(2004) Brides of year 2004


New Member
Hi Lee ann,
Hope u feeling better today yeah? Perhaps ur MIL's reaction could be due to ur hb having brought back 'too many' women b4 that's y she 'sian' rdi leh? Try to think of the positive & happy things wenever u feel down to brighten up ur days!

Hmmm..I think u shud be able to justify ur needs to change the bed leh. How abt telling them small, old bed will cause preggie woman to haf very bad backache? & oso, not enuf space ur hb will oso haf difficulties to sleep well so how to feel refresh to get to work the next day rite??

Hi Adidas,
So now I know I'm not the oni 'extreme' one ard! hahaha...I so scare to c dirt that I purposely chose dark color tiles for my hse leh even though I wud like to haf light colours very much. But hor, scare everyday saw those dusts, dirt & hairs on the flr, cannot tahan leh! & guess wat, my mum actually help me sew a big pc of cloth to cover the minimally used guest's bedroom sets. hee...

Hi mist ah,
Aiyo..u know wat?? Not oni muz give mum angbao leh, muz oso give dad one too! hmmm...I pressured my mum for a fig & she can't give any...ended up saying few dollars oso can?!


New Member
leeann:if u are really changing the bed, the day when the bed is change, prevent from staying in the house as chinese believed that its not good for the bb. so better to avoid ok?


New Member
Hope your mum will get better. I am sure it must be really stressful running everything on ur own...hahah but with all the effort u have been putting in.. I am sure ur Wedding will be gorgeous

Lee Ann,
Fantastic News! Congrats on the Baby....
Stay strong for ur BB.. cos really if u stay happy , then u will have a very happy BB.. keep telling yurself that nothing is more important than the Precious life in u .. ok.. and i tell u day by day u will feel better. MILs will always be difficult... try this... the more u fear her..the more u will find that she is difficult to u.... hence for example, if you greet her.. and she does not acknowledge.. go up to her..give her your brightest smile and greet her again until she acknowledge.
I have a very difficult MIL too.. previously i get very affected when she gives me the attitude.. however now..i tell myself.. i am marrying her son... i am sure she probably thinks her son can do better with a better wife... But u see I know i am the best he can ever get liao HAHAHHAHAHA (Thick skin) so... she better appreciate me...
Just remember whatever you do.. however your react... think of your BB first
Talk to FH.. tell him that no matter what happens both of u should think about the BB .... I am sure he will realise esp he is so happy with the news right....

Purple.. agree with u... we should all conciously keep in mind next time..not to be like the MILs we all face...
Chum lei... my wedding also soo near... i also hafnt do alot of things..... how how how


a gd morning to everyone!!

I'm not on HM yet, actually back at work, will be going for HM end of the month.
lots of things to clear at work... haiz.. can't believe i'm back in office. ;p

life as a mrs? nothing much exciting yet, other than seeing how 'pampered' hubby was, actually dun noe that washer takes at least 30-45 min for a wash cycle. :p was complaining why our washer wash n wash, as we were rushing out to meet frens hahaha... then arguing who to wake up first in the morning.. little stuff but we are coping.

Yap, moved into our hse since last wk, at least hubby did. e hse is like a hotel now, can live, can wash clothes but no cooked food. i hv yet boought my plates n bowls! :p

a little bit abt my AD. Our car is a lazer red saab, keke.. very striking n we got lots of look on the road. Our first march-in was SHE and second march-in we used FALLEN. Quite nervous during the first march-in but 2nd one was pretty ok liao. Our hotel provides us with DVD player so my montage is in DVD format. SIL say seeing those childhood photo brings back memories.

well..As usual lah, MIL complain this n tat.. even last nite also complain that her guests say give so much angbao no shark fins. jia luck, everything is over now then so much complain.. we serve lobster soup wat, and it's not like the hotel will serve big pieces of top-grade shark fins in the first place *faint* i shall adopt keep-my-mouth-shut attitude when she started complaining. kekeke

mei mei
wat abt u? any plans for HM now that things are settled down? going for a short retreat?

enjoy your HM next wk!!

who's the next bride??


