Search results

  1. C

    WTS: 19 bottles of red wines (Antigal 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon)

    Sorry! All bottles been sold.
  2. C

    WTS: 19 bottles of red wines (Antigal 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon)

    I have 19 unopened red wines. Selling for $23 per btl. 400 for 19 bottles. Whatapp me at 972four3seven23 for deal.
  3. C

    Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)

    Hi Master Tong, Can you advise if 12 Jun 2018 is a good date to guo da li? If not can you advise which dates in general between 20 May to 15 Jun 2018 would be good? Groom: July 1989 (Snake) Groom mum: Goat Groom dad: Rabbit Bride: July 1985 (Ox) Bride mum: Rabbit Bride dad: Dog Thank you!
