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  1. R

    Any Bridal Shop In JB You Want To Recommend?

    Hi all, for those interested in Dawn Bridal, please refer to this thread.
  2. R

    Any Bridal Shop In JB You Want To Recommend?

    Tris, the 2 coffee table book at Dawn have been there since the first day they open. The pics are of Models if you notice. The spelling are bad indeed, which is why for my album, I requested no words. The joke is, during my outdoor shoot, the assistant draw a heart shape on the beach and inside...
  3. R

    Any Bridal Shop In JB You Want To Recommend?

    Hi whoofy, its not really ethical to post the package and the price here. All I can say is that, you must go to JB, visit the shops and really experience the service and their sample photos and all that. Then you make the decision. Dawn is one of the most expensive in JB but comparing the price...
  4. R

    Any Bridal Shop In JB You Want To Recommend?

    For all those looking for JB bridal shop, I strongly recommend Dawn's Bridal. I sign up with them and have already completed all my shoot with my wife, selected the pics and now awaiting the album and AD. I must say, me and my wife had a really great time with them. Never thought that wedding...
