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  1. S


    just came back from stay! will recommend those who like to go there & love sun n water to stay for a longer period..ours was too short a stay...a relaxing holiday & clean beach!
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    hi melody76 5 stars local agency has one tour package for berjaya only S$407 if i rem correctly, 1 snorkelling trip also..u can enquire frm there.. i booked laguna...more wu hua, w all meals n snorkelling covered
  3. S


    hi there maybe gg to bangkok for the 1st time in early jan 08 to buy some home accessories. may i know some of the shoppg ctrs that sell that n which budget hotel will u recommend? any recommendations for spa/massage? thanks!
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    hi ger2 is our 1st time there, will we get lost if we stay in samran? u will recommend anorma hotel then? how much per night?
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    Goodwood Park Hotel

    hi all just quite sad that a 5* hotel doesn't really have 5* service standard...*shakes my head in disbelief and utter disappointment*
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    hi mao mao read from your previous postings that you had stayed in samran place. is it far from platinum mall? i heard from my friend that if we go to the weekend mkt, we hv to haggle for the price but not for the malls. is it true? any difference bet platinum mall and siam sq, world...
  7. S


    Hi all Anyone stays in Baiyoke Suite b4? Any nice shopping malls and food places? 1st time in bangkok...a bit lost cos there are so many shopping places to visit and different ares for shopping... can anyoone help pls?eg which hotel etc tnx
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    Goodwood Park Hotel

    hi junjun i wasnt really bothered that my wedding isn't perfect. is the attitude of the mgmt that disappoints me. u can source ar now, or even hold yr big day outside spore
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    Goodwood Park Hotel

    hi L.S and cookie bunny i can only say that gwp didn't have a consistent quality delivery of service, even in room service as both guest rooms that I had booked encountered varous level of service. it will not be a hotel that i can trust to hold any functions anymore. nevertheless, life...
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    Goodwood Park Hotel

    hi cookie bunny i suggest you use florabell as june florist disappointed us greatly. the fishbowl looked so miserable as it was v tiny,opposed to what was shown in the pic.
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    Goodwood Park Hotel

    Hi Cookie Bunny Yes, mine is on 15 Dec 06. It was a disappointment. The contract clearly stated my choice of the flower colours but it was not done at all. The VIP flower style was wrong as well. If my hubby didn't go and check the wedding setup and etc, everything would be diastrous...
  12. S

    Goodwood Park Hotel

    hi cheryl benedicte had left the hotel unfortunately.
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    Goodwood Park Hotel

    hi toschichan, freverhappy and reinn i do not hv the pics, perhaps u can get from yr coordinator?
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    Goodwood Park Hotel

    hi toshichan u can ask yr coordinator to show u the different floral design and centerpiece by each florist. both have their own strengths. it depends on what u like and want. we chose june florist u may like to visit the florists? hv fun deciding. hi tulip i suggest u meet up...
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    Goodwood Park Hotel

    hi for those who are interested to know abt my food tasting, it went pretty well except that the food given is not exactly the one that we had requested for. thus, perhaps for all those who is going for their food tasting, perhaps u like to double check w yr coordinator the food dishes to...
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    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    hi apple yes, i am facing that right now. sian, pulling my hair out now.
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    Hi bear do they deliver or is self collection? $8.8 consist of what type of cake? type of flavours?
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    Goodwood Park Hotel

    hi sharon maybe u like to check w Benedicte, maybe she can help u? i do not hv her hp w me right now, u may like to check with the reception staff. good luck. hi chrissy sorry to hear about your bad encounter with gwp. wish they will settle your matter fairly.perhaps u like to call...
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    Any Recommendation for Printers?

    hi ribbons any other printers that do printing for hotstamping? cos i initially also wanted to use t & t and even plan to go there 2mlw but then i realised they use matt gold which doesn't match our wedding cards.
  20. S

    Goodwood Park Hotel

    hi papsam it will be good if u can check w yr coordinator on yr free seatg query. cant help u on yr query on hi-tea/lunch also. maybe other bride can help u
