(2004) Brides of year 2004


New Member
so u work at suntec ah? ok then pls rem to check and let me know.. thanks in advance


New Member
amy: not too bad... kekeke..

purple: counting heads so fast?? kekek mai mai.. slow slow... my girl just tell me she joining new plc.. tell u hor.. headache.. wedding coming n have to start the interviews all over.. SICK!

fleur: letting the police n AVA to get it solved. given a chance... i would ask the party to go with me to the vet.

Fleur: :x


New Member

Yeah! So hapi for you ... lucky album can be on time.


Counting down ...... me olso anxious for you leh!! Heehee ......
Let me noe whether the white roses are pretty anot ok.
Btw, how's the hand bouquet and car deco... nice anot??
Also, are you going to tong your hair in the AM?

Where u bought your pjamas??


Yup .... tomorrow. Today ot till 10pm.


New Member
Hi gals, today very busy, cun online at work. And I went off early.

Amy> Have u printed ur cards? Since u have to double confirm, how u going to give them the number of tables for printing of cards?

Ling> Those are copied from another fren. Reason why u said forget it? Not nice?
Ur new gal quit liao ah? Oh, then how? U advertise or wat? I help u interview them lor. haha.....


New Member
hi DL
or else you can try HengHeng jewellery shop..they have very unique gold with tinted and small dash of white gold...quite nice...

hi fleur
ya ...I think they will still do it becos is very different from the one you bought from the shop...

hi ling
huh ...headache meh...have to start interview all over again....

hi april
ya.... the cards is out already...
I have already done my guest list ..so you can start count the guest one by one and you will know how many persons is coming and couple only give one card...so quite easy to count...try it...

hi girls
do anyone know do we need to give red hongbao for the hotel people like the captain or manager?


New Member
wah, that owner super terrible leh. AVA better check properly, next time dunno if that dog bite pple .. izzit at yr MIL place huh? sometimes i walk past there one leh .. so scary

oh .. haha .. same here, i've got 2 bros too
wah! yr bedroom also purple ah ... since yr hubby marry u, he must understand yr love for purple

hey my SIL also AK fan leh, very loyal one, whenever he's in sg, she will disappear to follow him. but dunno now still on it or not coz she got married last yr ...

u also bad ah!
yah lor, super stress

huh .. yrs super leh .. u teochew?


New Member
Hi all Sept brides to be

may all of you have a beautiful wedding !

Adeline - I choose my accessories liao ...
going to collect next wed .. sigh, me going on leave only next wed ....still finalising my RSVP now. dun know why but now I feel more tired than excited for my big day leh ....
but very happy to receive my album finally

Lala - u prob counting down liao ! all the best to our first bride to be !


New Member
Hi santuarium,

u new at this thread?
yes i am going to have my wedding cards print at Hi tech. normal printing, 300pcs, $90 + 5%.
U going there to print too?

Apr, lee hwa got nice set of purple jewellery.
If u going lee hwa to buy jewellery, I got the discount card, not sure got entitle to how many % discount. Feel free to get from me

Amy, so fast ur cards printed + finish guest list already. me panic panic still slow slow...
in the midst of preparing my guest list.
can I ask, did u & FH put together all (guys & gals side guests) or separate list huh?
my FH say we prepare separate list..a bit confused

Melb, moonlight, I must confessed..today my colleague birthday. he bought Lana chocolate cake, & I ATE 1 PIECE....really really very nice...Oops now very guilty

Gals anyone can recommend any caterer for AD lunch?


New Member
hihi lala,
Congratulations on your Big Day tomorrow!!

Congrats!!! to all beautiful brides,
Wishing everyone here wedded bliss forever!



New Member
hey gals, i'm new here... my wedding will be on 27 Nov at Furama Hotel... Me haven't really plan or prepared for anything yet at tis moment for the GDL & actual day thingy... Quite gan chiong now... any advice wat to do next? My house and photo-taking done liao...


New Member
Hi twinkletwinkle,

on & off i come to tis thread & read read.. wow 300 pieces onli $90 + 5%.. cheap boy.. i need to print 200 inserts, lowest i found was $80 + 5%.. may be am letting my frenz's contact print for me..

wat is the color of ur inserts & ink color btw?


New Member
purple: i seen mold on their bread n cakes before. not a plc which i will trust my wedding cakes to.

adidas: no at the west coast park. my dogs all in the house. one.. wont kena run out.

dunno when gng to buy the bed, bedsheets, pillows bolster n the candles manz..


