(2004) Brides of year 2004


New Member
purple: the cough seems to stop for hrs now.. hope it dun come back again... my lower legs both are little swelling n very tired to walk too... dunno wat's wrong.. sianz


New Member
*Sob sob* u laugh @ me. Dun tok to u liao *sob sob*

u blur only hor,I nv blur, it's all cooldevil's fault *sob sob*



New Member
i used 4 hrs to choose the 30 photos.. they never give back negative one.. so i buy back all the 120 sample photos for $500


New Member


just finished my contract job yesterday.. today start look out again.. sian ah... y now so hard to find perm job one
but nvm, today i go swim with cousin then tml food tasting...a little break right


New Member
$500 for 120 pics? nt bad leh.............

Mine $1k for pics back leh.

Hmm........ wen I go & c layout c wat they can give me back other than the CD-Rom w/ the pics I've chosen.


New Member
Hi hi gals..

hmm, KK, Babysheep n Fanyong,
r u gals on leave already?

hv fun on ur AD!! there will hv good weather, so smile sweetly

Hi Lynn,
i cant believe i m back to work too.. cant wait for next wed to come.. ahaha.. :p
my hubby n i staying with his parents now, so hor, he haven experienced hse work yet.. for me, i got to wash n iron my own clothes.. tts y i starting to miss my mummy.. very bad hor? do hsework then start to miss home.. :p


New Member

tat time they told me $1k is for approx 100+ pics those nt chosen ones & w/o touch ups. then nw they snapped ard 400 shots for me u think I will buy back meh?

C hw lor.......... already topped up for album, think CD-Rom wun buy back lah. Maybe cham-siong w/ the photog c if he can give us back more or nt. OD I m fine cos I told them album I want more OD mah, then wat I want is my ID shots w/ the gowns.


New Member
ah ger,
wow... ur total is 400 pcs ah?? alot leh.. how ur manage to take so many in 1 day?? me 1 day in and out door onli 120 leh...
i think u top up ur album to mag style right? mine is normal jus one page album
we never top up so jus buy back all the photos lor...


New Member
2day u very prompt in posts hor? ha ha ha.......

Yeah 400 shots - fantastic right? I make up they snap, they took out rings & bouquet & snap, then any movements I try to make they also snap then like candid lor.

Can lah - OD shots mostly sequential shots mah.

My pkg also normal full pg albums, then they said will do some artwk if we hit 30 pics, then hb dun like the screw on album so the nightmare began lor..........


New Member
ah ger,
hahah... u oso very prompt leh.. i not working liao mah... so now at home surf net lor..

so ur album is 30 pages of mag is it? how much is ur package and u still top up $1K ah?


New Member
Hiya Girls!
This thread move too fast cant catch up. Dont think can break Peg's reply record... haha

Face threading only $15? Serious? I thought this procedure can only be done by cosmetic surgeons. And WAH! You bought ALOT of stuff from JB. Pei fu pei fu. I cant be bothered lah, let my mum do everything.

Hey Peg,
Havent 'seen' u in ages. I finally started doing some stuff. Last night managed to get my inlaws to cut down the list. Almost eliminated half the amount. Wooohooo! Relax now... hahaha

Hey Purple,
Dont get angry. Nowadays I angry and stressed until cant sleep properly. Oh I saw ur Johnson's Clean and Clear pimple gel. Is that the one? You want me to buy for u?

Yay! You coming next yr? What sort of conference is it?

Alamak. Thread went too fast, so difficult to find the post. Haha. Anyway wedding at Four Seasons. Oh I'm starting to do some stuff, cause getting gan cheong. Now have to choose music.

Congrats! Hehehe... I wanna have babies soon too, but husband worried about finances, so have to hold back awhile. In the meantime, take care of urself. Dont get angry, otherwise baby will get bad temper next time. Heehee

Your wedding day approaching soon, better try to recover from the cough. Heaty cough or cooling type of cough?

Aiyah I tell you mother in laws ah... dunno what to say also. Its a power struggle between the daughter and the MIL. See who can 'gain' control of the son. Hahaha! Its quite stupid sometimes lah. But luckily in general, my MIL is nice to me, so when she PMS, I try to forgive and forget...

Hi Sydna!
Welcome! I think everyone on the thread is busy... almost 'drowned' ur posting. Hehee

Hmm... okay who have I missed out? Thread is DAMN fast nowadays ok... maybe we shd have 'real-time' chat sessions instead!


New Member
morning gals,
busy the whole morning... settle boss's trip to atlanta tomorrow..changing leave form etc...

my flat is at punggol. how abt gathering your jie meis at the hen's night?

me got heart, so will try not to leave out anyone.

yah, this thread is moving faster and faster.

Mine GDL will be on 12 Nov, an chuan and shan tou will be on 16 Nov. My mum had actually made her own arrangement of MUA (phew) but still expects us to arrange for bridal car to come and pick them up to go hotel. Thank god, u gals mentioned this or else i would not have known that got such "tradition" and I would not have asked her and she would not have told me.


New Member
yeah hor, bery the eng liao hor, so can run chats w/ me lah

My pkg $3k lor, then I top up another $1k+ (higher end of $1k). the mag album is 30 pgs, then w/ all of them fully designed, bt mag pgs (those frm Left -> Right across) has 5 pgs lor. Then big & small pics they told me @ least 60 lah.


