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  1. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Mei, Jav is now very cheeky and not to add tons of ENERGY =P I m ok with 11 Jul lunch. My email is [email protected]
  2. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Halo Ladies!!! Long time nvr chat Great!! Sat afternoon sounds good for me too erm.. where are we meeting? Jazol, congrats =) Kaye, Claire must be a big gal now. mei & von, envy envy... i also want to be a SAHM... waiting till neck is super long.
  3. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Ya, now is the flu season. When kids get sick, very physically draining. Jav also got flu 2 wks back.. cough, fever, phelgm, lost his voice. so heart-pain. Kaye, claire feeling better now? haha, drunkard so cute!! I wan to see drunkard video. hee~ Ya, Jav had been smacking the elmo.. *ouch*...
  4. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Halo ladies, i hardly come in here cos i can't have internet access in office - change job to ministry so everything hush-hush. missed my forum n msn SO much :p how's every1? Jav is already 1yr old!! Plus he just help me save some diaper money by winning in the huggies pull-up pants...
  5. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Piglet, Tian En sounds nice. Probably bb noes who is more confident in carrying them. Its ok practise makes perfect. Nope, I m still at home 'training' the maid. I will sms u the maid agency number. The maid I have so far is from mynamar. She is hardworking just tat language is realli...
  6. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    my bbsitter .. lots tell lies, keep taking time off, keep gg on leave, put him in front of tv, let him wail for a long time. Basically she dun realli love kids. Ever since I look after him myself he is a much happier and more smiley baby. So fried her and got a maid. But maid different set of...
  7. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Mei, so happy to hear tat u r on TBF already. Well-Done!! Kaye, thks for the infant care contact. Claire is so cute now. Agreed with the ladies tat this pix is very well taken. Jav prefers my MIL, my FIL instead of me when he wants to play. Von, maybe u wan to bring back the pillow or...
  8. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Piglet, congrats!! Erm, not exactly nearer to my house. Hopefully i made the right decision. ha!! At least Claire is close to u. My Jav is terrible.. Other dan milk or sleeping time if I attempt to want to carry him. He will push my hands away. Sighz.. :P Kaye, claire still in infant care...
  9. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Halo ladies, Long time nvr post in here. Devon is realli cute!! Miss the times when Jav is so small too. Mei, its ok to supplement with some FM. I also supplement with FM for abt 2-3wks b4 my milk supply actually kick in. Initially its like tat lah. It gets better after sometime. Dun...
  10. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    See cute cute little Devon *MUACK* He weighs 3.355kg and length 50cm. From the above pix, sure looks like Mei =)
  11. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Congrats to Mei!!! She is a proud mummy of baby Devon who was delivered on 3rd Sept morning. Let's wait for Mei to be more settled in b4 she post more pix of Devon here
  12. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Morning ladies. Long time nvr come in here.. work has been bz n me rushing home everyday for Jav to sayang me after a hard day of work :P Piglet, how are you. Still very bz at work? Gosh, being preggie is tiring enough. Must take time to rest k? Wow, ur bridal studio so good!! Can go back...
  13. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Long time din come in.. Regarding Jav's crying.. its not nightmare. He is having separation anxiety. The moment I put him in his cot, he will cry. So now under gg sleep training. Touch wood, the last 2 nights he is ok Kaye, Jav still bo gai :P Ya, where is Von & Mei? Must be bz...
  14. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Long time din come in here. Piglet, congrats!!! Take this opportunity to rest more k? *muck* Nowadays Jav has been waking up so often during the nite. Literally screaming with his eyes closed. Carry him he will scream, Put him down he will scream louder. Wonder why like tat.. feel so...
  15. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Jazol, so sorry to hear abt ur loss. U must be heart-broken.. Try to be strong k? *hugz* *hugz*
  16. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Claire : *Crawling backwards* Nothing interesting mah. Show me something else. Javier : Wat are u adults doing? U expect us to smile just by playing that toy?!?
  17. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Look!! That's a singing cow. Claire : Chey, I've seen it before. I prefer my mommy's hp. Don't try to con me with it. Javier : Aiya, see so many times liao. I rather suck my thumb.
  18. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    More of Claire & Javiers photos Why must our mommies force us to hold hands? *Hump!!*
  19. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    I find the talk interesting especially the 1st part on involving husbands. Its not something we don't know just some reminding [Doesnt it sound like the cycle & carriage advertisement?] Basically its how we manage our relationship with our hubby even after the kids arrive. Make sure...
  20. S

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Piglet, haha, we share info lah. keke, not expert enough to guide. How are u?? Long time bo hear from u also =) Von, its good tat ur hubby is making sometime for the lesson. Tats a good start Kaye, sure I will email you. Hopefully tonight. I m exhausted the last wkend. Keke.. no...