New Member
morning gals!!

a lot to catch up with...

zann, yours will be OTR/MTM? is your AD in 2005? sorry can't recall....

i've also not been doing much for AD....too busy with school work....

told my hb he needs to finalise the designs for the invite, he kept thinking bout food tasting and decor which is suppose to be next month, aiyoh.......always rushing bout the wrong stuff...

inlove, think if your side wants a meiren, should tell your in-laws, cos not a lot of people still practices tat, so maybe they dunno...

need to go buy cloth for bridesmaid dress soon......will go check out the tailors some of you gals mentioned. any idea how much for a simple dress?


New Member
adidas: nope! me a hokkien. Oso oni daughter with 2 bros. hee...

ask u gals huh...do we haf to buy our own costume jewellery??


New Member
Ling... you should also contact the SPCA (Animal rights group) Let them know about this owner , and her bad behaviour.. she really does not deserve to own a dog...with her attitude , i think it is really a disgrace to us dog lovers.

Ling... cos me still thinking, hubby still hafnt buy me my engagement ring yet;( saw one set in SK... the trilogy one..cheap and quite nice...

Amy, okie..thanks i will go see them next week ....wahh u very efficient lei... i just sent my card for printing only hehehe
Guest list not even complete yet...sigh...still waiting for MIL side.



New Member

think my seamstress charge around 120 to 140 or 160 for workmanship? depending on what material u getting for yr bridesmaid dress, probably come to abt 200 less or more? depending on yr material how much i think less than 200 maybe also possible?


New Member

think my seamstress charge around 120 to 140 or 160 for workmanship? depending on what material u getting for yr bridesmaid dress, probably come to abt 200 less or more? depending on yr material how much i think 100+ maybe also possible?


New Member
YOU WHAT???? Hate you hate you... Hahahhaa! Jusy kidding. Nevermind, AD approaching soon. After that can stuff myself with it. Haha!

I've got my invitations already. At first IL say enuf enuf, then after printing, we did a rough count again, and it exploded. *Sigh* And they havent even had the final count (after elimination) yet.

My BS provides accessories. But of course if you think not nice, can always go and buy ur own.

Hi Jan(teo?)
Heehee aiyah I havent dont any GDL stuff yet...


New Member
my posting did not manage to post now i hv to re type again.

.... Good Morning, where is everyone???

today is lala wedddin!!! duno what she is doin now?? tea ceremony???? outdoor shoot?

no time: i am like u leh, excited for lala. she keep coming to my mind, especially her those photos in style mag.
mei mei bride.
u work till tmw? ur wedding this sat or sun? sun i would be at my bs final fitting.

adeline: actually, .. i can collect my album only this sunday, by then, if i still dun like it also too late to do anything liao. just hope that they wun give me heart attack again.

ivy did u manage to buy those blank albums?

jen: your wedding same as mine right? 23rd.


New Member
zann, cos your WG not done yet mah :p ....enough time? 120-160 quite ex leh, not doing CS jus simple simple dress....will go call them...thanks


New Member
morning brides !!!

dabee.. wat happened to your msg? me sayang u lah..

me on leave since 14th lor.. glad ah... cos got tings to do leh.... mine is on Sat... come lah... come find me ok? hehehee... so exciting hor... can see decor oso.. kekekekee.....


New Member

mine is OTR mah...so just go and select...
yeah call her and confirm...i giving guess cos CS workmanship that price...err but i dun think she consider ex leh..cos she one of the more reasonable priced among the CS shops i called and check...


New Member
no time:
everyone so busy no one come into this thread.

good good u on leave liao, so manage to get all things done liao?? now just sit at home relax and wait for sat!!! u excited?
sat what time would be at the hotel?


New Member
dabee.. no leh.. still hv tings to do ah... esp housewk... mayb i lau lu ming.. kekee... cannot stand ppl coming to my hse... den so messy or dirty... but i'll try not to get too stressed or busy... yah .. abit excited oni... mayb becos still hv tings to do lah...

sat shld b there fm 3+ onwards... hehehe..

now going out to grab sum tings oso...


