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  1. S

    Raffles Hotel

    Hi ET! Welcome to the RH club! Jubilee lounge is FOC and I learnt about it through one of the earlier posts in this thread. However they can only confirm availability 2 weeks before AD. My backup plan was to use the ballroom stage if no lounge. Lounge is about 2 to 5 min walk from ballroom...
  2. S

    Raffles Hotel

    Hi Meme, sorry to hear about your plight - would love to hear your story! Hi blue monkey, i understand your feelings! i woke up at 4am on my AD and i couldn't get back to sleep after that! Actually, we rented the lawn and becuase it is outdoor, the back up venue, in case it rains, is...
  3. S

    Raffles Hotel

    Hi babes! Merry Xmas! My wedding is over! Everything went well! Super fantastic!I enjoyed it very much though it went by like a blur. Thought i should share my experience a lil... We felt really lucky and blessed - expected it to rain since it is rainy season and it didn't! Weather was...
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    Raffles Hotel

    Hi Lilo, I was told about 3 weeks before the wedding for favours? I have never seen the ang bao box. yup, i posted the flowers arrangement pic in the thread above (but pics are tiny, sorry).
  5. S

    Raffles Hotel

    Hi blessed raven! The price and package I signed up for is applicable to this year as I am having my wedding this Dec 07. If you sign up, it will be the 2008 package. Feel free to email Raffles and they will send you the 2008 package. (I signed up during their wedding show in Oct for additional...
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    Raffles Hotel

    Hi pinky, it took me about 4 weeks to sign the contract. You still have lots of time! Mine is lunch wedding in Dec 07 and I signed in Oct 07. Just finished my food tasting and it was excellent! Thought I'd share so others can benefit as I have from lyon and minmin's recommendations. I took...
  7. S

    Raffles Hotel

    Hi bride, thanks for sharing so much info and all the best for your wedding! I've finally made some progress - signed the contract today and printing cards now. Chose the western style cards and went to Acepro Veronica as recommended by bride. Veronica is nice and accomodating. She gives...
  8. S

    Raffles Hotel

    hi lilo, when is your AD? Don't worry lar, about 3 months is a comfortable date for MTM gown. However I've heard of girls who've made gowns in one month or even 3 weeks. No stress! Raffles ballroom....I only remember lots of brown and the lighting is such that whole interior is orange...
  9. S

    Raffles Hotel

    Hi bride, thanks so much for sharing, they're excellent tips and contacts - all the best for your wedding! I'm sure you'll make a truly lovely bride! Hi Sharon, sorry for my typo - I meant "no harm asking", not "no harm harming" :p
  10. S

    Raffles Hotel

    Hi Minmin, Thanks for your advice! Hi Lilo, your AD is on 28? All the best! My prep is coming along slowly...quite scary....going to meet the hotel director Elizabeth (her name matches the Victorian hotel!) later to iron out some venue issues. I hope to get my contract today....sob...
  11. S

    Raffles Hotel

    Did anyone try printing both English and Chinese in one card?
  12. S

    Raffles Hotel

    Thanks for the well wishes minmin! I'm quite worried - my wedding is 23 Dec and Michelle hasn't given me the contract.... Hi Bella, Here's some pictures I took at the bridal fair. Hope it helps. Hi Lilo, I think hot stamp is like having sunken gold letterings...Normal printing is...
  13. S

    Raffles Hotel

    Thanks samboras! Do you have any recommendations for florists? I like the drapes for the lawn but it's sooooo expensive! 1k! *jaw drop* Thanks lyons! Your feedback have been most useful! Especially the food section! Don't know what I'd do without all the info here. Hmmm, I guess I am an...
  14. S

    Raffles Hotel

    By the way, has anyone sourced for additional flowers for their wedding at raffles? Care to share? I'm having solemnization @ the lawn (just rental) and would like to have more flowers on top of the reuse of ballroom flowers....Not sure if I should use hotel's florist... Heard is expensive?
  15. S

    Raffles Hotel

    Hi all! I've officially signed up with raffles! Was talking to Michelle most of the time (found out she was from Intercon - think she is mentioned in the intercon thread - and just joined Raffles) and she's on leave so I spoke to Tom for a bit. Find Tom very good when I speak to him - like he...
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    Four Seasons Hotel

    Hi Mage, Do you mind sharing the package details with me for 4 seasons lunch? Thanks!
  17. S

    Four Seasons Hotel

    Hi MMC, Do you mind sharing your pix with me? My email is [email protected] Thanks! Has anyone tried lunch wedding there? I'm thinking of lunch wedding for 25 tables, and ROM + tea ceremony in one of their rooms before lunch starts.......Any recommendation for ROM and tea ceremony rooms?
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    In'vogue Photo Studio

    Hi Ghim, How much do they charge to return all the photos in edied form? I'm keen to sign up with them and would like to find out if they're within my budget. [email protected] Thanks!
  19. S

    In'vogue Photo Studio

    Hi Ghim, How much do they charge to return all the photos in edied form? I'm keen to sign up with them and would like to find out if they're within my budget. Thanks!
  20. S

    Four Seasons Hotel

    Hi, I'm thinking of 4 Seasons too, about 25 tables, lunch. Can anyone share their photos of the themes and package details? Thanks!
