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    Yvonne Creative

    Hi Kelly Kat, YC is not bad.. but whether service is GOOD or BAD depends very much on yourself and your coordinator. Basically I feel for YC, you have to make sure you keep track of your own time and schedule and ask for things and make things happen. If you expect them to call you and...
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    Yvonne Creative

    Hi Mehmeh, nice to still see you around in this thread! So many of the coordinators left YC yah?! Cheers Anpanman
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    Yvonne Creative

    Hi Ling, if your AD is in Oct, then you dun really have much time left. Especially if you are MTM your WG. For example, Late Feb - 1st Appointment to try & design WG. late Mar - 1st Fitting late April - 2nd Fitting early May - trial make-up & final fit Mid May - Photo Taking...
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    Yvonne Creative

    Hi Kai, what's your email address?
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    Yvonne Creative

    Hi Kai, talking about getting caught into a bridal shop. My experience is, never anyhow go into a bridal shop unless it's one of those that recommended by frens or highly recommended by people online. When i started looking for my BS 1+ years ago, I started off with no shop BS in mind... and...
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    Yvonne Creative

    Dear yurieve, for my AD photographer, I paid $500 for 300x4R photos. He is good and passionate about his job. He was my brother's AD photographer 5 years ago and will be my sis AD photographer too. In fact he's a full time professional photographer.
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    Yvonne Creative

    Hi Kori, I think so that my mum visited your house before (your mum invited her to your place to meet while waiting for some furniture guy??). Hope she didn't leave any handprints or footprints at your house...heehee...just kidding... can meet up with you at westmall one of these days!
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    Yvonne Creative

    Dear ladies! Happy VDay to all too! Dear Kori, I think our mums do know each other. They are frens & classmates. Your mum is very good at handicrafts right? I also heard from my mum that you are very beautiful.
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    Yvonne Creative

    Dear Mehmeh, I want contact of your beautician too! Thank!
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    Yvonne Creative

    Hi Kori, I think my mum may knows your mum. She was invited to a wedding dinner sometime last month at little Guilin too...your mum staying at Bt Batok?
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    Yvonne Creative

    Hi Kori, sounds like you really had a terrible day. I would be so upset and frustrated if that happens to me that I'll be crying & screaming my head off at those IDIOTs. you know what? ... In Law is THE LAW ... you cannot go against them...
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    Yvonne Creative

    Hi Mehmeh, CNY is quite tiring. Gave out AngBaos of course! How about yourself? You started work yesterday already right? I started work only today. So yesterday I had some time for myself, went to Gym and really sweat it out!
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    Yvonne Creative

    Dear Mehmeh, happy new year to you! Talking about eyebags and dark eye circles! You should see mine!
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    Chevrons @ Boon Lay Way

    wah! That sounds like a serious offence! The management need to look into this matter seriously. Although some things may not cost much, but still the owner has the right to take it back (sentimental value!?). Having such wierd disappearing act is a BIG NO NO NO.
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    Yvonne Creative

    Hi Mei Iem, that's an interesting observation and point. Maybe there are some "fake" BTB postings, but there are also many genuine BTBs postings! You have to judge for yourself if you want to believe in the postings. I remember reading a posting recommending a particular manicure shop, and...
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    Yvonne Creative

    Hi Mehmeh, House cleaning!!! I used to bake pineapple tarts for CNY every year, but not this tear. No time. So sad. You want the recipe for pineapple tart? I give it to you later (it's at home).
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    Yvonne Creative

    Hi Mehmeh, heehee... happen to pop in and read Su posting, so thought share a bit with her lor. Things are generally fine, but lots of stuff to prepare for coming CNY... 2 times the work load ... my mum's place & my hubby place...
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    Yvonne Creative

    Hi Su, regarding touching up of photos, you can sit down and go through all photos that you've selected one by one with the YC guys to determine the level and type of touched-up you want. But they only (or mainly) use digital camera nowadays, as like most other BS. You really gotta talk...
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    Hi Astrogirl, sorry for the late reply. I bought the pack of 5 manicures package and got a hand mask free. Have yet to try the hand mask, so no comments. When's your BIG DAY by the way?
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    Yvonne Creative

    Hi Tweetytwee, which part of Japan you plan to visit for your honeymoon? But I highly recommend places where they have private Onsen for you & hubby to romance a bit. Heehee Hi Mehmeh, yup! Hubby is thoughtful & sensitive. We had a great time in Japan. Yes! Ramen is good...
