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  1. S

    Silverlining Bridal Couture

    Hi all, I've been hearing good things about Jit & his gowns..I'm really tempted to book his BS, but customary will only take place in 2+ yrs later, so do you think it's ok if I book him now?
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    Shangri-La's Rasa Sentosa Resort & Spa

    Hi rasa brides-to-be.. Can you all advise if the ballroom is better or pavilion?? do u all think paviliion looks like an ordinary restaurant or would it really look good after deco?? n is there any night scenery to see from the pavilion??
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    Any good SEAMSTRESS to recommend ?

    Hi female, I like yr WG. Simple but classic.
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    Any good SEAMSTRESS to recommend ?

    Hi female, I can have a look at your dress too? Pls email me at [email protected] together with the price,if possible. Looking for a good steamtress too. Many thanks.
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    Anyone been to Banyan Tree b4??

    Jojo, How about Pangkor Laut Resort in Pangkor, Malaysia? It's a resort on a private island and you have a choice of hill, beach or water villa. We stayed in the hill villa few yrs back. Problem is you have to have all the meals in the resort as you are stranded on the island. You have to...
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    Comments and Suggestions about

    Hi Chin Leng, Oops... sorry lah. Didn't know that about the chat room. Very sam-pat. I will drop in at nights to see if there are ppl on. Actually I have no photos to upload yet. But just kay poh to see other ppl's. Thanks.
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    Comments and Suggestions about

    Hi Chin Leng, Just a suggestion, I think it will be a good idea to make the chatroom 24 hrs instead of once a week. I think it will make the site more active. Not that it isn't now. Or is it a problem without a moderator? And maybe a facility for uploading photos so we can see how everyone...
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    Cooking Recipes as promised

    Peanuts, i think if you buy the kraft philedelphia cream cheese, there is a recipe for chilled lemon cheese cake on the back of the box. I have used it before and it's not bad.
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    Birth control

    You need a prescription for Diane 35 but for other pills you can just get it from a pharmacy or a doctor. Hi Gracious, I think you should take Diane until after your wedding and then stop if you want to get pregnant. I am not sure if your pimples will come back. Depends on individual but...
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    Birth control

    Hi, I am a pharmacist so maybe I can answer some questions. If you are worried about weight gain or acne, try Mercilon as it has lower estrogen. Diane 35 should help to clear up severe acne. The last 7 tablets of the 28 day pill is just sugar tablets when your period will come and so you...
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    Asking HDB to do cement screed

    hi sok leng, had mine done about 5-6 months back. can't really remember the cost per sq ft. anyway, had it done in burmese teak wood strips. i had a separate contractor doing this job, cos' our main contractor quote was a rip off. the contractor we had for the wood flooring is UPI, who...
