hi all!
we've juz moved in at point blk 103 st. 12 just before CNY this year . we've bought this 5I at 7k below valuation and got the grant as well.
yup the resale prices seem to be increasing again...
hi alynn,
yours is 106? so near to u ya..
thks. the prob is that the cream was given to me in a small tub..so there's no original packaging..except for a sticker on it that says betamethasone of certain %..when i see %..i was also wondering whether it is steriod.
yah that makes me recall a visit to NSC..the consultant refused...
thks yuuri & wedmar
wedmar, u looked great too!
it's okie , yuuri. cant wait to c your HM pixs..:p
melodie, so nice of u to choose oz becoz u wana visit a fren there!
wah yuuri..so shiok..
i'm flying off tmrw..so no HM pixs yet ..
hee, i've sent ya my AD pixs first..
can view yours too??
hi wedmar,
i've sent! can share yours too??
hi melodie
heee..yaya gotta visit the theme parks..enjoy ur trip!
hi melodie
yah so fast , 2 mths..hee
i've not gone for my HM yet too..will be going next wk..
can i view ur pixs ?? thks!
my email addy [email protected]
hi ladies!
so fast.. it's been like a mth or so since our wedding liao..
wah most of u already came bk from honeymoon..i'm still waiting for my trip! ;p
yah would like to view all ur pix
i've got some uploaded from my fren's digi cam, yet to upload those from the AD photographer.
hi gers!
my AD is over!
hi ivy
dun get too stressed, juz relax and smile. hee.
that's a sweet clip that you have!
bet your hubby will be so touched.
congrats yuuri!
hi fates!
my AD is this sat too
hee..i juz had a rehearsal/briefing yesterday with all the people involved
yupz to all mar brides,
have a wonderful wedding!
no prob, yuuri
eh, think those give out to younger cousins or nephews+nieces ard 6 to 8 bucks each bah. for younger siblings, not sure leh, cuz i dun have .hee.
depends on individual.