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  1. V

    SHOU Coffee Svelte

    yes, i do! it'll probably be my bff during this CNY period!
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    Which Slimming Centre is the Best ?

    what is this ***************** about? tcm slimming method? really?
  3. V

    SHOU Coffee Svelte

    you can get it from their website!
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    SHOU Coffee Svelte

    glad to hear! it feels so good to cleanse from the inside!
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    SHOU Coffee Svelte

    yes! it's very relaxing too! i really enjoy the session!
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    Which Slimming Centre is the Best ?

    i do! ive tried many slimming centers and i'm really most satisfied with the service and results at SHOU!
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    SHOU Coffee Svelte

    yes! i've recently tried their lymphatic drainage massage and i'm really loving it! you should give it a try too!
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    SHOU Coffee Svelte

    yes, while it cost more than the normal 3in1 coffee packs you can find in supermarkets, it's definitely worth the investment! anything for the body!
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    SHOU Coffee Svelte

    Oh they sell it online too!
  10. V

    How to lose the fats?

    Do you have an exercise regime to share? Or it's about eating in portions?
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    SHOU Coffee Svelte

    You totally should get it! It helps to increase metabolism and I think it's also healthier alternative compared to our 3-in-1 or local coffee? Less sugar for sure and more nutritional value hahaha I tried a box and I'm totlaly sold - I have been drinking that since Dec last year - it really...
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    Lose 8kg in 3 weeks slimming deal

    I agree TCM is good - it helps to tiao li our system but i think it usually takes a little longer too? You can consider the treatments at SHOU slimming. I managed to shed some kilos without cutting out on food. I am sucha foodie I cannot survive eating salads all day. But also don't overdo it...
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    Lose 8kg in 3 weeks slimming deal

    oral supplements like what? i'm a little skeptical when it comes to pills :|
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    Lose 8kg in 3 weeks slimming deal

    I'm still with SHOU after a few years! I go back for maintenance once in awhile now~
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    When your spouse wants to migrate...

    NZ is very beautiful, been there for holiday before!
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    Anyone to join me in weightloss?

    It has a hazelnut taste.. tastes nice and has a nice smell . I think it's better than instant coffee!
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    Lose 8kg in 3 weeks slimming deal

    Gals have u tried the coffee svelte that Shou sell? It helped control my diet and nowadays i rarely eat as much and feel as full!
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    Anyone to join me in weightloss?

    I really cannot stop praising this coffee! Other than the useful treatments, nowadays i feel less hungry which have really helped me stablise my weight!
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    Anyone to join me in weightloss?

    That's true.. I've been trying it quite recently and I feel more full these days. It's been good for me!
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    Anyone to join me in weightloss?

    There are 30 packets in each box
