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    Polaroid taking before banquet

    hi, there a guy from clubsnap selling polaroids cameras, i bought 2 as a gift and 2 were used for my rom, he had too many polaroids to clear, his contect is nickwee 96705712
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    how much would u spend on buying additional photos???

    hi, Perseus is right, i also did ask the bridal studios that do rom and if i wanted extra pics it will cost me abt $30-50 per pc even if it was full editied. Tris helped me to find a freelance photographer at $250 and passed me all my pics and extra 4r prints with no bridal...
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    (2007/10) ROM in 2007 October

    hi Lance, best to discuess with ur parents as most parents may want the wedding dinner and the tom too, it also depands on ur buget...My photographer does ROM photography and dinners too. I can send you his contacts as its is nicholas 96705712 email is [email protected] , as he no extra...
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    i went for the kkh checkup at the womens ward
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    ok, guess i too blur and new here, sorry ladies to all i offended as i was so pissed off today at my BS when i was told of if getting prints wil be at $50.had to do crazy posting
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    i fully agree with galgal, the bridal shop wanted to charge rom package at $488, i took my friend tris who receomnd this freelance photographer and charge $250 with all prints back n cd n slideshow 4 me...........the bridal shop is not happy as i took thier package that had no pgotographers to...
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    Couples who r taking photoshots...where r the nice places u hv went? pls share ....

    hi all, how abt chimes? do we still need to pay $200 to enter?
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    yup, sorry, got too carried away,
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    sorry, guess i was to carried away on posting, no- not related, if related i wana free !!!!!!!!
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    i wish, but i hope to get it cheaper from him
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    haha, no lah, hope he sees and less the Ad that i want to book from him
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Hi Ladies, When is your wedding? Saw your posting in SGBrides. My Rom PG is nicholas. To me, he has nice works and his rates is affordable. he charging me $600 for abt 10 hours of AD photography; 300 4R prints; images in CD ROM. or dinner will be $300 onwards....If you need more info, just...
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Hi Ladies, When is your wedding? Saw your posting in SGBrides. My Rom PG is nicholas. To me, he has nice works and his rates is affordable. he charging me $600 for abt 10 hours of AD photography; 300 4R prints; images in CD ROM. or dinner will be $300 onwards....If you need more info, just...
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Hi Ladies, When is your wedding? Saw your posting in SGBrides. My Rom PG is nicholas. To me, he has nice works and his rates is affordable. he charging me $600 for abt 10 hours of AD photography; 300 4R prints; images in CD ROM. or dinner will be $300 onwards....If you need more info, just...
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Hi Ladies, When is your wedding? Saw your posting in SGBrides. My Rom PG is nicholas. To me, he has nice works and his rates is affordable. he charging me $600 for abt 10 hours of AD photography; 300 4R prints; images in CD ROM. or dinner will be $300 onwards....If you need more info, just...
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Hi Ladies, When is your wedding? Saw your posting in SGBrides. My Rom PG is nicholas. To me, he has nice works and his rates is affordable. he charging me $600 for abt 10 hours of AD photography; 300 4R prints; images in CD ROM. or dinner will be $300 onwards....If you need more info, just...
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Hi Ladies, When is your wedding? Saw your posting in SGBrides. My Rom PG is nicholas. To me, he has nice works and his rates is affordable. he charging me $600 for abt 10 hours of AD photography; 300 4R prints; images in CD ROM. or dinner will be $300 onwards....If you need more info, just...
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Hi Ladies, When is your wedding? Saw your posting in SGBrides. My Rom PG is nicholas. To me, he has nice works and his rates is affordable. he charging me $600 for abt 10 hours of AD photography; 300 4R prints; images in CD ROM. or dinner will be $300 onwards....If you need more info, just...
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Hi Ladies, When is your wedding? Saw your posting in SGBrides. My Rom PG is nicholas. To me, he has nice works and his rates is affordable. he charging me $600 for abt 10 hours of AD photography; 300 4R prints; images in CD ROM. or dinner will be $300 onwards....If you need more info, just...
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    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Hi Ladies, When is your wedding? Saw your posting in SGBrides. My Rom PG is nicholas. To me, he has nice works and his rates is affordable. he charging me $600 for abt 10 hours of AD photography; 300 4R prints; images in CD ROM. or dinner will be $300 onwards....If you need more info...
