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    Which Slimming Centre is the Best ?

    TRA is e next option for all e ladies out there if u wanna lose weight. It focus on e right nutrition and good health. Backed up by scientific methods and evidence based research. Nobody wants to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on weight loss. Email me at [email protected] for more...
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    Anyone tried TRA?

    Had my first review today after one week. 0.8kg of weight loss, only 0.5% loss of fats =( but total cm loss is almost 10cm. Actually din really control much on my diet but result is satisfactory to me. Will continue to strive harder.
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    Anyone tried TRA?

    Den after 3 months still need to watch our diet. If not will put on all e weight again. Anyone still continue e supplements after e 3 months?
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    Anyone tried TRA?

    Ya.. My consultant told me abt e visceral fats info. Wad i meant is must ppl can't eat e healthy way den put on weight. I tink most ppl can't survive on healthy eating forever.
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    Anyone tried TRA?

    Food temptations r hard to resist and difficult to change eating habits overnight. Am trying hard. Dun wanna my hard earned money go down e drain!
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    Anyone tried TRA?

    Well, to me is quite restrictive. But then again, dieting is like tat right.. Wad to do. Haf to be so careful when choosing food.. Today going to start on e program. Hopefully i can make it..
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    Anyone tried TRA?

    Although no starving, but haf to watch our diet closely. Fist size portion and can't eat as per normal. No oily food and fried food. How to endure tis 3 months?
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    Anyone tried TRA?

    Actually i haf a friend who is a pharmacist and she join tra. Just wanna get more info before i take e package with her.. So just take e pills and eat normally? How abt e meal replacements or shakes tat is given?
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    Anyone tried TRA?

    I thought TRA also involves taking meal replacements and pills. Was debating between TRA and herbalife.
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    Anyone tried TRA?

    still need to continue to take any products after the 3 mths?
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    Anyone tried TRA?

    How is it different from herbalife?
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    Parkroyal on Beach Road

    Hi Irene, thanks for e detailedma info! Wa.. Ur package still can deduct and got vouchers somemore. Mine will be at their ballroom upstairs. No deductions at all =( Maybe perks are different for two places.
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    Ang Baos for jie mei/ brothers and emcees?

    who are the ones we need to give AP? do i need to give to cousins, nieces, nephews and siblings?
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    Parkroyal on Beach Road

    Mimi,thanks for e input =)
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    Parkroyal on Beach Road

    Hi mimi, Thanks for ur input =) I was told tat Stamford is on ongoing renovation. Do i have to worry abt whether guests have all arrived, when to start dinner? Got a overall coordinator who will help us? How was ur march in? Heard tat it's quite short and lights can't be dimmed.
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    Parkroyal on Beach Road

    Hi mimi, u had your banquet at plaza ballroom right? Wad setting did u choose? Did u add extra decorations? How was ur march in? Besides felicia, who was your coordinator on ur wedding day? Sorry for asking pm many questions. Quite worrying as i read e previous thread. Will be holding there...
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    Parkroyal on Beach Road

    Hi Rosalyn, tat will haf to depends wad u r going for. If u want e ambience den choose HI. If u want more tastier food and bigger portion, den choose parkroyal. Those hotel with "bigger" names tend to be more stingy in their perks.. Hope my info helps u (3
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    Plaza Park Royal

    Can anyone provide any pictures of e Stamford and Plaza ballroom? Wad is e differences? Felicia is a very nice lady. There r always difficult and demanding customers around. Finding fault. Lots of us do not haf prob with her. Only a very small number. Perhaps e fault lies within themselves.
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    Parkroyal on Beach Road

    My htb and i just book with them. They haf only one ballroom available which is plaza. They will be renovating e Stamford ballroom and won't be tree as a wedding ballroom. I dun quite like e ballroom. Ceiling is a bit low. Look a bit old. Htb decided on it, i got no choice but to agree. Other...
