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    Ang Pao Box

    Hi Andrea, Can share with me too? [email protected] tks
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi eileen, Can send more picture for yr hse reno? Tks.
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    Anyone can advise how to choose a GOOD & RELIABLE Interior Designer or Contractor

    No. We still not yet decide..... any recommendation? we have PLus, HC interior.......already ask quote from them liao
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    Anyone can advise how to choose a GOOD & RELIABLE Interior Designer or Contractor

    Hi Cutie gal, The ID that u signed with is Raemond interior? The guy called Raemond is it?
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    Anyone can advise how to choose a GOOD & RELIABLE Interior Designer or Contractor

    Hi Annpaul Can send me yr ID details and contacts as i am looking ID for my 5 -room resale unit. [email protected] thanks.
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    Advice on Renovation Contractor

    Hi Happyht, Can share with me yr ID details and contacts as well... [email protected] thanks alot...
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    A Place 2 Show Off Your Love Nest

    Hi Eileen, Can share with me the ID details and contact too... Currently i am looking ID for my 5-room resale unit...thanks. [email protected]
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    SG Bridal in JB

    Hi, I am thinking to sign up with SG Bridal as well. May i know where is the exact location and how much the package and there is extra fees of SGD450 to ask the make up artist travel to Sin right?
