat exactly did ur mentor do?? really everything very bad ah???


New Member

The 1st mummy amongst us!
Glad tt now u hv some time to come in here caz it's really getting very quiet here besides the usual few of us.


New Member
Our dinner gathering-
Date:14 Mar 07(Wed)(ok?)

1.queenie30 aka dajie
2. Ah bear
3. Tea
4. Jannie
5. Sue
6. nihpcac
7. WX(organizer)
8. Aeris(organizer's PA)

1. Anna
2. Anise
3. Cherz

if u can join us,it wld be really nice.

how r u'cher?Long time no see u here.Glad u joining us.

i've chgd the time 30mins later.Fr previous experience,most of us r pretty punctual.If u r gonna be late,it's ok.Better late than never.


New Member
ah bear,
wat makes u think i even wear bras?Hahahaha!!!!!
My back much better lah!Thx for ur concern!

So u all bought ur hongbao $10M draw yet?Imagine,50cents can make u a millionaire.

Gonna be a busy day for me later,lots of errands to run.


New Member
Ya its getting very quiet... sigh.. we are dying off slowly liao...

Dajie, dun wear bra, wait saggy saggy!! wahahahaha...

I think Rachel can't make it.. she is still in confinement...


New Member
hi gals, too busy.. just finished lesosns..
so tired.. still have lots to mark.. already sat on my table for 3days..
Congrats, rachel.. must keep a record of what u are doing so that next time, anyone here need help, we can find u for advice.. ehehe.. rite, jannie?


New Member
Hi guys.. wah lao we getting quieter and quieter leh... how come like that? I am still in sch doing stuff... tired liao but another 2 hrs to FRIDAY!!!

Sheryl, u also planning for baby liao???


queenie.. i will sure try to run off on that veri day to meet up with u all k =) nan de having another gathering right..

bear... my mentor really veri temperamental.. it's like i got to see his mood to work. there r a few time, my boss ask mi do stuff.. den i forget to inform him n when i m back.. i went over to ask if he wanna teach mi anythin new or need mi to help out in some stuffs, guess wat he replied mi.. "now i veri busy. morning wan to teach u but dunno where u go.." it's like i wanna hide or wat.. den my boss wanna make mi fully incharge of certain machine n guess he is jealous so give a face.. siao.. i m telling one of my colleague, as if i wanna fight his rice bowl.. he wanna take, juz by all means.. the most i be his PA.. help him to do stuff lor.. always give mi a black face.. n oso when he teach mi, he expect mi to noe this n dat.. when i said i dunno, he will says very bad words.. onli make mi low morale.. now i onli got a closer colleague over there, but she is leaving to another department.. so sad =( my one n only kaki there..


nihpcac... seems like u veri busy.. at time i m tinking of going into teaching line.. like marking books.. hehe.. at time period of time, they juz finished their CA right???


New Member
Our dinner gathering-
Date:14 Mar 07(Wed)(ok?)

1.queenie30 aka dajie
2. Ah bear
3. Tea
4. Jannie
5. Sue
6. nihpcac
7. WX(organizer)
8. Aeris(organizer's PA)

1. Anna
2. Anise
3. Cherz


New Member
It's already March & it's still raining!So bz out early in the morning running errands,so tired now & got long day later.Post agn soon.
Hope to come back & see more ppl here.Miss those who din post leh.


New Member
bear> yah, its no fun have bad tummy etc, but sometimes we really need this kind of thing to happen to ctrl ahahha!

Am so happy its friday today and I get to claim my time off cos of eve of cny eve


New Member
hihi... sorrie MIA for some time. Busy busy cos Feb is a short mth +CNY. Need to clear my work.

Congrats Rachel!!! Ur BB dun wanna be piglet ah?? kekeke.... U r so brave to give birth w/o epi. Dunno if I got e courage...

Feeling super slpy at work. Esp r raining made it worse....


New Member
hello! just back again from field.. not so wet today cos i was sheltered...

Anise, have u told ur supervisor abt ur mentor? may be u can request for a change in mentor lor... why he so like that? he scared u usurp his position???? sigh.... only him right? the rest of the ppl not that bad?

Aeris, any news as to where we having our zhi char?
