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    Anyone Migrating to Australia?

    hi Foggy, I haven't even lodged my application yet. hee.. just got everything certified and applied for the skills assessment. Still a very long way to go for me...
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    Anyone Migrating to Australia?

    Hi foggy, Thanx anyway for the info maybe the application process has been revised. I hope so at least...hee... can I ask which agent you engaged and how much was the charges?
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    Anyone Migrating to Australia?

    Hi Foggy, so the total waiting time is 2 years? wow...that's long.. I'm a bit confused tho...I thought we have to submit the application (form 47sk) together with all the necessary documents (incl. those you mentioned) and the application fees...
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    Anyone Migrating to Australia?

    Hi Foggy, I'm at the very beginning stage! hee...just started gathering documents, getting them certified, preparing skill assessment n IELTS, etc. I didn't know that there's a stage whereby they will approve the eligibility... can u tell me more about tat? Hi dat, did u apply under...
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    Anyone Migrating to Australia?

    Hi Foggy, COngrats! Can I ask how long is the whole process from the date that you apply till now?
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    Anyone Migrating to Australia?

    Hi damsel, Thanx most probably we're moving 2melb coz there's a bunch of our friends and relatives there.. any advice? hee...Where do you stay?
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    Anyone Migrating to Australia?

    Hi Escondido, My hubby is the main applicant and he's already gotten his employer reference. I have also obtained a reference from my boss. Actually, my question was whether DIMIA will do a cross check on that reference, meaning call my boss to verify what is written in the reference.
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    Anyone Migrating to Australia?

    Hi escondido, Thanx for responding Nope, we haven't submitted the skills assessment actually. Still gathering documents and getting them certified. I don't intend to engage agent as I heard the application process is pretty straightforward. Is that true? I need more advice, if you don't...
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    Anyone Migrating to Australia?

    Hi everyone, I'm new in this thread. Me and hubby are also in the midst of preparing our application for class 136 - skilled independent. But there's so many things to do and prepare!! very overwhelming.. I have collected all the information provided in, but still feel...
