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  1. B

    Furama Riverfront Singapore

    Hi all, long nvr come into the forum...didn't know that the theme is getting more and more pretty than my previous one which i have last year the picture look nice but actual fact so so... Hi Apuppy, Yes, they do accept next day payment.As that night, my...
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi hello, Yap...thanks for reminding me.. I also don't want to get those heavy type. Because my nose is sensitive to dust so I try to get those easy to wash oftenly and easy to clean. So the roller blinds is cloth-type? I understand as that time my mum in hospital, I have to do all the...
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi Pauline, Sorry that I cannot share with you as my house have not yet done up.Still in the searching of I.D. but I can share thins regards to wedding as mine already over.:p Hi hello, Is it? I thought roller blinds will accumlulate dust, then they will become very dirty. You know...
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi hello, The price is quite high. I think I don't want to use the roller blinds.Is it very difficult to maintain.... I think I get some ideas from Ikea
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi Hello, Thanks for sharing the picture. I also like your cosy corner very much. By the way, where did you get the roller blind for your kids' room. So cute... what about your MBR? seems like your WIW near the window, so how are you going to do curtain or blind??
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi LKM, Oops...sorry leh. pai sey
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi tequilaneat, Is ok.I also never indicate properly mah.
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi tequilaneat, I am sorry that I can't send you becaused my house is not done yet. The picture I sending LKM, is because I need her advice on my toilet. My toilet is very cramp and would like to do something like her toilet so she ask me to send picture see if she can give me any advice...
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi LKM, I had took some picture, but cant load to this forum. Possible can you contact with my hubby at [email protected] he will send you via email. Hope it not too troublesome for you. Thanks
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi LKM, Thanks for advice. This weekend I will go down the house then I take picture of the toilet but very messy, the ex-owner or the HDB mess up the master bedroom toilet. You are so lucky to get a "new" house. Mine is cheap and big but is not new and so many things to do. That's why the...
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Dear Stars, Thanks. I am stuck in the decision of the timing to move out of my mum's house as she be lonely and also my relatives and family asking me why move out but they don't know how difficult it is to be in between husband and mum. So have you move into the new house already? I am...
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi LKM, Thanks for your concern about my mum. True, there aren't many new flats to choose from HDB. You also get a re-sale flat from HDB? The pipe in our master bedroom is 2 huge pipe at the corner where the basin beside it so I cannot do something similar as yours. How much you have...
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi Stars, During the 1st appt when we went to choose our unit, they show us the plan when we finally choose the unit we want. As that time, my mind very "mess", still thinking want or not but my husband very firm with the decision when later I keep said "NO" he say "I don't care" in joking...
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi Stars, Yes, I don't like the location, it is too far. And only one bus to take, the flooring of the house is broken marble which I don't like, the layout of the Kitchen, master bedroom and bathroom, I don't like. If we are allow to see the layout when we went for the WIS in May'05, then I...
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi Stars, I got so many to worries. Of coz, I would want to have a nice and cosy house. But I don't know why I never stop my husband for picking the current unit at Pasir ris when we go for HDB appt.Although the fengshui master said that this house is very good to us but I still don't like so...
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi Stars, Thank you for your info. Very headache over the renovation issue....
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi Stars, Very impressed of your house. Actually we also thought of doing everything ourseleve but we are not sure of the procedure. Like getting the permit...sometimes we want to hack the wall and what should we apply for it....all these we are not sure. So would like to check with you on...
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    (2004) Brides of year 2004

    Hi Linda, thks for your info. will see doc.
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    (2004) Brides of year 2004

    Hi Ladies, Does any of you have take those pills that can delay yr menses or make yr menses come earlier? If yes, how many days in advance we have to take?
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    (2004) Brides of year 2004

    Hi zann, my email is [email protected]
