Hi Everyone,
Gong Xi Fatt Cai!!!
I have been MIA for more than half a year liao... hehe!
Juz browse through a few posts and everyone is keeping the thread alive.Since i changed my job, hardly have the time to post any msg.
Juz msn wif Bear and got to know Jannie was pregant! Congra jannie. Hope more baby is coming out soon.
Updating myself:
I was promoted last Sat (17/02) as "mother of Caleb Tan Kah Lok". In the end my CNY was in hosiptal and not even able to have reunion dinner wif my family and in-laws.
My delivery:Natural birth w/o epi
Had company lunch @ Carton hotel on 16 Feb and after that went shopping wif some colleague.Reach home abt 6plus then took a nap w/o taking dinner. Slept till 8 plus, realise I'm having some heavy discharge.I found sometime was wrong,impossible having watery discharge which i never came across. Took my hp & start calling my frenz whom experienced waterbag ruptured.As I confirmed is waterbad burst,called my husband back home (he was working at tat time).Meanwhile did use maternity pad to hold the water but failed. In the end sit inside the toilet to wait for my hubby back home.Once he back home,he kept walking here and there,dun know what to do. Then I asked him to get some food for me while waiting time to reach 11.30pm then set off to hospital (if admitted b4 midnite,it consider a extra day).My gynae was doin a c-section for another patient when I reached hospital. As suppose to b on leave on 17 feb morning and he said I should admit early and mayb he's able to induce b4 he left s'pore.He did explain to me & my hubby tat he's leaving S'pore at 10am . If my baby didn't come out b4 tat,his relief doctor will deliver for me instead.In the end he put drip on me to have contraction... at 5.30am the midwife said I'm ready to deliver and quickly called my gynae (luckily he's staying nearby to hospital).My Caleb was delivered at 6 plus...
i find tat the contraction still bearable but not the pushing part, it realli very stressful.End up having my tail bone pain pain. My gynae said it will takes a few weeks to recover,haiz!
First time can't celebrate CNY.In fact a week b4 CNY,did manicure and buy clothes for CNY.When buying some goodies,decor the house,change new note for ang bao. End up ..... unable to use it at all!!!
My new job:
Quite like my colleagues, they are very friendly and helpful.Intially my female boss oso very good, but for the past few months she has been very short temper and quite stressful working under her.There's point of time feel like quitting but after some tots,i find tat i should face the fact,everywhere will have the same problem and it has to depend on myself whether can take it anot.
I have upload my baby caleb photo,looks like a hamburger rite??hehe!
Since I'm grounded at home for a month... I'll contribute my words in this forum....