Search results

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    Which credit card is better to pay for banquet?

    Hi SY&CC, Can email me a copy of the list too. My email add is [email protected] Thanks!
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    Low Calorie Meal Plan (Local)

    Hi Gin, Can share with me too? My email add is [email protected] TIA
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    101 ways to tekan the groom

    Hi Lovie, Can share with me too? My email address is [email protected] TIA
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    Where to get ring pillow then can have groom & bride name on it?

    Hi Lynn, Mind to share with me as well. My email address is [email protected] TIA.
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    Anyone uses "DressMeUp" services for ROM?

    Hi Cecilia, I met up with Sandy finally. :-) I like one of the ROM dress very much. Too bad it is in Black color only. Thus, i got to MTM one for myself. Signed up a package with her. Hehe. U rec'd her sms? Her new shop opening on this Sun at Far East. :-)
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    Recommended Solemnizer

    Hi, Can i have the pix of Mr Lee too. My email address is [email protected] Thanks.
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    Any JP or GL for recommendations

    Hi Piglet Bride, My email address is [email protected]
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    Any JP or GL for recommendations

    Hi Piglet Bride, Can i have Dr Phua's contact too? Thank you so much!
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    Any hotels with outdoor ROM???

    Hi R&J, Can share with me too? My email address is [email protected] TIA!
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    Anyone uses "DressMeUp" services for ROM?

    Been trying to source the function room. The rental fee not cheap actually. :-(
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    Anyone uses "DressMeUp" services for ROM?

    Abt 35 pax. Budget not more than 1K. Any suggestion?
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    Any recommendation for solemnizer (Chinese speaking)?

    Hi Dylan, Can i have Mr Chia's contact and photos too? My email address is [email protected] Thanks in Advance
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    Anyone uses "DressMeUp" services for ROM?

    Hi Cecilia, Haven't called Sandy up to arrange appointment with her. I am sourcing for the Venue and secure the date first before i pay her a visit. I m having some difficulties to source for the venue due to tight budget. :-(
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    Anyone uses "DressMeUp" services for ROM?

    Hi Carol, thanks for the info. Hi Cecilia, ya, intend to do so.. hehehe..
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    I need help for ROM !!!

    Hi Kervin, How was your ROM at Glass House? Any photos to share? What's the package like? Thanks in advance
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    Anyone uses "DressMeUp" services for ROM?

    Hi All, May i know where is "dress me up" located at? Would like to make a trip down.. hehee.. Thanks in advance~
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    Any JP or GL for recommendations

    Hi All, I am looking for a cantonese speaking JP who is nice and humorous, Can someone recommend me please? Thanks in Advance!
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    10-20 pax ROM

    Hi Christy, Mind to send it to me as well. :-) Thanks for sharing. My email address is [email protected]
  19. T

    ROM Lunch @ Zhou Kitchen''

    Ev3, mayb u can consider Furama Riverfront too. :-) Headache to find a venue for my outdoor ROM Solemnization with tight budget. I've abt 40 guests, been surfing around.. try to find the best deal.. But it seems like a bit diff..:-(
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    Peony Jade for ROM/Solemnisation

    Hi PrinCess, can i email me your pics too? My email address is [email protected] I plan to have my ROM in Aug 09 at PJ too. Checking with them whether can change to buffet style or not.
