Search results

  1. B

    York Hotel

    samantha - yeap .. its depending on the couple themselves.... but must prepare the money for these expenses.. so if u can afford the money u can choose hotels with good n nice ambience.. n u will have good memories
  2. B

    York Hotel

    oh ..recently i went to a wedding at amara.. the ambience is not 2 bad as well ...grand reception area... the table is abt 600++ .. mayb 700 per table..something like that... u can also arrange for a long march in ... that means your stage is not in the middle.. its at the side..rectangular...
  3. B

    York Hotel

    hi samantha.. yes..orchard hotel is also one of the hot spots.. but i also feel ex . .. for a hotel reception ..better to set aside maybe 2-3k in case the ang paos cannot cover your hotel expenses.. n it also depends on the hotel u choose.... for eg if u r going for 4 seasons hotel .. n both...
  4. B

    York Hotel

    oh orchard hotel also not bad..they have high pillars n the ambience is very very nicen romantic... one thing no good is that..if there ballrooms are all fully booked.. u will see alot of brides standing outside the reception area..if u dont mind abt this.. then i think that place is quite ideal...
  5. B

    York Hotel

    the plaza park royal place .. i feel quite run down ... n got a few pillars around.. the grand plaza park royal at coleman street is nicer.. its abt 600++ per table...
  6. B

    York Hotel

    hi diana.. yes..that christine is a very experienced sales person ... so whatever u all request for .. try 2 cover as much as u can .. .. hubby n i felt that she did not even wan 2 go to the extent to enquire whether she can allow us to have the request n reject us flatly .. n that is...
  7. B

    York Hotel

    hi faith_faith .. haaa. the lift episode during my actual day is very funny ... kee.. no choice rite... when u march in..u wld stand in front of the lift area .... for me i went down early to greet my guests no problem for me... just that my guests suffers.. heheee
  8. B

    York Hotel

    hilo all.. i had held my wedding back in 2003 at york hotel.. my coordinator was also christine... at first hubby n i were very comfy wif her,, find her friendly n experienced..n she make us feel very comfortable that she will make our wedding a pleasant one.. n we can count on her etc... so we...
  9. B

    Any mahjong players out there?

    lala.. u want 2 respond? ... i dont wan 2 pit char her lobang 2 much.. later she whack me .. keee
  10. B

    Any mahjong players out there?

    lala more than 30 years old liao
  11. B

    Questions to the Moderator !!???

    there are many onlookers here who are very KPO.. n maybe they cannot stand that pple are advertising to sell their things off and they cannot stand the sight of it.... so they will "Tong fong bao xin" to the moderators.. n the moderators just delete the thread without informing the users...
  12. B

    Questions to the Moderator !!???

    my fren dropped email n PM the moderators.. but no reply 2... :P
  13. B

    Questions to the Moderator !!???

    hilo my fren also encounter b4.. they just delete your thread away and did not not with her or warn her why she cannot do so .. this is weird to me...
