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  1. B

    Regent Singapore

    Jennifer, i would advise you to really thikn twice about Rengent. i had my wedding held there last nov..their service was really terrible. I'm sure you wun't wan your big day turned out to be a "memorable" day in the negative form.. I've feedback to the person in charge and am still...
  2. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    blursotong, Thanks!! your house very oriental leh..good for "Xi" and CNY festivals!!so your house sure got alot of happiness... Any ladies have any suggestions where to get GDL cakes? those giving away to relatives ones. i'm thinking of not getting begawan solo,too common...
  3. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Afcai, thanks! other then the printer can provide stickers and ang pows. any idea about the charges? in fact i need to print only the inserts, not the invites leh... LS, sorry, me no idea where to get those confertti as well..
  4. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi Afacai, your AD on 5th nov huh?? me on 6th!! 1 day apart... blursotong, you really very hardworking some many things liao..dun make me kan cheong leh...
  5. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi Afcai, Printinh co so good onw meh...can give ang pows and wedding stickers arh?? can tell me which printing co??
  6. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi Afcai, As the hotel only provides me the invites, therefore i have to print the inserts lor...not insects lar!! The inserts are the wordings on a thin sheet of paper to be inserted together with the invites..
  7. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi ladies, Welcome XiaoD! Afcai, me kinda,re right..heehee.. i agree that the headache part is the arrangement of the seats but nevermind that problem comes later..settle the current situation first. have to wait till after 7th month then can go ahead with the printing of the...
  8. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi Blursotong, me too..very eng also..though my WG n EG not done very relax...after the lunar 7th month then go for food tasting, print inserts, consolidate the guest lists,do my WG n EG,buy ang pows, get ang pow box..btw,any idea who write the guest names of the invites huh?? we...
  9. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi Kash, Me yet to print the inserts for the invites leh..yet to sum up the guest list from our parents..think still early lor..dun be so kan cheong... relax.. think 1month before your AD will be fine to give out.. wat say you?
  10. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi Afcai, me yet to choose the song for my AD but my hotel give us a list of songs to i think not need to hurry take things quite easy n slowly..heehee..
  11. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    hi blursotong, your friend does videography? you using this friend for your AD as well?? email me the contact pls, thanks!! [email protected]
  12. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi afcai, i managed to get more photos cos i 'trade in' with other things such as the 24 phtos to give to away to relatives n also the huge photo supposely to hang in the master bedroom,etc.. Blursotong, i agree wf u,my basic package is nt very ex to begin with,so plus the top up of the...
  13. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi afcai, my package is 3.2k b4 i top up... just went to my bs yesterday to view the layout..all 2gether there are 82 pose but only 30 pages..sorry,blursotong..give u wrong info the other time..
  14. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi afcai, i didn't spend as much as 7k..only 1.8 lar...initially hb face abit black black when i wanted to top up the album..but coz my parents are there too so he got no choice but to give in..heehee... i feel that though i agree it's quite a waste of money to do so but on second...
  15. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    hi blursotong, actually i think i look more mature in the photos leh..i top up cos anyway once a lifetime lor..can only flip thru the pics when i'm old to refresh my younger days mah... hahaha
  16. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    hi blursotong, me top up another 1800 for the the album is about 50pages...not sure on the total no of pic. cos there may b a few pics on a page or so... not sure whether to do the ppt ant..till now haven't done anything...
  17. B

    Regent Singapore

    Hi tougei, sorry...been busy lately..lots of things happened...sigh..will email you my package ( Guess it's standard package leh) have collected my invitation cards, now in the process of designing the inserts... can email me your AD pics as well?? thnx! [email protected]
  18. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    hi ladies, sorry for MIA...been busy.. Me going down to c my PS layout this sunday, oredi collected my invitation cards, now in the process of designing the inserts..regards to my gowns, think i check wf them this sunday when i go down lor.. food tasting will b done in sept,date not confirm yet..
  19. B

    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi Blursotong, i agree with u too, nov is a busy month for BS. as my BS is currently busy with preparing for their wedding show in Oct, guess i'll pop by sometimes mid aug and c designer told me that she'll be able to design and do up the dresses in 1 month!! not sure reliable ant.. ;p
