bridal bouquet

  1. S

    Letting go Bridal Package with MALENA/Love Story

    Hello!! Selling of my Bridal Package with Malena Bridal Haute Couture. Below are the items that are included in the package. ❥ 1 Pcs Designer Wedding Gown (Selection includes their sibling company - Love Story) ❥ Kua Set ❥ 2 Pcs of Suit (Can be used for Father/Father In law/Brother as well) ❥...
  2. S

    Letting go Wedding Photography Package

    Dear BTBs, I am letting go of my package with French Wedding Couture. Package consists of: / 10 hours AD photography / 2 hours of Photobooth (unlimited shots, includes backdrop, props and lighting as well as photo templates chosen by you) / Bridal car bouquet / Bride’s AD bouquet Paid...
