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    Anyone has contacts for photocards

    Hi all above, Please email the quote at [email protected] for below service (if any) as my AD is on 25 feb 2012: > - Photo Live Print @ Wedding Banquet and lamination. thanks ya...
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    Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)

    Hi Master Tong, Can i chk with you which direction of bed should i place in my room. My Zodiac is Rooster and my hubby is Monkey. We just stay temporary at my hubby hse before getting our new flat. Juz want to chk which direction. If i am standing at the door facing our room, room door shd be...
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    Anyone ROM in June 2010

    im doing it in the ROM office itself after tt den proceed to eat ba... wat abt u? have u efile ald?
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    ROM in June 2010, what do I need to prepare for? I am so lost!

    Me too... Will be ROM in Jun too.. Will be on 04 Jun 2010... I stil haven finalise much... Too much things 2 worry... Anyone will be ROM in the temporary office?
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    Anyone ROM in June 2010

    Hi Anyone ROM in June 2010? Did you do it indoor or outdoor? Anyone been to the temporary office for ROM? Do you mind post some picture of it? Thanks alot.
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    (2010/03) ROM in March 2010

    Does anyone ROM at the ROM office at Temp relocation at maxwell there?
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    Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)

    Hi Master Tong,if let say 2 sister planning 2 get married same yr, how long apart should they avoid? or is there anything that can help to minimise any clash? Pls help. Thanks
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    Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)

    Hi Master Tong, Heard that 2 sister cannot get married in the same year is it? if 2 sister happen 2 get married in the same year then wat will happen?
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    Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)

    Thanks Master Tong for your advise. I'll really appreciate it and i understand also. I will choose some dates and hope you can advise us whether is it a good dates.
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    Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)

    Hi Master Tong, Could you advise us on the dates for ROM in the year of 2010? Heard that Monkey cannot get married in 2010 is it true? Groom: Monkey 1980 Bride: Rooster 1981 Groom's Father : Rat 1948 Groom's Mother : Goat 1955 Bride's Father : Snake 1953 Bride's Mother ...
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    Actual Day Program. Need some guidance

    Hi Piper, Can i haf a copy of the AD program too? Thks alot. My email is [email protected]
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    Any new idea how to touture yr FH?

    Hi Pinkbunny, Can send me a copy of the contract too. Thks alotz. [email protected]
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    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Hi Snow, I haf added u to my msn too. Hope to chat wif u too.
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    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Hi Janice, Finally found some1 same AD wif mi on the 1st Mar 08. Me oso havent book hotel but already shortlisted Hotel Intercontinental @ bugis for the banquet. So ur ROM wil b 2gether or same day?
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    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Ops so sorry my friendster add shd b [email protected]. As 4 [email protected] is my msn......
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    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Hi purpleclouds, isplash & twinkle stars care to add me to your friendster & msn as well? mine is [email protected]. Thks ya.....
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    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Anyone same as mine?
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    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    oh mine is on the 1st Mar 08
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    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Hi all, I'm Mar 08 bride to be.... can i join? :P
