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  1. L

    Bangkok Accomodation - Advice

    ...con't Zen gives 5% discount for tourist. As there wasn't much lingerie sales during my stay there, we got ours from Zen. Plus the 7% VAT rebate, it's as good as ~12% discount. A wacoal shop at City Plaza also allows VAT refund. Note: In case some of u need to know... To qualify...
  2. L

    Bangkok Accomodation - Advice

    Hi All, Just to share a reminder here... Before your trip to Chatuchak, try to visit Krung Thong Plaza & City Plaza on ur first day (these 2 air-con shopping centers r just next to Amari Water Gate hotel. Things are much cheaper there!) Save you the time and effort to bargain...
  3. L

    Bangkok Accomodation - Advice

    Hi princessjen, would appreciate a copy too! please send to [email protected] thanks!! hi grilfriend,... my package price is for a thai new budget airline. $250+ , thur PM thru monday evening. (4D5N?) Asia hotel.
  4. L

    Bangkok Accomodation - Advice

    hi CT, Asia Hotel. Monday evening flight. u?
  5. L

    Bangkok Accomodation - Advice

    Hi CT, I'll be at BKK this weekend too!! :-) Leaving tmr. For chinatown, taxi preferred (rather than tuk tuk) because it is not very near from "central" area where most singaporean's choiced hotel are located. TukTuk is good for shorter distance ride, in my opinion.
  6. L

    China for honeymoon

    went BJ for HM last Oct. Clashed with their National day (1 week PH for them) so everywhere was extremely crowded. however, tHanks to the crowd that we felt less boring as we had no other companion other than one guide. (speical request) We moved around in a car. Spent a great afternoon at...
  7. L

    Mandarin version of ROM Marriage Vow

    hi rose, Not to worry...The person at the registration counter (on ur ROM day itself) will ask for ur preferred language. The JP will also ask. I also read my marriage vows in mandarin, for the same reason as u.
  8. L

    (2003) Brides of year 2003

    hi elaine, Noted. Mi too will be having a busy week. take care!
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    (2003) Brides of year 2003

    hi elaine, count me in! :o)
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    (2003) Brides of year 2003

    mei, Nice photos!! Those kids are ur students ah? Cherubies, Wow! 24 days!!! I do not have so many ann leave left. Can take too many unpaid leaves too else will affect my pocket$$, bonus n even AWS.
  11. L

    (2003) Brides of year 2003

    hi elaine, will u be putting ur photos on ur website? We can see from there ah? i still think it's very heavy for u to bring out leh...u so skinny, got strength meh? hee hee hi cherubies, which bridal r u with? hoepfully u can take back those unselected sample photos. :-) so we can see...
  12. L

    (2003) Brides of year 2003

    <FONT COLOR="orange">Hi Elaine, </FONT> Can make it on 19 June anot? Will it be too heavy to bring ur album out? <FONT COLOR="orange">Hi Cherubies,</FONT> precisely lor... mine is a bustier and since the train got wet, it weighed down the whole gown always must pull up n adjust...
  13. L

    (2003) Brides of year 2003

    Nice to see this thread active again. Hi flo, kk, yi, elaine, jady, wenn, cherubies. kk &amp; cherubies, nice to hear about how much fun u had during ur PS cos I just had mine yesterday! We enjoyed ourselves very much. But I regreted choosing such a big long and heavy outdoor gown. If...
  14. L

    (2004) Brides of year 2004

    hi Oneee, u can actually negotiate to pay a small deposit for bridal packages. Maybe $300 or less. Then payments will usually be done in few instalments 1 - Deposit 2 - gown selection 3 - After PS 4 - Balanced payment after Actual day I think bridal packages no need to book so soon...
  15. L

    (2004) Brides of year 2004

    hi all... can't really catch up with the posting here. Pebbles, where will the gathering be? Hopefully it's at town area...if not, by the time i reach, u all getting ready to leave liao. Annmelody, $400 is too expensive. Remember blusher's mum is freelancing? Maybe u like to ask her...
  16. L

    (2004) Brides of year 2004

    hi wendylee, HELLO!!! I never visit DI before. Can't give much advice...wat i heard is their good grade pieces not fantastically cheap. Basically, those shops u named all resonable price, unlike designer's or branded shops. Hope u get wat i mean. Personally i think Sookee has a slightly...
  17. L

    (2004) Brides of year 2004

    <FONT COLOR="orange">Hi Ino...</FONT> sorry for being so long winded, forget one point i think maintaining a joint account helps a lot. But several key points to note: 1. Don't take any ATM card for tt account so can't go and "dee dee" for money. 2. Make it "both must sign" to make...
  18. L

    (2004) Brides of year 2004

    <FONT COLOR="Orange">Hi Ino </FONT> about cost of wedding ah...this really depends on individual leh. Some ppl their parents n in-laws help a bit. 1. If u expect small ang paos, go for restaurant, cos if maj of ur guests r stingy, they "bao" the minimum regardless of venue. if u expect...
  19. L

    (2004) Brides of year 2004

    hi Mango cheese cake (sounds yummy! heee....) seems like i have not "talk" to many of the newbies here hor... hmm...I'm "oldies"(lao kok kok liao) i oso dun really into diamond. But i heard that diamond industry has many different grades hence given ppl the impression that they sell...
  20. L

    (2004) Brides of year 2004

    hi girls... I'll try to attend the 2nd May gathering. Anything can email me. Frankly speaking, I'm very lost in this thread ...simple too fast moving liao.
