(2004) Brides of year 2004


New Member
hi cooldevil,

u selected but havent collected for printing? r u getting the hotel to print for u or sourcing yr own? hmm if u lazy then hor maybe wanna get the printer who will go the hotel collect for u and then print for u?? then after printing deliver to u. got a gf i know from this forum has such contact..think price also around normal price..


New Member

dun worry too much... just think happy thots.. happy bride = pretty bride... dun worry about the BS thingy... u may be worrying for nothing... think positive!!!


New Member
Received your postcard! Thanks! Hahaha... it was really nice of you. Havent received mail (other than junk and bills) in awhile. How's your work? Happy with it? Better than the previous boss? Yah have been busy the last week cause my friends and mother are in Melbourne for a holiday, so had to bring them around and entertain them. Friends just left on Sunday, but my best friend coming on Thurs, sooo... have to reply all emails these few days before I MIA again. Hahha! Oh my email is [email protected]

Hey Amy,
Alamak preparations standstill. About to start addressing the invitations, but havent bought the pen I want yet. Haha I also thought it was sibLing is lau po bing. Heehee.. cockeyed...

WHAT??? If my dearest dog kena bitten by another dog, I sure SHOOT them! Wah still dare to be so fierce... She should be paying full in the 1st place. If I am not wrong in Aust, if one dog bites another dog, they have the right to confiscate the dog from the owner and put it to sleep cause its considered vicious.

My guestlist exploded. In laws say not inviting many people, no one to invite, in the end, the amount went up to 2.5 times... not gotta start eliminating...


New Member
Hi kk,

i think can only collect my photo on 2nd Oct cos
my PS abit late so they need time to do the album all this...

so have u take ur album... our AD is on the same day, wht abt ur GDL mine is on 26.09.04, v fast to our AD


New Member
Thanks bebe...
i will try...
anyway my PS wont be so soon.. maybe u all promote to mother liao, i have yet to take my PS..:>


New Member
Hi Jean,

Some money saving tip for your wine.

My friend told me to get the bigger bottle of wine which is about double the size of the normal bottle so as to save on corkage if your hotel is charging you alot for that. She pays about $46 for the big bottle. Her restaurant charges her $15 for corkage so even if she buys a cheap wine at $15, she actually saves $14 per bottle. I don't know there is such packaging until she shares this with me.


New Member
wrong info, should be if u r buying the wine above $20 per bot, you will save more if u get the big bottle. It really depends on how much your hotel charges u for corkage. If they charge you more than $20, it is definitely worth it to get the big bot and save on corkage.


New Member
melbz... let me fly over now manz.. kekeke.. i would very happy to put the dog down.
just spoke to ava... and police report too has been file.. lets shall wait and see


New Member
ooi... u all can slow down or not.. me should be more worrying than u all hor... u all make it sounds like i sit there CBL.. kekeke... i hasnt even look out for the song yet


New Member
lala... wah.. get over wif yr AD first lor.. actuali whether can conceive easily or not really cant tell... if u are ok with being pregnant right after wedding.. den dun use contraceptives... but u wld to wait a little while... y not use protection for abt 3 mths.. den let it go natural... juz my opinion lah...

me got the xi stickers.. pyjamas oredi! so happy.. hehehe...

yah.. everyone very bz lor..


New Member
hi april,peg
haha..so funny you too...sibing become sibling...
wow ... you actually have a room for Aaron Kwok' super fan meh...
huh then your invitation vsvp will be very late meh.....

hi odae
ya...Si Bing is giving out on Guo Da Li..with everythings the guy side give...

hi ling
huh...you must be fierce to them...so that they are scared ...too much this kind of singapreans...do taking picture of the area your dog get hurt and keep it for evidance....
me buying Lau Po Bing for my Si bing...at Tong Heng
huh...still have a few weeks to go for your wedding..you better start shop meh

hi twinkle
ya, getting the traditional sibing can dahan a day ..hehe...
me love to give the traditional then the modern type of cake....or else I will give voucher...
I also love their egg tarts....
I think better call them...they will love it better then you email them ...I do sms my friends and call them to make sure...

hi melbz
me too waiting to write and sent out soon..for those already confirm with me coming...does have not confirm will have to wait near then sent to them....
huh...so many your guest...better plan early meh...


