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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hi Ryan, For the stage decoration, what kind of flowers did u all used? It seem like they are only have the roses and garbera to choose for the decoration and themes..
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    From This Moment full version with vow at the beginning

    Hi Jenn, could you send the song to me too.. thanks. [email protected]
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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hi Ryan, Maybe will change cos that day the pipa duck is simply too oily than the outside one.. The fat is really very thick. The reason i chose duck is cos i find the name unique and it is not chicken cos normally ppl will choose chicken for their dinner
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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hi Iso, Mine is on 19th. How ur preparation? The pipa duck is like the roasted duck which for the food tasting, the meat is too fatty with the thick oily fat and it has more fat meat than the lean meat.. u get what i mean.. anyway, all of us find it very oily and fatty.. so thinking to...
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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hi Ryan, Thanks for your advising. At least, i know that it will be safe with the security guard ard. hehe..:p I also just went for the food tasting. Anyone choose the pipa duck dish cos I find that dish the meat too oily and fatty. I might change that dish..
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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hi Ryan, For the ang pow box, around what time did u kept the box and is it u bring up to the hotel room or assigned by own ppl to do it?
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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hi Ryan, Thanks for your photo. Your wife is very beautiful. U are very sporting in ur AD doing your gatecrashing.. hehe..
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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hi Ryan, Care to share your photos. Thanks : email:[email protected]
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    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    Hi belle, Thanks for your info.. But, i only need to purchase 12 bottles, do they sell? What kind of range of aust wine u had? $17+ is reasonable. :-)
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    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    Hi all, Anyone has any lobang on buying red wine for the banquet?
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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hello Bride Focal-Ad Marketing. Hmm, I think 2 months before to be on the safer side for the printing. Just in case, there is any error in printing etc. :p Wish you all a Happy New Year 2006.
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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hi Bride, It is only for the inserts. The paper is the normal kind ba, don know how to descibe, u have to go down and c yourself.. If higher quality paper, then u pay more. Hmm.. only front one, that kind of paper inserts for e cards.
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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hi Nisiel, The printing cost is $90 for 300pcs inserts. You can call tel: 6749 2262 (Stephen) He will guide you. HI Bride, This is the two comparison that I have made for the quantity of the inserts but the pricing is the same. Agree with you that the package is reasonable for a 5-star...
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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hi Nisiel, I had my inserts printed at the focal-ad marketing.. cos theirs is cheaper compare to Jasvy. I will be collecting the card at Jan. I have selected the Ivory and red.. How abt u? Hi Iso, How ur preparation?
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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hi Nisiel, I had my inserts printed at the focal-ad marketing.. cos theirs is cheaper compare to Jasvy. I will be collecting the card at Jan. I have selected the Ivory and red.. How abt u? Hi Iso, How ur preparation?
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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hi Bride, Yup, the card is in this two colours.. U can choose half of each also no problem. Have u print for the inserts?
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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hi all, Have any of u girl start printing the wedding card insert or choose the design of the card?
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    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    Hi Peggy, IC.. I have taken already but the edition version is nt ready yet.
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    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    Hi Peggy, Thanks for your pics. I liked the PG take the style of photo for both of u and the nice nice scenary..Which BS u are from?
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    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    Hi Bliss, Is it... so concidence lei... So where will be ur dinner? How ur preparation? Tulip bouquet, can u send the pics and show me if you are the same person as lissa mentioned.. :-)
