Search results

  1. O

    1 year for me to slim 10 kg for my wedding

    taking pills... all chemical? approved or not...
  2. O

    Fidella - Svelte & Glow - Weight Mgt & Detoxify

    Thanks everyone I just got 2 orders from SG Brides!!!
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    1 year for me to slim 10 kg for my wedding

    what about fidella? visit this website - Lanuching in Singapore soon! Approved by AVA...
  4. O

    Fidella - Svelte & Glow - Weight Mgt & Detoxify

    I would like to intro this range of 100% organic, health supplement of Svelte and Glow... Now very hot in Malaysia and lanuchung in Singapore very soon... Many successful candidates loss weight up to 7kg naturally... Please visit the website - there are many customers...