New Member
hi hi gals..

rabbit... ya... thats why they say wedding is not the affair of the newly weds only. Its the affair of 6 people. hahaha... my parents are very very ok... FIL also very very nice... =)

babysheep... u are so creative... I dun even know how to print that one page to personalise my unity candle... hehe... anyway, cant find a candle that i like at Techman. Jialat... panicking liao.

yiwen... i am shortlisting
lavish dining
smiling orchid

initally purple sage too... but they are booked for a huge event on my day...

kikilala... hahaha... that is so cute... kill my FH before he will do such a shot. hehe... but to start with, we were not so creative in such poses too...

chubbyrain... your FIL really quite adorable... hehe


New Member

I haven got the album yet.. don hv time to go n get.. maybe will wait till after ad then buy lor..

Today is our 1st sept bride wedding.. felt so happy n excited for lala.. Donoe wat's she doing now..


New Member
Hello girls, it's lunch time!!

But I want to go on diet. So, can come online.

Amy> Last nite finally settled wif a comfortable number of tables to be given to restaurant. U got include their kids? My hubby so silly leh, include almost all his collig kids, so angry. I said, we can dun put Blah blah & family mah. But he said, wat if they still bring? Then we got no choice lor. sign..... say him oso vomit blood. Better dun say anything. Blood boil.

Adidas> Oh, so u oso eldest? hehe....

I dun really follow AK. I never go airport wait for him. I only got chance to go his concerts when I got bf(my hubby). Cos, I very stingy, wun pay for concerts, he will. Most of the time, he more anxious than me. Even got once, becos of taking his pic, he knock his hand against something. But I'll buy all his CD, even when I dun noe cantonese. Paper cutting. And most of those cute stuffs, bought when I was younger.

Twinkle> Thanks alot. I'll let u noe if I nid.


New Member
Hi JanTeo,
Dun worry, mine is on 28th Nov. Oso have yet to prepare anything for GDL & AD. Only cfm number of tables.

Still have to meet up wif photographer & emcee next mth.


New Member
Hi gals,

Any idea how much we must give ang bao for the Jie mei & Bro... & do we have to give ang bao to camera man, driver, MUA all this..if yes how much we should give....

I oso hope to have a simply wedding but hubby dun 1... so we wasted alot of time & $ all this


New Member
Hi Yiwen,

I am ordering from meihao99... check out their website www.meihao99.com.sg My ROM buffet, I order from them. Food was really good

Hi Coco, u r right lor... hee... apparently I think most pp face same problem :p Well, a small stone in a mile so jus put it aside and cont the jounery



New Member
Hi Cooldevil,

Got to know from this website that my MUA quite good. Anyway, if he really can't make it will ask my BS to arrange for another one.

Hi Shern,

Me very paiseh to ask my MIL for a meiren. Just have to make do and push hubby to do all the work
Luckily my sis a big help. keep reminding me that what are the things I need to look out for such as choosing auspicious date for anchuang and guo da li. My MIL din even tell me anything cos' she don't want to have all these custom. Her thinking very modern
she even ask me to get biscuits instead of cakes for relatives cos' can keep. I think she very special hahahaha.....


New Member
Anyway, we din really mind how my FIL going to write the cards ...
Agree with u and Coco, a wedding is really not just between the couple ..
Sometimes can be headache ..
We havent touch the GDL stuffs yet ..

Your helpers are so xinfu ah ..
How's the food tasting at MM ??


New Member
zann, oic, so now looking for inspiration to see what kinda gowns you wan huh.....will call your tailor when free, need to find her number :p think gotta check email....

inlove, it's your preference i guess, some dun bother with an chuang, my mum and my in-laws din bother, but me and hb did check the dates for it....GDL also not discussed, more or less it's also decided by us lor....


New Member
ya loh, no time went out gai gai liao.
duno what is lala doing? should be getting ready for her diner make up by now.


New Member
Not too sure about how many sets we can borrow. I think can borrow more if you have more gowns, but it depends on how nice your BS is.

Dont need to diet lah. I tried on a 60s style chiffon dress today... soooo cute, hmm but my tummy bulging abit. Haha!


New Member

hmm not actively looking for inspiration...if got come across lor...cos not making mah...so need to see what i like from those on the rack and then pick..


New Member
harlow pretties... think the forum will be rather quiet over the weekend, since there's quite a few BIG DAYs !!!!!!!!!! yah, sure must come in and chat after AD... we are friend friend liao, sure have many other things to chat about... and don't forget our house visiting... to view house and see pictures !!!!!!!

i have been staying at my new place the last few days as there's still sooo much to discuss with hubby, then hor, no internet access lor, so cannot come in and chat....

still quite a few things undone but hubby on leave tomolo liao, so hope the power of two can accomplish a lot.... then sat i can stay and home nad shake leg liao, then do mani and pedi...