New Member
melbz: ccough is surely getting better.. kekeke.. finally. but funny thing is that when i start to recover, my lower legs starts to swell little n very tired n lazy to walk


New Member
hi ling,

do your drink chinese medicine? I got a receipe for cough. You know what Luo han guo? can buy from medical hall, just cook that with water for abt half hours... then drink it. must drink for a few days, then will see the effect.

hi adidas,

you go for marriot's food tasting already? how is it??

hi odae,

thanks for the info. but give a few dollars can already??? ay, i find it hard to believe leh.... huh, also must give to dad??? what sort of tradition is this huh? aiyo, really never heard before.

hi peg76,

yah lah, i try to endure until after my wedding..... no choice lah, i think subsequently my mum got no other issues to bother me liao... hahaha... ;p

hi amy,

i saw your new corsages, they are nice. I prefer the one with 3 little yellow roses... hehehe.. ;p


New Member
peg76: no yet.. will have to wait n see.. if nothing much happenign i wont be gng to see.. cos the stupid medical bill tfor this cough already 110.. siao right.. so ex.

mist: tks.. the cough is really getting better... i am least worried abt it now.. kekeke


New Member
I also checked with mom, she told me that no need to give angbao to the elders, it is the elders who will give us. We only need to give to the younsters if they serve us tea. Think my mum is going to "sabo" me by getting my younger cousins and the kids of the older cousins to serve us tea. Then she also told me to serve tea to the older cousins so that we can get their angbaos.


New Member
ah ger,
so ur package total is 5k liao... wow.. abit ex leh.. but i think u realli like ur photos alot right, so willing to spend $$


New Member
thanks!! no time but shenton way so far away.
i saw parkway parade also charge like 20c per pc for min 100pcs. but duno the quality good or not. maybe i go n bargain with the shop i went at my downstairs. ha ha ha see they wan to go my business or not.


New Member
Close to bt nt yet $5k. A few $100s more lah. I also find it exp, bt suan le bah.......... no pt crying over spilt milk right?

Me wking - bt I can surf net one.


New Member
morning dabee.... ok... u got negotiate... kekekee.... today so quiet hor.... where's the rest?

tomolo u confirm joining us hor? kekeke


New Member

I wanna do ru-huo tis wkend.

A few qns to ask.

1) Can we DIY, w/o PILs ard?
2) Wat do we need to buy/ get?
3) Do we need to c timing?


New Member
no time: ya loh lunch time where are the rest? i going out lunch with my colleagues soon.
ya tmw evening i meeting u, where? wat time?? sms me ok.


New Member
ah ger,
u so gd ah.. working still can chat?? ur company wanna employ pple anot.. i want to work leh

wat is ru huo?? sorri dont know wat is it so cant help u..

tata... i going out liao :wave:


New Member
ah ger, mine was simple. we followed timing, boiled water in a kettle and cooked rice, didn't need to use brand new appliances unless the person you checked dates with requires. ILs were not around. some said to cross over 'fire', those old fashion charcoal stove...


New Member
dabee.. u know the california fitness ctr? outside there's a new coffee club.... very nice ambience one.. kekeke... we meet there lor... 7 or 7.30? lala/skylar leh?


New Member
ah ger, how many pics in total? ave. how many pics in a pg?

btw cakes suppose to be part of GDL right? only for relatives or frens as well?


New Member
hi poohie
Yes yr AD clothes must be new..... that mean after yr tea ceremony u going to hotel or rest at home the clothes u wear must be new......this is the first time, my mum ask me to buy new clothes...ke ke ke...she used to nag when she saw me buy clothes...ha ha ha
After yr AD, yr tops and undergarments must be new...bottom my mum say no need.


New Member
hi no time:
is near cineleisure right?? beside duno orchard something buliding? the very first cali fitness. i never go to that part of orchard, mountain tortoise liao.

okie so i see u gals there ard 7 to 730. so wan to bring photos or not? i would go home first.


New Member

Yes!! I stay at east side mah. heehee. I developed from Kodak before (opp Watson) ... pic not so nice leh.


New Member
Hi Hayashi,

the chinatown shop .... mi no idea lah... but i think u r right. it @ the hawker + wet mkt.

anyone been there?? please advice.


New Member
Hi no-time,
me here to keep u company.

Me went Secret Receipe to makan its Banana Cake and Cheese Brownie ... super yummy !!!

Oh, regarding your dwarf hamster babies, they are so cute (& fragile) !!! Think these few months, you & your HB will be busy wanting to rush home to see them liao ...


New Member
no time!!! u just bought dwarf hamsters!!!!! wah wah i like them!!!! bring them to our outing tmw!!!!! are they those like chicilans. i duno how to spell. u know i wan to buy big holland rabbits, but my hubby not encouraging. i also worried that my cocker will eat it up.

ade: at pp the kodak one not nice, ok ok noted. but the one i saw is just besides delifrance leh. duno good or not like very crowded still need to q up to use to PC to select pics which u wan to reprint. duno their quality good or not. the one i went is at my place there marine terrace, color nice at $0.40 each for 4R.

which part of east side u stay?? why i duno. so u moving to where next yr???


New Member
wah lala!! secret recipe famous for their cheese cakes leh.. like popeye's chicken.. me always wan to try their cakes.. but havent.. aiyoh... me got more to-eat items on the list ! kekekekee...

dabee.. no lah.. not juz bought... the ones tat i have... gave birth ! kekekekekee... cannot bring them out lah... kkekeke.. troublesome.. me going to town straight fm work.. cannot bring them to work lah.. hahahaha.....

yah lor lala.. me so bz taking pics these few days.. cos last week they are too small... hammie mummy too protective.. we cannot go near...

dabee.. tonite i go home n load pics into the yahoo group.. kekekekeke


New Member
I dunno wat was needed leh, mum nv said need to c timing. Is tare anybody who can advise?

Pics - I dunno wor, yet to c the layout, so can't tell u much.

Yes, cakes are part of GDL, we give relatives only. Friends/ colls - unless u wanna distribute like let them share 1 or 2 boxes lor.

like tat then gd mah, wun b so gloomy. It's Thurs liao.
