Hiya Girls!
This thread move too fast cant catch up. Dont think can break Peg's reply record... haha
Face threading only $15? Serious? I thought this procedure can only be done by cosmetic surgeons. And WAH! You bought ALOT of stuff from JB. Pei fu pei fu. I cant be bothered lah, let my mum do everything.
Hey Peg,
Havent 'seen' u in ages. I finally started doing some stuff. Last night managed to get my inlaws to cut down the list. Almost eliminated half the amount. Wooohooo! Relax now... hahaha
Hey Purple,
Dont get angry. Nowadays I angry and stressed until cant sleep properly. Oh I saw ur Johnson's Clean and Clear pimple gel. Is that the one? You want me to buy for u?
Yay! You coming next yr? What sort of conference is it?
Alamak. Thread went too fast, so difficult to find the post. Haha. Anyway wedding at Four Seasons. Oh I'm starting to do some stuff, cause getting gan cheong. Now have to choose music.
Congrats! Hehehe... I wanna have babies soon too, but husband worried about finances, so have to hold back awhile. In the meantime, take care of urself. Dont get angry, otherwise baby will get bad temper next time. Heehee
Your wedding day approaching soon, better try to recover from the cough. Heaty cough or cooling type of cough?
Aiyah I tell you mother in laws ah... dunno what to say also. Its a power struggle between the daughter and the MIL. See who can 'gain' control of the son. Hahaha! Its quite stupid sometimes lah. But luckily in general, my MIL is nice to me, so when she PMS, I try to forgive and forget...
Hi Sydna!
Welcome! I think everyone on the thread is busy... almost 'drowned' ur posting. Hehee
Hmm... okay who have I missed out? Thread is DAMN fast nowadays ok... maybe we shd have 'real-time' chat sessions instead!