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  1. J

    (2012) 2012 Brides to be

    Hi Mandy wong (candi3mandy) I would like to purchase from you the london weight management. Can you give your other email address as it is bounced back to me, [email protected]
  2. J

    Amara Singapore

    No leii.. Mine I went to phuket & milan..
  3. J

    Amara Singapore

    Wow! First prize to where? Don't worry.. She is wonderful coz she keeps on reminding me as and when and especially now my wedding is next year but still she touch base with me.. We are like friends now!! anyway, jean, have you choose your bridal boutiques?
  4. J

    Amara Singapore

    Hi Jean.. Congratulations!! I'm also going!! Who's your coordinator??
  5. J

    Amara Singapore

    Heyy hi ladies!! I heard hor theres a wedding show on 4 sept leh, 1st prize to bali leh, maybe i want to try out the food & see2 look2.. aiyahh!! should have sign on this day lehh, bali some more.. you ladies wanna join me for the wedding show??
  6. J

    Amara Singapore

    hi cher, the bridal suite is very nice.. my coordinator, afifah brought me to view the bridal suite.. beautiful.. you can ask the coordinator to bring you..
  7. J

    Amara Singapore

    Really...? But, i was told by my coordinator, Afifah, that the renovations taken place at the shopping centre only.. and, she said that it will not affect the hotel as it is at the end of facade...
  8. J

    Amara Singapore

    Hi Elaine... yeah, i also heard that's gonna take for one year but i asked them that it's not gonna affect coz it's at the far end of facade.. so, no worry lah... we can only for the best lor..
  9. J

    Amara Singapore

    her email address is [email protected] .. anyway girls, anybody saw the themes before?? which theme is nicer? i love when the theme looks grand.. but, i think the granduer theme is nicer.. any suggestion?
  10. J

    Amara Singapore

    Shanna : I was being advised that i am can play my 1st & 2nd march in from an original cd but the montage i have to play from my own laptop with background music. but got compass issue thingy.. not really convenient for me.. so, i just use all musics from the hotel. convenient! coz their...
  11. J

    Amara Singapore

    it's not an l-shaped march in.. it's actually long march in.. i find the ballroom is perfect.. its so hard to find a ballroom which is march in thru our guests... furthermore, there isnt any pillar at all.. most of the ballroom i've seen all squarish & when march in, not all of ur guests...
  12. J

    Amara Singapore

    hi shanna, i would suggest you if you have found a hotel which ur date is available before it is taken or even deposit paid by another couple, u have to book asap coz most couples has already book the date one year or even one year plus in advance.. as per ur previous msg, u have 28 tables...
  13. J

    Amara Singapore

    i truly agree with Shoegirl... hi Chubbylobster, i'm a happy bride here... :-) Shanna, when is your AD?? I confirmed 27 tables with no food tasting.. But, if gtd 30 tables, definitely got complimentary food tasting.. Afterall, i am very pleased with the hotel especially my coordinator who has...
  14. J

    Amara Singapore

    ehhkk?? but i feel that the serving is not too bad liao... :-)
  15. J

    Amara Singapore

    hi michelle.. hi sbh.. yup.. i'll be going for the wedding show this wkend.. i attend to my girlfriend's wedding last saturday, it was nice.. i didn't expect the food turns out to be really nice... :-)
  16. J

    Amara Singapore

    yay!! ok! ok! Count me in!!! i will print the form. I saw it's 28nett per couple and i heard from Noor that there will be 3-Course food inclusive.
  17. J

    Amara Singapore

    you may check with your coordinator. it's an updated songlist. ask more details from her instead.
  18. J

    Raffles Marina

    Oh my god... raffles marina is very far... not worth it for my guests...
  19. J

    Republic of Sg Yacht Club RSYC

    My friend held their wedding early this year & i was thinking to hold my wedding there but the package is not inclusive of day use room for the helpers. I received their packages and it is not inclusive of day use room either. I asked and it is chargeable if i require for a day use room...
  20. J

    Amara Singapore

    Hey, just to share.. hehe.. My file has been take over by Noor from Agnes. I would like to say that she is very nice & friendly and has been accomdating to my needs. I have read most of the feedbacks about her in the forum and it is quite disappointed that you don't have give her the...
