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  1. B

    Hong Kong Disneyland

    so afternoon wont be dat cold la
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    Hong Kong Disneyland

    anyone just went to Hk only..?? can let me noe the weather how isit realy very very cold.. below 10 degree????
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    Hong Kong Disneyland

    Hi ty, when did u go hk? how's the weather there? how many degree? cos the agency told us is abt 17degree! but someone told me cant be cos is abt below 10degree! so u mean from airpot is very near disneyland. do u noe how to get there from airpot? isit u hv to wear very thick.. 3 layered?
  4. B

    Hong Kong Disneyland

    Hi tayes, really appreciate your reply thanks.. !! u mean yr package 750 is including disney hotel stay and ticket? my hubby just book the tickets.. 700+ including tax but only 4D3N with a stay in disney hotel and ticket. isit exp?? oh u mean we can get the name card at our hotel. i heard we...
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    Hong Kong Disneyland

    Hi all,,, i really nid help.. cos 1st time go tour.. duno how should i do.. lately anyone went disney? cos wanted to noe which agency now is the cheapest.. i worry free and easy..duno wil i get lost a not.. one day pass isit means the ticket??
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    Hong Kong Disneyland

    Hi n/c, Thanks for replying me! so yours is wif tour or free n easy? isit very nice in the disneyland hotel?? 4 days 3nites ah then roughly how much u spent there? i m thinking of going there in jan. do u noe how's the weather there in jan? Hi tayes, can u let me noe more abt yr package n...
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    Hong Kong Disneyland

    Hi n/c, u going this wed? so gd! must be very excited!! where did u book the tickets? how much? which hotel u stay? free n easy?
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    Hong Kong Disneyland

    Hi u all go by free n easy or package?
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    88 Restaurant / Dragon Gate Restaurant

    Hi bluey i mean those angbao u give ppl on the actual day.. do u use those wedding angbao? or u customed?>?
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    88 Restaurant / Dragon Gate Restaurant

    Hi all bride here.. how many songs actualy do we have to prepare? or u all use the restaurant's songs? isit 4 songs? 1st march in, cake cutting, 2nd march in and Champagne pouring? when is the time to play the photo montage?? u all got the angbao box rite? when is the time to keep...
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    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi, Anyone here been on a boat for dinner or buffet? singapore got a not??
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    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    Hi, Anyone here been on a boat for dinner or buffet? singapore got a not??
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    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi all brides, I just saw the sample signature card/guestbk from my BS.. actualy dont realy like leh.. not as wat i imagine leh..???? sian.. can u all post yr signature card pic here?? or email me let me have a look?? if cannot change.. duno how.. or hv to go n buy.. or make.. my email...
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    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    hmmm how come nobody reply me one ....
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    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    Hi newbbie, ya.. my is signature card.. for guest to sign lor.. is a v big card i think abt A3 or bigger a bit.. so big n cant fold how to kip?? n dun really like.. do u hv guest bk??
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    (2005) Brides of year 2005

    Hi, my BS also dun provide and we have to pay $50 for transport one. Hi all brides, I just saw the sample signature card/guestbk from my BS.. actualy dont realy like leh.. not as wat i imagine leh..???? sian.. can u all post yr signature card pic here?? or email me let me have a look?? if...
  17. B

    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    Hi all brides, I just saw the sample signature card/guestbk from my BS.. actualy dont realy like leh.. not as wat i imagine leh..???? sian.. can u all post yr signature card pic here?? or email me let me have a look?? if cannot change.. duno how.. or hv to go n buy.. or make.. my email...
  18. B

    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    Hi all brides, I just saw the sample signature card/guestbk from my BS.. actualy dont realy like leh.. not as wat i imagine leh..???? sian.. can u all post yr signature card pic here?? or email me let me have a look?? if cannot change.. duno how.. or hv to go n buy.. or make.. my email...
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    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    Hi sharon.. to me i feel is bit late.. actualy mine is Sept.. but worry not enough time.. then change to july take b4 7th mth.. till now we still havent c the layout yet.. waiting for the call...just select the photos for the big magazine album.. havent even select the other small album,frame...
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    (2006) Brides of year 2006

    Hi.. i think i saw the one wif xi at ausino.. i m the members but find that the things there very exp leh..think dun buy those wif xi.. cos later on put like nto so suitable leh.. intend to find someting pinky or red type.. not whole red la.. i saw ausino got one is pink n maroon ah if not...
