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  1. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Hi gals, how are you all doing? Just came back from honeymoon Took around 1800 photos, luckily decided to bring 4.5GB memory card :P.
  2. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    welcome back... my turn to go will next fri 18 May ... cant wait already he he ... Huiz, i'm going with the tour group, coz this is the first time I will step my foot in Europe, so the travel suggest us to take tour so can see more things...
  3. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Thanks gals for all the inputs, I love to take photos .. mm wrong.. actually i like to be in the photos :P so i will bring 3x 1GB so total 3GB. If can borrow 1 more then will bring 4GB.. thinking of bringing tripod also, so me n hubby can be in the photos together. Huiz, we're going to Italy...
  4. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Hi twinkle, check ur PM Wa... so many pix in one day ... so total how many GB memory card u need to bring? Will go to my HM on 18 May for 15 days, u think 2GB memory card enough? Or I need to bring more?
  5. M

    Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

    Mage, thanks. Jojo, all the flowers supplied by June flowers including the table center piece n recep. For table cloth, I can not remember what other color they have, you can call and ask ur coordinator. Lizzy, we need to use 2 projector in waterfront ballrm, coz if not some guests will be...
  6. M

    Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

    mm... not much design from june florist, i think only 4-5 designs. I contact June flowers around 1.5 months before my wedding. The invitation card i print in indonesia, so didnt take the one from hotel. The hotel exchange the invitation card with the additional projector. My coordinator is...
  7. M

    Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

    The sash my parents help me to borrow from indonesia, may be u can check with June flowers whether they have or not. The pink table cloth was provided by the hotel. Nearer to ur wedding day they will show you all the available table cloth then u can choose from there.
  8. M

    Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

    Yup, using June Florist and didn't top up anything, I just ask for xtra rose petals n they give it for free. For the sash of the chairs, June florist will only provide for 20 chairs (the 2 VIP table) and they dun have pink color when I went there last time. So I provided them with the sash...
  9. M

    Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

    he he i like pink too this one is my wedding banquet pic.
  10. M

    Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel

    Hi just want to share some photos of the waterfront ballroom. But this one is the old theme, I heard that they have some new themes at the last show last March.
  11. M

    Christian Brides

    I like the pink calla lilies also. My PG said that its better to choose darker color for flower (insteas of white, light pink) coz it will look nicer and outstanding in the photos, but again its up to individual like. I chose shoking pink rose for my flower, turned out quite nice in the photos .
  12. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    I will wait until next year ... maybe start beginning of next yr :P. Finally our honeymoon confirm already, we will fly on 18 May ... How are you gals doing? Any AD or HM photo to share?
  13. M

    Christian Brides

    Shalomzoe, the candle stand was provided by the church. The deco for my church was provided by the church people, we need to pay $200 for it. The use fresh flowers for the arrangement in the altar table, recep and stand. For the pew they use artificial flowers. The deco was very simple, but...
  14. M

    Christian Brides

    Hi Shalomzoe, my friend bought me unity candle from Barang Barang. For plain candle can buy at ikea.
  15. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Schnauzie, my HM not confirm yet , maybe need to change to another airline and add couple of hundreds. Agree with twinkle.. more hsework! i think becoz last time i only rent a room so no need to clean the whole hse. Now although my hubby help seems that there are still lots of hsework to do...
  16. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    i'm going to Italy, Switzerland and Paris and we choose to take Turkish Air coz cheaper by almost $500 perperson compare to SQ. Maybe most people more comfortable with SQ, i think their SQ tour almost confirm already. Schnauzie, whredid u go for HM? So gals hows married life?
  17. M

    Christian Brides

    Hi just want to share with you. I use "The Prayer" by Josh Groban for my march in song in the church. Really love this song
  18. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    me too me too, thinking of cutting my hair also about the rings, i wear them seperately also. But now i only wear my wedding ring and other normal ring. Dun wear my diamond ring anymore coz keep knocking into smthing. So sad, just called the travel agent yesterday, the tour that i booked...
  19. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Compassrose, you are not going to take leave couple days before ur wedding? Me too, cant really work nearer to AD, the only thing on my mind that time is my wedding :P... For the table you better check with the hotel. For my case I have 3-4 tables with 11 ppl. The hotel allowed me to do that...
  20. M

    (2007) Brides of year 2007

    Hi twinkle... yup most of us here MRS already We also paid our HM at Natas, got 1 20" luggage and seamboat+bbq thingy. We are going to Europe (Italy, Switzerland and Paris). Since young I always want to go to Europe for HM, it will be the first time i step my foot there he he. Will go for my...
