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  1. S

    Anyone interested to go marriage convention 2009?

    Hi, i bought 2 ticket for 28 Mar 09 9.30am mandarin version. unfortunately, due to some reason, my bf and i unable to attend this event. anyone interested?
  2. S

    Any Bridal Shop In JB You Want To Recommend?

    can't found the thred le..
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    Any Bridal Shop In JB You Want To Recommend?

    Hi Timidzhouse, really? glad to heard that... Mind to share to me your package? my email address is [email protected] yes, no thread for Mondore... let's we start it... haha also, plz share with me ur PS once available.. btw, when is ur AD?
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    SG Bridal in JB

    Hi Pin&Jie, I love your photo/gown/make up very very much. Can send me the detail of your package to me? My email address is [email protected] Thank in advance.
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    Any Bridal Shop In JB You Want To Recommend?

    Hi Sona, Can share your package with me? my email address is [email protected] Thanks.
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    Any Bridal Shop In JB You Want To Recommend?

    Hi Humble_house, I just signed a package with Mondore last week, my coordinator also Jessy. When will you going for shooting? which photographer u will choose?
