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  1. V

    Advice for PLus Size brides

    Hi pebblex, please share ur photos with me oso. i want to take a look for my wedding gowns too... Yupz totally agree with keiko, off shoulder will make arms look bigger... i realised why most wedding gowns are tube coz they actually make brides looks thinner... i thinking of going for halter...
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    Advice for PLus Size brides

    Hi Binary, i took my package with the aisle bridal: the website might not be fantastic but u can go there to take a look at their gown collection. their gown can alter to XL or XXL size. I was XL size when i go to their bridal show. slim down to L now. u shd go...
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    Fairmont Hotel

    hi xinyi, you mean they allow us to have a tentative booking?
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    Fairmont Hotel

    congrats xinyi. 2 big things are settled and you can take a huge weigh off you. Hope to settle my wedding dinner too. Good that you and Chloe have more tables cause i realize that the more tables you get. the more perks they give. for me and my HTB, we are looking at 20 tables. most of the stuff...
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    Fairmont Hotel

    Dear Xinyi, did u sign during their bridal show? May i know what perks you were given if possible? if u feel comfortable with sharing probably can email me at [email protected]. I am interested but seems like it is pretty hard to get perks from fairmont.
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    Fairmont Hotel

    Hi Xinyi, so it should be more worth while getting the wine than the beer right?
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    Fairmont Hotel

    Hey Chloe, congrats on settling your AD. I am also looking at 2011 but AD have not set yet. So you booked your dinner with fairmont already? can i take a look at your package? can you send me @ [email protected]? thanks alot. I am hoping to get beer and wine free but wondering if it is possible...
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    Fairmont Hotel

    Dear Chloe, when is ur AD? I am also interested in having a dinner at Stamford. the ballrooms there looks nice. I know they are having a bridal show in sept. wondering what perks they will be giving. anyone went for their bridal show before? can someone let me know more about the perks?
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    Pan Pacific Singapore

    Hi i am new in this forum. can someone send me the pan pacific hotel weekend dinner packages? anyone holding a small dinner? i am looking at 15 tables.... are yours all more than 20 tables? by the way, my email is [email protected]
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    1827 Thai at Singapore Arts House

    Hi i am interested in holding my ROM at art house or 1827 thai. anyone can send me the package and some photos if you have held your wedding there. thanks alot.
