Search results

  1. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Can't find plain gold and silver wrapper from Kalm's and Cards n Such for my Ang Bao box. Please help...
  2. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi sharlene, you went to so many places for your shooting ah? Your CS is very nice and unique, EG is very sexy leh... wheeeitttt... :p Oh ya, I have not plan for my honeymoon. Still thinking where to go...where are you gals going? Dey is going NZ, how long is your trip? Free & easy?
  3. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi pisduck, Fash website, nice leh. How much you spent on your NZ photo shoot? Must be very ex... Wow, your house was featured on sunday times? I always dream that I want nice decor house, but no extra $ to spend on decor. My house is very simple only. Hi sharlene, me...
  4. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Pisduck, I want.... [email protected] Thanks.
  5. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Ya...not necessary to be red color ang bao box wrapper. I am just looking for some suitable and nice wrapper. Thanks sharlene for highlighting, I totally forgat about Kalms. Hehehe..will go there and take a look. Have a nice weekend, gals!
  6. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi Icy, you can look around at Spotlights. They do have wide range of materials for your corsages. Hi Yuki, how do you wrap the box using the cloth ah? I am looking for nice wrapper, popular is the only one that I shortlisted. Looking for few more nicer one to compare. Anyone here know where...
  7. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Thanks Icy! My wma version is w/o the opening part..start immediately "From this moment life has begun ..." Thanks ya.. My guest list keeps increasing, a lot of our colleagues ask if can bring partner along. Oh no...we got no choice but to include their partner as well...hard to reject them.
  8. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Thanks Icy, will wait for the solo version tomorrow. Btw, you bought the wedding song cds ah? How come you got so many songs? Hi honghong, why not you post up and give us the link to view?
  9. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi Icy, can send me both version in mp3? [email protected]. Thanks a lot! Hi dey, wow...short hair bride. Very 'stylo' leh..something different. Thanks for sharing. I will be using gold pen...silver pen doesn't stand out in my ivory color invitation cards.
  10. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi dey, grant me access to your album leh.. [email protected]. Thanks. Hi all here, Do you have From This Moment mp3? Can send to the above address? Thanks. Ya..carefour do offer consignment for the wine. What kind of wine did you bought? They asked me to go down after mid May as...
  11. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Eii.. only saw Icy's album inside multiply leh.. Icy, how come you got so many albums? Wedding pics, indoor and outdoor album one each? I like your album concepts. Where is yours, dey? I want to see short-haired bride too. :p
  12. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi dey, any idea how much is the ang bao box that you saw at prints?
  13. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Thanks Ying. Not bad leh.. I like your background song.. very nice. I still haven't got mine. Don't know how's the effect... Haha.. all June Brides are the prettiest!
  14. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi Ying, can I? hehehe.. [email protected] Hi Yuki, your turn ah? I want to be on front page also and where to send to? many duties for day and night ah? Never thought of so detailed plan yet. I've check out the 'Xi' wrapper, will consider that if I still can't find...
  15. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi d_woof, expensive ah..don't wanna spend so much just on the ang bao box leh.. Hi Sharlene, where is the exact location of the wedding gift shop at Delfi and dream weavers? Hi tougei, you are so pretty! Nice PS photos. Thanks for sharing. I like your sexy wedding gown. :p BTW...
  16. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi all, seems like you all almost in the final stage of planning liao.. I am still stuck in my guests list preparation and some other minor minor stuffs. I just got a bad news from my jiemei, 2 of them can't be my jiemei and can't attend my wedding dinner. I am so sad. I have booked them long...
  17. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi tougei, can share your photos with me? [email protected]
  18. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Any good recommendations on what wine to get for wedding dinner? There are so many types of wines, different countries.. different type..merlot.. Shiraz.. Cabernet.
  19. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    I never been to wedding dinner at Fullerton. But, I think it will be very nice and grand! Sharlene, do share with us your Fullerton photos hor...when you are ready.
  20. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Did you gals mean the wedding coordinator/chef will be around in the dining area during our food tasting? We can feedback to them while eating or wait till the end of the session then meet them? Arrange a meeting cum makan session for jiemeis and xiongdis at the same time? Anything for them...
