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    Hair Loss... Help...

    Hi Keely, Yun Nam no use mah? Did your husband use the shampoo and tonic regularly? Did he eat the supplements? I think it curbed my oily hair quite well and i think less hair falling when I towel dry my hair...
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    Wedding Night

    Junie, You are sick!
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    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Any of you need emcee services? E-mail me at [email protected] for contacts
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    "One boy, One Girl" - Collin Rave

    Can send me the song also? [email protected] Thanks a million.
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    With This Kenny Loggins

    Can send me this song too? [email protected]
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    Are MCs provided for wedding banquet?

    worriedsick, tried to pm you to no avail. Please PM me.
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    Wedding Planner Necessary?

    Haha... Yes. Getting married is damn expensive. You can look around and compare the prices lah. Think you should be able to find affordable ones.
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    Wedding Planner Necessary?

    vivien, There are wedding planners who offers services like actual day coordination. You can look around. They are there to help you take all the human err/mistakes, "I forgot to bring...", "... haven't come", cock ups from whoever whenever in whereever... Leaving you trouble-less...
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    Forum member spamming threads
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    Wedding Songs for you

    Can I have the link too? [email protected]
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    Forum member spamming threads
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    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Ugly but adorable ah? Thank you leh... She haven't got her gown lah. The designer went for a Europe Bridal Show. Coming back dunno when. Next month then start with the design and the measurement.
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    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Haha... I dun mind she wearing lah. Just dun feel comfortable if there is a male photographer with preying eyes! ;p
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    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Yah. Plan earlier better. Aiyah. My gf gown a bit revealing lor. In front low, behind also low. So if my PG is female hor, still ok what. Wun let other guys' eyes eat ice-cream what. My shi fu is also doing my pre-wedding shoot, so nothing to be scared.
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    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    I am expecting like 45 to 50 lor. So the minimum requirement is not a problem lah. My photographer is my shi fu from a makeover studio. I went for this makeover then I got to know her. (Yes, she is a lady) I am paying her to teach me photography. So she agreed doing my AD PG for me. Hehe...
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    Forum member spamming threads
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    Guys! HTBs! Grooms! Gather Here!

    Wah... Am I the only HTB here??? Seems like I am talking to the computer monitor screen
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    Speech for Emcees

    Hi Edwin, Usually the emcee script will come in 2 languages, taking the old folks into consideration that they probably wouldn't understand much English. It would not be weird for 1 person to do bilingual hosting but you would be a bit breathles... Recommended still 2 pax. Just nice.
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    (2009) Brides of year 2009

    Haha... 10Q 10Q. Today everybody so busy ah? I thought I am a guy, so not welcome. Haha...
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    TGIF! Mind if I join in the chat?
