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  1. M

    Do you give money to parents in laws?

    Its very true that whatever amount we give to PILs or even our own parents now, its very hard to lessen the amount or withdraw next time should there be one day we are financially tight. No matter how understanding they are, will still feel something if we lessen or stop giving, just like our...
  2. M

    Let's share the little things that keep the marriage alive!

    hmm .. for us will be - he will see me off at the door every morning when i go to work as i leave the house first (partly also to help me fend off any lizards that camped at our door overnight as i am petrified of lizards) - will sms me to report safe when he reach work and wish me a...
  3. M

    Acupuncture or Radio Frequency Slimming Better?

    Hi gals Cannot share the acupuncturist name, address and tel phone number here? Must PM each other to know? So who must PM who now? Likewise, those of RF, can share where you do it? I need to collect info for post natal slimming. Thanks
  4. M

    How to overcome post abortion effect?

    Joey Glad that you made your decision and are at peace with it. Dont worry about your dad, he wont be angry forever. This ad i watched on youtube touches me alot and its probably very real. A father's love never cease.
  5. M

    Innocent flirting?

    Stardust, i just want to say something to you: <font color="aa00aa">Remember, when you are at life's bottomest pits, there is no other way than UP.</font> And you can do it. Now you are grieving thats why you find it hard. But soon you will be healing and that will result in you being a...
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    A secret to shared !!!pls help!!!

    Doesnt make sense ... if i were in a discussion as grave as a pending divorce, i wouldnt be gulping beer one after another especially when i would have known my limits that drinking too much will cause me to bonk out. I would want to be real sober and serious, meaning not even touch 1 can of...
  7. M

    Argh!! Lizards!

    Another thing is will medicated oil spoil wooden door frames? Cos i want to spray on my main door and frames leh so that wont get them resting on my doorframes and dropping on my head when i open in the morning. Anyone know? Will damage wood or not?
  8. M

    Argh!! Lizards!

    Does medicated oil evaporates? If not, why dont we pour a whole bottle into a spray canister then got spray-medicated-oil liao loh?
  9. M


    I am also curious, once married, do husband and wife automatically share liabilities? Say husband had debt before he met wife, after marriage and if husband cant pay, will wife have to give up her possessions and pay for him?