New Member
lala.. very fast hor... suddenly the time really zooms!... tomolo is yr eve eh! den mandy n me turn liao !!! hehehehee..... den after tat its over... eeeeeeee...............


New Member
lol.. amy....
how was ur food tasting girl? i hasnt been doing much stuff... hoping things will just do by itself lor.


New Member
hi pretties !!!!

i'm back !!! but won't be for long... today is my last day of work and i'm still in the office !!!! i was so ultra busy, at work and doing wedding preparations.... didn't have time to pass on my work to colleague until today... hope she don't be blurred by all my work instructions... so paisei to her...


New Member
hI zann
But I think got to choose the wordings right? heard got few type of wordings..... Never mind lor collect liao then say...anyway my hubby wont be back till end of next week......


New Member
i see that quite a few people missed me hor... sorrie, here's a kiss to compensate....

okie, a quick update to my progress....

hmmm, i have finally collected my album last sat... that's one down...

contacted my florist for hand bouquet, and also ordered the buffet lunch liao...

some of the outstanding items are like
1) wine list... my hubby is now at the wine tasting, and i'm stuck here in the office...
2) song list... still on the way...
3) corsages, ABB, my mini picture gallery, still in the making ....
4) some of the minors stuff like confirming details with banquet coordinator....

as for my other reception on 26th, haven't even send out the invitations ah !!!!!!!!!!! chiams chiams....


New Member
to lala, mandy, no-time, adeline,

in case i don't come in here before my wedding or the day after (20th), i wish all of you a blissful marriage... have fun in your new life ahead....



New Member

we will sure keep in touch and meet up after our wedding right??? will miss all of you if we are not going to keep on this friendship....

a bit emotional today, coz my colleagues made a card for me... with all the well wishes... so touched !!!


New Member
hi ladies!!! long time no chat ;)
mi so busy & at work very difficult to come in

i got a few questions which i hope someone would be kind enuff to tell me. I too busy to go and check thru every page ah.
Ok here I go 1st question: when shld both side parents meet up? one month before or ?
2nd : ping jing when shld we do it ah?
3rd : any one of u have already decide or assign tasks to ur jiemei?


New Member
don't worry lah, we will def keep in contact after our wedding. We are all friends now mah, like what Adeline says, we can still chit chat here .... Thanks for the wishes !!!

where did you get your pyjamas and how much ?? I haven't gotten mine yet ...


New Member
Hi melbz,
U're welcome. Actually, it's nothing, cos the postage is paid by S'pore Government. haha....

Ling, u better start doing what shld be done hor. Nothing will fall down from the sky. We still waiting for u to set a good example hor. Dun sit there and shake leg liao. GO! GO! GO! GO! Not GOAL!!

hehe.... Now, I wun give AK a room liao. He shld be happy cos he's in my masterbedroom now. Will shift him to my store room soon. And when I buy a CD rack, I'll have to "ship" those CD from Bukit Panjang to Jurong West. Last time I even keep a diary abt him. Whenever he came, I'll write down wat he do and how I feel. I show my hubby and he said I real silly.

Hopefully can settle the invitation list by this week. My silly hubby hor, forgot to bring the list back again. My PIL counting the tables now. I already done my part. Cos, din invite alot of pple.


Luckily they dun have a law saying 'If one human bite another human, they will put the human to sleep'.


New Member
Hi rannie
My parent and i law already meet up liao... but I haven talk abt guo da li and ping jin and etc.... we will discuss when we go for our food tasting....
i think all up to individual as long as dun do it on 7th month can liao.....

I have already selected my Jiemei and informed them liao...i might organise a "hen" nite or give them a treat and then sit down and discuss....in fact they already starts planning how to "tekan" my hubby


New Member
coolgirl, oic....for my side haben meet up at all...my hubby say 1 month before the AD. But I find it too rush....
We not going to have food tasting tats why not too sure when shld meet up lor...


New Member

yup. thats what the girl told me. the printer lady go to her house meet her they dun have to go the printer place.


New Member
hi hi rabbit... thanks for letting me view your photos... u really look good... saw u in glasses last time round... dun hide your eyes next time... nice nice what. hehe

Anyway, mei mei... did u get your GDL stuff in chinatown?Do u gals know the exact address?

