Search results

  1. L

    Hainanese Brides, anyone???

    <font color="ff6000">heh gals - i had been MIA-in for quite some time....been busy busy....n its great to see some dinner gatherin being organised...but i cant make it leh...4th sept...unfortunately...</font>
  2. L

    Hainanese Brides, anyone???

    Heh gals -- its oni a couple o days tt i din log in n gosh....i cant keep up with e posts man! i c u gals r tokin abt losing weight...m sure gonna take LiAnn's tips....n put my boyfren through it...he needs to lose alot o weight...he more den double my weight n we kinda look strange when we...
  3. L

    Hainanese Brides, anyone???

    <font color="119911">heh Li Ann -- am looking forward to my TY gown too! 8) </font> <font color="ff6000">heh Huiz -- welcome~</font>
  4. L

    Hainanese Brides, anyone???

    hi Crystalz - can share w me ur pix? 8) [email protected]
  5. L

    Hainanese Brides, anyone???

    <font color="0077aa">hi stepford - yup yup i love his style alot n my boyfren loves e way i look in his gowns didnt hit $15K man...cos i din get the CS from him....when's ur weddin? jus realised ur details r not posted in the table....</font>
  6. L

    Hainanese Brides, anyone???

    <font color="119911">heh janf - am not rich man....its a matter o priority bf recognises that a gown is v impt n significant to a gal n so he gave me Tan Yoong gown....ya...i love TY gown all along so he realises my dream...v v happy! Divine is a last minute mom wishes...
  7. L

    Hainanese Brides, anyone???

    <font color="ff6000">heh misty - so u r DC bride! oh goodie...din notice u at e thread CS is oso for e tea ceremony so i find allure too luxurious....OTR CS is tough....for me at least....cos i m short....cant get OTR anywhere man...tts y ended up w...
  8. L

    Hainanese Brides, anyone???

    <font color="119911">hi Janf - my dad is mama is khek....unfortunately i know nuts abt e oni acheivement is to count from 1 to 4 and to tell pple tt i cant speak hainanese (in hainanese)..i find dis is essential to communicate to elderly who start speakin...
  9. L

    Hainanese Brides, anyone???

    <font color="0077aa">Hi Gals - m Hainanese Bride here too...though not busy preppin with all e weddin stuff....stressed...real stressed..... hope u gals r doin well? </font>
  10. L

    Grand Hyatt Singapore

    hi bendi - thanks man.... n i saw ur ROM pix above....did u do e flowers decor urself?? hi cherbie - sorry...cant help u with e pix man...but i did tot o doin e same s u...but my fren advised me not to cos after e ROM gotta do some tidy-up o e suite....v troublesome....
  11. L

    Grand Hyatt Singapore

    <font color="0077aa">Hi Ping and BenDi -- the bridal showcase at hyatt....must we hv some kinda invites from hyatt before we can go?</font>
  12. L

    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    Gosh e posts are running fast boy.... <font color="ff6000">Elven -- ya me bring my mama down to DC likely end month... when u goin down DC again? might just catch u there~ hee...</font> <font color="0077aa">angeldust -- Thks boy n i sure need all e luck man cos there's many other stuff i...
  13. L

    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    diamond - yup. tink i know which is u liao... 8) ...for me it has to be tailor made cos i v short....sigh.....
  14. L

    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    <font color="0000ff">Diamond - m oni considerin din ask DC for rental charges...accordin to DC - cost of CS starts from S$1k ...u tinkin of makin CS too? who's ur BS?? cant locate u in the table leh...</font>
  15. L

    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    <font color="0077aa">Hi there Vanessa, think our posts might have just crossed n so u missed my msg which is above urs....may just get CheongSam from other gowns from another bridal boutique, not from DC.. 8)</font>
  16. L

    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    Hi Vanessa, Kai, Waiwai, Li Ann, WelCome~ n Heh Vanessa - i need to exercise oso....but not s disciplined s u man....i will die if i were to exercise EVERYDAY! i m targetin twice a week...but so far oni manage once a month...oops...v worid i cant fit into my gown boy.... Elven - actually...
  17. L

    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    <font color="119911">Heh Daman n all -- my votes go to:</font> 1)Australia - DA man 2) Europe (such as Italy, France, Spain..etc) - Yuki<font color="ff0000">, LambZzz</font> 3) US (including Hawaii) <font color="ff0000">LambZzz</font> 4) South America 5) NZ 6) Japan - Yuki<font...
  18. L

    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    <font color="ff6000">Heh Elven - goodie goodie, u lemme know ur progress man....n must show me ur pix ok?</font> <font color="0000ff">Heh Clouds -- mine in Oct man...still a long long way to go....DC service is ok least better den another one (shall not name her) which i went...
  19. L

    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    <font color="ff6000">heh pandalic - i still dunno wat i wan for my CS...absolutely clueless....m goin down Divine tmr to see their works....anyhow...if too mafan den i will do away w CS n get yet another princess gown....hee....but gotta negotiate down w my mama 1st...</font>
  20. L

    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    <font color="0077aa">daman - m allergic to carpet n many others....medication only to ease e rash, no cure...i got eczema..... my coordinator - audrey...she nice lady...even met her once in gentin..ha! my ballroom has no pillars...its got an exclusive area - cant rem e name bf holdin...
