Search results

  1. S

    Divorce and Custody

    I'm in SG, but was previously residing in Korea before I found out about the infidelity.
  2. S

    Divorce and Custody

    I have checked with some law firms in SG and learnt that the court typically grants joint custody i.e. full custody is very rarely granted. My spouse had also responded and is against the idea on divorce while claiming that I am depriving my child of a father's love and care and also preventing...
  3. S

    Divorce and Custody

    Update: I have brought up the topic on divorce to my spouse and asked to hear from him this week but he has not responded. What should I do? Do I still proceed to engage a lawyer to file for a divorce? Do most couples split the cost of the lawyer fees or does the husband/ wife pay for it fully...
  4. S

    Divorce and Custody

    Hi, I am a Singaporean married to a foreign spouse who does not reside in Singapore. We have been married in Singapore for 3 years and have a 17-month-old child who has dual citizenship. I left my job and relocated to his country after marriage. I am contemplating a divorce with sole custody of...
  5. S

    WTB 5* Hotel Dinner Banquet in March/May 2021

    For 100 pax. Kindly pm me. Thanks!
  6. S

    WTB Wedding Lunch/Dinner Reception

    Hi, i'm looking for a 5-star hotel venue for my wedding reception of 50-100 pax (subject to govt's restrictions). Kindly pm if you are selling. Thanks!
  7. S

    Regent hotel Wedding Package to Let Go

    Hello, kindly pm details:)