Lynn 1... sure u will look good in your red gown... time is ticking... hehe... children;s day bride very kan cheong yet? hehehe

Lynn2... am sure double up still has its fair share of happy customers... hope u are one of them =)

Phoebe... i am also lucky a friend is helping me brainstorm for ideas... i am so so grateful... =p
Glad u are taking a laid back approach... it should be this way for brides and it should be the ONLY way we should wed... not getting tired over the whole celebration.. hehe


New Member
Purple... hahahahhaha that is a good one.

Amy, how much issit for the sibing in Tong Heng ah? issit a pkg thing or u can choose what u want .... i like the old fashion kind of sibing also...

Ling .... What the B*****????? Poor puppy of yours... yah I am all behind u man... this kind of people do not deserve to own a dog... if anyone touches mine.. i will make sure that the owner gets it lor... seriously, for the nasty party, i guess u cannot really blame her dog .... i believe in this situation, it must be the characteristic of the Owner....
Argh... hear already also angry....


New Member
Hi Coco,

by the way, will you all still be here after yr AD??
cos i need all of yr experiences when my AD comes..hehehe :>


New Member
Morning everyone!

Dont worry, you got alot of cheerleaders behind you. As Fleur said, cannot blame the dog cause its up to the owner to teach and control the dog when its out in public. But that owner too smug...


New Member
morning gals!

actually I feel regardless of whether the amt is more or less than $20, I think it's also more worthwhile to get big btls.

Say eg a amll btl is $16, then a big btl is naturally higher, say $32 (16 x 2). If u hv corkage per btl say $15 nett (after all the taxes). Instead of having 30 btls, u only need to buy 15 big btls, which you pay only $225 instead of $450 for corkage.


New Member
halo.. dunno u get to see this.. but for me, the 4 parents meet during my ROM liao.. pin jin will give during guo da li which is 3 weeks b4 AD coz we got see when is the good day one.. anyway, my guo da li oso me and hubby decide one coz his parents dont bother one.. as for jie mei, i inform them liao but haven realli tell them the details of their task


New Member
Hi gals,

are all of u printing ur wedding inserts in normal ink? any of u going it in gold hotstamping?

wat are some of these charges like?

thks for help in advance!


New Member
Hi ladies,

my FMIL is bringing me today to get the si dian jin.. and today also her bday! heard some1 had a 5k budget for SDJ.. she so lucky, heard some gals dont even hv SDJ becos their dialect grp does need! hmm.. she oredi bought me a long feng gold bangle..

i dont hv ear holes & dont wear earrings type.. how any suggestions to not get earrings for SDJ? my FH oredi gotta my gold wedding band.. so does dat means i dont need to buy another ring liao..?

also how to find a necklace dat can match with the long feng bangle? or dont need to match wan? as u know, long feng bangle design is the beri oriental type..


New Member
Hello DL

i print direct on the cards itself. Got them from T.Dragon (www.tdragoncards.com).

Gold/Silver foil hot stamping on cards or standard insert paper:
1st 100 pcs (cost inclusive of artwork and hot stamping block) $130
thereafter per pcs $0.50

Economic printing in gold/silver ink on standard insert paper :
1st 200 pcs Nett price $110
thereafter per pcs $0.25


New Member
Hi i_panda77,

thks for ur info! beri helpful..
oic.. btw do u know wat type of paper they give to customer for economic printing?

izit color paper at 80gsm? or floral type? ususally pple use wat color?

last qn: can cream color paper and gold ink look outstanding?


New Member
Hi Lynn (blurz)

Don't worry. I am sure you must have liked their gowns right when u were at their shop right? If not you wouldn't have signed up with them. What's outdated to some people may not be to others. I agree with c0co. You will be one of Double Up's happy customers.


Did u manage to get your unity candle and other stuff? Tell u something... last night I was crazy. Stayed up to write invitation cards till 3 am.

Btw, I was looking around for nice gift bags to contain gifts for my jiemei, but I couldn't find any nice ones. So I went popular to buy white cardboard paper, and string and make my own bags with foam roses and ribbons that looks like those u find on US wedding websites.

My mom saw me making, shake her head and say I "pai miah" too perfectionist.(dialect for difficult life).


New Member
We got the cards printed at Kentrich ..
Normal ink on hotel's inserts - 70bucks ..
Try asking your hotel whether they got provide inserts or not ..
All the confirmation, printing and collecting the cards are done in 1.5 weeks ..
