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  1. S

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Hi June, you may want to consider Club Chinois at Orchard Parade Hotel. PM me or enable your PM if you want to know more details.
  2. S

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Hey Chng, I already had my ROM. Hee! This June? Wa.. it's in another 1-2 mths time. You must be pretty excited! ;) Yep, I have booked my wedding banquet beginning of this year during a wedding fair. Not really my style to decide on the spot, but thats what we did :P How about you?
  3. S

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Thanks, Chng! Glad to hear that. =D How's your preparation coming along? ;)
  4. S

    (2008) Brides of year 2008

    Hey everyone! My AD is on 8 March 2008 too. =) I understand some of you got your dates from websites like mindcity. I got mine there too. But I was wondering if the dates found online will be the same as the official tongshu that will only be out mid this year. Does anyone here have any idea?