New Member
wow... mia for a few days onli then so happening liao... i jus saw my PS last sat and veri happy and we sit at the BS for 4 hrs in order to decide the 30 pcs of photos for the album


New Member
morning gals!

yeah BBQ, bt sad to say I din eat much, must watch diet mah. Then they started BBQ-ing like 8+ leh, then I dun hv a habit to eat after 9pm, so I ate alittle only. When I got hme, hungry bt bo bian.

yeap, the normal ones are $5, while the rest are $6 & abv. Bt then BSolo cakes are $5.80 for all mah. If there's something diff (flavour) & costs $0.20 more, y nt? Then abv $100 they hv free delivery.

Will go & chk out the Swee Heng on tis. Gues tis wkend bo bian must go new hse liao. Hmm....... finally can smell my hse again lor. ha ha ha

yeah lor, boh dinner jin farnie right? If like tat then 3yrs ago when I ROM, can straight away sey-kia already. Ha ha ha.....

Hmm.......... new set of P&P, I heard b4, bt I got stock @ hme haben wear mah, can do also right? Bt for 3 days arh? Nv heard b4 leh.

Very happy bt yet only 30 pics? Hw cme leh? I also very happy bt when choosing pics nt happy cos dunno which one to cut. Hw many pcs in ur pkg then u top up hw many/much? When u xpecting to collect ur album?



New Member
ah ger,
my package onli 24 pcs but i dont use their car, the small album and those photos for the relative so they give me 6 pcs in exchange so 30 pcs in total and no top up coz veri ex each pcs is $75.. expect to collect end nov

how abt u??


New Member
yup! later me gotto attend training. ot for the rest of the week. so sian. next week worse, everyday ot till sat. can't chat much next week.


New Member
good morning gals...

hello to lee annn, sdyna, summerscenz, jwen, YiYi.

lee annn
congrats on the baby. you must take care of yourself properly and stay happy for the sake of your baby..stay cool

thanks for your suggestion to buy GDL stuff at Holiday plaza. will check with hubby if he is keen to go in

curious to know what happened to your HB's friend who called off his wedding bec both sets of parents cannot see eye to eye..

saw that u used to be a MUA.. so what are u doing currently?

u are very funny... loved the part where u mentioned something abt buying tea set on 8/8, so that u will strike toto or 4D...

sorry to hear abt your mom. Thanks for the recommendations on the corsages. Think i am going to try to DIY them myself (hopefully, I still have time) for the extra personal touch.
Must say you are also put stress on me (seeing that u have accomplished so much and me still "hanging" around, but good, u are going to be my "motivator".

counting down...12 more days to go... excited? how is your cough, hope you are getting better.
And thanks for the tip on the amt to bao for the angbaos.

yah lah, just give in to your mom, avoid quarrels..

me also very lost in all the postings... managed to read "almost" all the postings last night, but i post this morning.

I am also stopping by BKK after my trip to Hua Hin after the wedding.

how are your shoes?? How abt the workmanship?

We are also ordering those chinese biscuits for the GDL. MIL will source for the confectionery who make those "la piah".

Me "a bit better" than you. I have selected my cards already and waiting for hubby to clear his family on the wordings. Long story on the wordings...

Dun worry, i am also still lazing around but going to make sallen be my motivator since she is very efficient..

my hubby is the direct opp of yours.. he wants to travel to cold places, since Singapore is already so hot. For now bec, no money, we are only going to hua hin, maybe next june will go australia.

How is new york?? so good, can go there n work.

yah, agreed with you, where got $ to buy all new stuff..

me also chum lei, also lots of things not done and still not in the mood to do... so sianz...

Did i miss out anyone? took me a long time to do this posting...now must rest for a while already.


New Member
Dear all,

I am new here & also a Dec bride. Seems like lots of things I have not done cos busy with reno & house stuffs.

Anyone got any recommendation for Eumcee. Approach a friend but he kindly reject. Normally how much does an eumcee charge?

I going to print wedding insert this week. Wat else need to be done?


