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  1. D

    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi Bigtoe, i would like to take alook at yr decor. Can email me [email protected]
  2. D

    Raffles Town Club

    hey there, I went down as well. The decor was nice. Had confirmed with them and placed deposit. Wat fire stunt?
  3. D

    Raffles Town Club

    hi wise, my parents are goin with me and my hubby. my dad is very particular abt the overall presentation of the venue coz majority of the guests will be his business associates and friends... cai, u can call RTC and tell them u are interested to go and they will reserve tickets for u...
  4. D

    Raffles Town Club

    hi cia, so wat's yr experience with her- Beatrice? For me, I don't really like her. Though I have never see her yet. Prob coz dun like the way she talks... very slangy dangy. Quite worried... my parents mandarin speaking don't know whether she can speak chinese.
  5. D

    Raffles Town Club

    Hi all, Am goin for the fair as well. But not goin to stay for the entire show since I am pretty much fixed with the venue. Had some hard time getting my coordinator Beatrice to give me FOC to the show. Told her am not hard up for the food and etc. Am goin there to see the new decor and the...
  6. D

    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hey Beng, Love yr hse too!! Where do u get yr inspiration?? Am brainstorming for my house as well! Plan to get a designer to help. Then my own contractor to do the rest.
  7. D

    Advice on walk-in wardrobe

    Thanks Afcai, well-received yr pix. Michelle any pictures to show?
  8. D

    Advice on walk-in wardrobe

    Hi Afcai, can u email me pics of yr WIW? [email protected] thanks
