Search results

  1. NicoletteT

    WTS: Wedding Table Styling $88

    Hi, able to PM for more details! Thanks! :)
  2. NicoletteT

    J.W. Marriott at South Beach

    Most of the hotels that I had visited, they only requested for 50 to 60% prior to AD. But maybe higher end hotels work differently. If really cannot fork out prior to it, its better to choose other place so that it wont put constraints to your budget.
  3. NicoletteT

    2018 BTB

    Uhhhh! Thank you! :D will check it out soon! :)
  4. NicoletteT

    2018 BTB

    Hi All, Im a May'18 BTB! Currently had secured my Venue and Bridal boutique. Yet to find AD photographer&videographer, anyone got package recommendations for it (preferably below $3k in total)...? Anyway, as for Venue and Bridal boutique search, I had my Dayre updates. So if anyone is keen in...
  5. NicoletteT

    Actual Day Photo and Video to let go

    Hi, Please PM me details about your package. Thank you.
  6. NicoletteT

    Letting go : Actual Day Photography and Videography

    Hi, able to PM me (with any expiry dates too)? Thanks.
  7. NicoletteT

    2018 BTB

    Hello All~ Im May'18 Bride To Be... Recently, I had decided my banquet venue, but yet to find bridal package. Hopefully wont kena hard sell.....><
  8. NicoletteT

    2017 Digio Brides

    Hi, Im interested in Digio too, able to PM me the package! Thanks!
  9. NicoletteT

    Digio AD package to let go

    Hello~ please PM me the price of this package with the expiry date, thanks~
  10. NicoletteT

    Concorde Hotel

    Hi, Does anyone have any recent updates on their food and services? Thank you! :)
  11. NicoletteT

    Furama Riverfront Singapore

    Noted with thanks! :) Because previously I wanted to opt for the biggest ballroom - Venus, but they said the VIP room is subjected if no one using the Jupiter room...
  12. NicoletteT

    Furama Riverfront Singapore

    Hi, Anyone have any comments on the services and food updates of this hotel? Its currently in one of my list~ Thanks!
  13. NicoletteT

    Looking for banquet in 2018

    Hi All, Do you all have any recommendations of banquet places which are within my following criteria: 1) Wedding dinner (Chinese banquet) 2) About 320-340 pax (32-34 tables) 3) Price: max $1338++/ table 4) Ballroom to be high ceiling and pillar-less will be a plus If anyone have banquet...
  14. NicoletteT

    Orchard Hotel

    Hello, anyone sign up with them during BOWS? May I know whats the package and perks? Thanks
  15. NicoletteT

    Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

    Hi, anyone sign up with GCW during the BOWS? May I know the package and perks? Thanks!
  16. NicoletteT

    Letting go full Bridal Package

    Hi, able to PM details to [email protected] Thanks!
  17. NicoletteT

    Sale: Labelle Pre-wedding and AD package

    Hi, able to PM me the details to [email protected] Thanks!!