New Member
peg76!!!! u steady lah.. u break record liao... whahaha.. so long reply list.. kekekeke...
my cough still ard... coughing for days.. kekeke... now waiting for another one more week plus.. kekek... noting much to do liao.. sianzzz so inside here KPO lor..

miss u?? no way.. kekeke..


New Member
of course, steady lah. u better take care, your day is very near now.

I meant did i miss out anyone, not whether anyone miss me lah...u cough until blur blur already .... (just joking hor)


New Member
Adeline & No-time,
This week has been quite relaxed for me, have been going home at 6pm or earlier. Think will be busier next week.

Wonder if Dabee's bone still "nua" or not ??? kekekeeke

Think Skylar has the best life now ....


New Member
hi gals:

how is everyone?

this fri i can meet up with no time lala n skylar liao. cos my hubby not bring me to his night out with this bestmens.


New Member
hi adeline:
ya loh, he is meeting them to laugh about our wedding but not going to bring me cos he said is all guy night out. and still dun wan to tell me that he not bringing me till i asked him this morning. he so bad orh. u know, before our wedding there is also this pre wedding discussion with his best men. he also never say not bring me when we went out for diner. then after diner he just said to me: SO i send u home ok??!!!! so angry
cos i thought he going to let me go with him.


New Member
I m using Mirage Pictures lor. www.miragepictures.biz

Me arh - top up pics of cos lah - over $1k. Mine each pic is $65 then small ones either $40 or $50. Din they offer u a pkg like if u top up $X u get hw many big & small pics? Then all of ur pics will b full pg ones? Or hv mag stle pgs? They doing any design/artwk for ur album?


New Member
Hi Dabee,
it is actually good not to join the guys lah .... guys talk mah ... don't be sad okie. We have our gals talk too

gals, so, how's married life ??


New Member

Yaloh .... I normally dun join my HB's all guys nite out ... unless they bring their wife along.


Hm .... still trying to adjust to new life loh with Hb and PIL .......... heehee


New Member
same here, me still trying to adjust to the new life but am feeling more comfy liao; quite fun actually.

Ya loh, really heavy. You DIY meh ??? Have you collected your AD album already ??


New Member
Mebbe me and my FH will argue over the same issue as u ...
Perhaps even on switching off the lights b4 sleeping as well ??
Hee hee ..
I guess the coming brides will be the ones on this coming sat .... Babysheep, Fanyong and KK ..
Wonder how are they doing these few days ..

Babysheep / Fanyong / KK:
How's your preparation liao ???


New Member
Lala/ no-time,

Even my shoe is damage ... crystals came off ... maybe will bring to Prautes for repair tis weekend.


New Member
Ah ger,

Thanks. Another thread someone also recommended them. So i went to their website and check their schedule then i realised and remember yr AD same date as mine...u got any more names?


New Member
ah ger,
mine is all full page one.. coz mag style veri ex still need to top up... they never offer us leh, veri funni hor...but even if they did i dun think i want coz too ex and not worth liao


New Member
adeline: is that your WG shoe? repair must pay??
u went to cut hair? 4.5cm is alot leh, so now short shoulder length? me was so tempted to cut my hair too. i wanted to cut it right after AD but still have not yet. worried that i might regret.
ya i DIY my 5R album cos i hate those provided my bs. really ah lian chee na cannot make it. so happened that by chance i come across a simple black color blank photo album at Holland v. so i bought and DIY myself. very easy job just stick stickers n position and stick. though it takes me 3 to 4 hours.
me n hubby happy with it. my masterpiece!!!

adeline: dun glum about staying with in laws now, enjoy their company now. next year u will hv ur own place.
at least now ur MIL can help u to take care of ur hubby still. u gals are so much better than me loh, can hv ur own place
my PIL will stay with us till old age....... unless we buy another private apartment n let them stay in this HDB then we can hv our own house. u know, now my place also dun hv empty room. my FIL n his bro sleep in one, my MIL one and us one. that day i just asked my Hubby then where our baby going to sleep!!!!!!!!
see u gals are fortunate to hv ur own place


New Member
wat name? They hv 3 videographer, so far only mine is w/ them I think.

