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  1. R

    Merchant Court Swissotel

    hi chiffoncake, real sorry for late reply......... and nt sure if it's too late...... i hv the usual as some of them here - FOC seat covers (if more than 36 tables), 1 nite stay (additional nite less 40%), choices of 2 types of invite cards (red & ivory) etc...... hope tis helps.....
  2. R

    Merchant Court Swissotel

    hehe ya, signed up wif them since late oct n from some of the threads above, it seems MC r changing it's theme lor..... thks.
  3. R

    Merchant Court Swissotel

    Thks, Corie..... hope u dun find me too troublesome...... they r still using the bird cage theme?
  4. R

    Merchant Court Swissotel

    hihi Corie, Thks a lot. BTW, how's their sound system? And when i change into my 2nd outfit, it will b in the bridal rm or is there a rm next to the ballroom?
  5. R

    Merchant Court Swissotel

    Hi Corie, Happy New Year and congrats on your wedding! I'm a MC BTB this Nov and feel more assured after reading your post. Mine will be a hi-tea reception so there won't be much service except making sure the food/drinks refilled when it's low, prompting when to march in.
  6. R

    Carlton Hotel

    hi ladies, jus attended hubby's cousin's wedding at Carlton dd 30 nov. No hipcups or whatsoever, service quite prompted, food a bit saltish bt overall quite alrite, cn see tat the part-timers were trying their best to serve their guests quickly. total abt 35/6 tables.
