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  1. P

    Extramarital Affair: Truly in love with each other

    Anthony, u made a wrong move to bring up your story here. If you are sure of what you are doing regardless of how people see u, just follow your heart and with no regrets. Impt is don ever regret what u do. No need to come forum and let people bash you and give you politically correct advices.
  2. P

    Depressed, need help

    this choice is obvious: divorce him .. you don want to waste another 5yrs on him, do you?
  3. P

    What should i do?

    dump him .. no point changing into xiao nu ren for him .. cos if u do so, you will get tired one day and feel that life with him around is a dread... ... by then, all is too late ..
  4. P

    What Women Want

    Albee, maybe max played contra, hence he has no ability to hold when market clashed .. that's how many people got themselves badly burnt in stock market.
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    My Wife Died and how I long to be Intimate.....

    maybe guys used sex as a de-stressing tool? ie. before wife died, he felt stressed and needed sex .. after wife died, he felt sad and stressed and needed sex ??!!
  6. P

    My Wife Died and how I long to be Intimate.....

    then i will pity the girl friend .. cos she will be used as a replacement
  7. P

    What Women Want

    Hi Max the mightymouse, I would LOVE to seek you out! (evil laugh) .. kee kee kee
  8. P

    What should i do?

    MARLBORD, your case is too drastic .. no tell-tail signs at all .. thot it only happens to couples whom have drifted apart .. lovey dovey still can like that .. life is really unpredictable ..
  9. P

    Regarding finances

    regarding the insurance policies, may need to sit down and study each policy. If you foresee you will have difficultie forking out $7-$8k each year for the premiums, cut lost now and choose some policies to cancel. Cancel until you are comfortable with continue paying the premiums for the...
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    Should I will my assets to him? - Urgent advice needed!

    Singpen Just one word to describe your hubby: Petty
  11. P

    My affair

    lullabye, just curious what's your next step now? i mean, next step with your hubby? Are you guys going to try all over again one more round by working things out? Not sure if he can change to be more romantic and passionate to win your love again, since this has been stagnent for so many years...
  12. P

    My affair

    thanks for sharing lullabye .. it should serve as a wake up call to ladies and men here who are facing the same situation as you for them to do something before any affairs started .. you are very lucky that it happens to you early enough for you to take action, ie. to annul the marriage ...
  13. P

    Will you entertain

    i think 2 persons with the same height and weight can look very different in size SM says his eldest girl is 1.65m and 54kg and she looks bah bah to him. I'm also 1.65 & 54, but people usually commented i looked thin/trim and was shock to know my actual weight .. hmm.. maybe my bone is heavy?
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    Can someone advise me??

    Ting Yi, take a photo of the test kid la .. Keep your urine-stained kit for 4yrs liao? wa, got smell or not?
  15. P

    Can someone advise me??

    It's accurate from 2wks after conception. Ie. from the first day you missed your menses. Any earlier, will not be accurate
  16. P

    Can someone advise me??

    for me, more ks. I bought 2 different housebrands, 1 guardian and 1 watsons .. haha .. if both positive, means confirmed preg ..
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    How to be more encouraging?

    agreed, powder! .. i can better accept advise from friends and colleagues, but will tend to become defensive (and somehow irritated) if hubby were to give me unsolicited advice. But again, if i asked for his advice, then it's ok for him to give advice.
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    I like my boss

    "Do you like me?" is so suggestive .. LOL
  19. P

    Match made in heaven

    That is why she can tahan him so many years, see, the son so big liao .. at least 10yrs in marriage ..
  20. P


    SM: "Like I never understand why my mother would prefer the chicken back-side and neck to the meat and drumsticks and wings... She told us she prefer those parts - now I know it is because she always leave the best parts for her children. " I would think this was what the older generation...