My name starts w/Pxxxxxx

Yeah mag is exp, bt they counter-offer us lor, then after some calculations quite ok lah, so we took lor.

Caterer - if u already know who u want, then u go ahead & order lor. Bt tell them closer to date like 1wk b4hand, cfm the headcount again.

Btw - I found the Melrose URL le. www.melrose.com.sg

Prices vary abit, so it's better to call them & chk on the prices.


New Member
hi ah ger
ha ha ...u same as one of my gfs she also have a habit not to eat anything after 9pm...ke ke ke why must be 9pm lei?

hi zann
I dun intend to engage a videographer on my AD.... :p sorry I can help......


New Member

Duno must pay anot. Think must lah. Both CS and shoe are damaged during AD. I onli hv one wedding shoe.
And 4.5 inches and not 4.5cm leh. Now longer than shoulder still but alot lighter. hee.

Can you share with me the address where u bought the album? Me wan to buy too. How u stick it? Use glue??

Next year new place will be staying with PIL too ... cos HB onli is the child. me same fate as you!!

wah ... your MIL stay in same bedroom as you two???????


New Member
Hi Peg,
me now also cough and running nose, shit man, these few weeks, keep taking mc, sigh.. my friend joke abt it, MC cannot be brought forward, so just claim whenever u have it. hahahh


New Member
hiya gals ! yipppee.. dabee joining us... bring album yah? kekeke...

adeline.. me havent cut yet leh.. simply no $$$$... so wait awhile first lor... finding it a hassle oredi.. kekekee....


New Member
hi Peg,

hehe you win liao. list so long!
...me ah now working more on the administrative part... prepare for training, conduct training and prepare seminiars, etc for the renovation industry! ...hahah actually i was construction trained in my poly days. hehehe cannot quite link me to the MUA right? :p


New Member
hi linda
hee hee.....videographery is too ex liao.... we got to cut down on our budget cost over spend on our album. that why we forgo video for more pixs...ke ke ke

Anyway, my friend will help me to video .... he will capture those impt events like gate crashing, tea ceremony, and dinner


New Member
adeline!!! give u sotong crown!! hee hee of cos not lar. my MIL has her own room. FIL own room. me sharing room with my hubby and two dogs!!!!! so three rooms all occupied liao. no room for my baby.

as for my DIY ablum, i just buy those photo stickers from the same shop. they are specially for sticking photos on album, very small already cut something like double side tape very ex 200pc for $14 i think. but very good, if u stick wrongly still can easily remove and re sitck again. not like those normal double side tape which cannot remove n re stick once u press hard will spolit either ur album or photo. i dun hv the address with me now. shop at 2nd fl, some "urban living" name, the same stretch as coffee bean just beside spa espirit. the ablum i bought from them is hand made from australia, brand: corban&blair. u can go internet search for their full range of products. but definitely the shop dun carry full range. i saw the homepage has many diff design n small med large ablum. i bought med for my 5R. the large size is for those big ablum kinds, shop din bring in small. that time (mid to 20s sept) when i bought, already left very few like one or two. the next shipment is xmas time leh.

actually staying with PIL got pro n cons. ur MIL can help u to take care of ur hubby. somemore he so baby one.
if not u will be tired out taking care of him. dun worry, it will take a while to settle down n get used to them. i also take one year plus to get used to staying with them. my advise is give n take. closed both eyes if possible. dun worry be happy with ur marriage life with ur darling. u are so nice gal i am sure that ur PIL will also dote on u very much one.
o ya, my hubby not only son. he has three elder bros whom dun wan their parents to stay with them. selfish bastards!!!!

no time: me too no $$ to cut hair. and also i scared i regret to cut though i keep saying i wan to cut my hair duno how many times liao.


New Member
u c arh, if I take after 9pm, then I need time to digest mah, which is @ least 3 - 4hrs leh. If I take after 9pm + 4hrs later = 1am? So I try to eat earlier lor unless no choice.

Last time when I go hme, I will eat dinner 1st then bathe. Kena scoldings by hb, then nw die die hv to bathe liao then can eat.
